Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 3 of 12 →
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The Charities.
The Boys of the Masonic School , together with the Juvenile Band of the Royal Caledonian Asylum , reached Croydon about the same time ; the latter marching through the town to the enlivening strains of their bagpipes , and creating no small excitement amongst the worthy inhabitants . On visiting the Asylum , we found the arrangements there most perfect . The Committee Roomin which the ceremony of Consecration
, was to be performed , is a very handsome apartment , most chastely and appropriately decorated under the especial superintendence and direction of Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . The windows are of stained glass of elegant devices , and are , as we understand , presented by the Members of the Building Committee . On this occasion , through the kindness of the W . M . and Brethren of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , it was fitted up with the beautiful furniture of their Lodge . An admirable
portrait of the late Bro . Crucifix—the founder of the charity—which was painted for the Asylum by the late Bro . Moseley , was suspended in the room ; and we also observed a very fine-toned harmonium , which was provided for the performance of the sacred music incidental to the ceremony . We also noticed a very handsome antique dog stove , brought from Leeds Castle , near Maidstone , and presented by Bro . G . Barrett , a
vice-president of the Institution . In a meadow adjoining was erected , by the kind permission of I . Morland , Esq ., a very magnificent tent , provided by Messrs . Lee , of Leadenhall-street . Beneath this tent a dejeuner was laid out for upwards of 300 persons ; and it is but justice to Bro . Bean , of the Greyhound Hotel , who provided the entertainment , to say that it was done in a most elegant and liberal manner . Through the kindness and under the personal superintendence of Bro . Chreeswhose nautical taste
, and predelictions are proverbial , a great number of flags of all nations were hoisted about the grounds , and imparted much gaiety and animation to the scene . Of the building—which is a very handsome structure , of the Gothic style of architecture , and which reflects the highest credit upon its talented architect , Bro . E . W . Daukes—it may be necessary to state , that at present the centre and one wing only are finishedaud that a
, further sum of 2 , 000 / . is required for its completion . Each inmate will be accommodated with two excellent rooms , the use of a washhouse , and other conveniences . The site in many respects is most eligible , the soil is gravelly , the water good , the drainage very complete , and , above all , it is in close proximity to St . James' Church and other places of public worship . As announced in the programme , the day ' s proceedings commenced with the
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , which was opened by the Prov . Grand Master in the Town Hall , Bra . G . Penfold occupying his proper position as Prov . S . G . Warden , and Bro . Richard Lea Wilson acting as Prov . J . G . Warden . The Prov . G . M . was also supported by his Deputy , Bro . Francis , Bros . J . J . Blake , Andrews , Price , J . E . Blake , Kincaid , & c , & c . The Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . M . briefly addressed the Grand Lodge , acquainting them with the objects for which they had met together , and inviting them all to a participation in the pleasing duties of the day , assuring them that the true Masonic character and importance of the object in which they were
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The Charities.
The Boys of the Masonic School , together with the Juvenile Band of the Royal Caledonian Asylum , reached Croydon about the same time ; the latter marching through the town to the enlivening strains of their bagpipes , and creating no small excitement amongst the worthy inhabitants . On visiting the Asylum , we found the arrangements there most perfect . The Committee Roomin which the ceremony of Consecration
, was to be performed , is a very handsome apartment , most chastely and appropriately decorated under the especial superintendence and direction of Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . The windows are of stained glass of elegant devices , and are , as we understand , presented by the Members of the Building Committee . On this occasion , through the kindness of the W . M . and Brethren of the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , it was fitted up with the beautiful furniture of their Lodge . An admirable
portrait of the late Bro . Crucifix—the founder of the charity—which was painted for the Asylum by the late Bro . Moseley , was suspended in the room ; and we also observed a very fine-toned harmonium , which was provided for the performance of the sacred music incidental to the ceremony . We also noticed a very handsome antique dog stove , brought from Leeds Castle , near Maidstone , and presented by Bro . G . Barrett , a
vice-president of the Institution . In a meadow adjoining was erected , by the kind permission of I . Morland , Esq ., a very magnificent tent , provided by Messrs . Lee , of Leadenhall-street . Beneath this tent a dejeuner was laid out for upwards of 300 persons ; and it is but justice to Bro . Bean , of the Greyhound Hotel , who provided the entertainment , to say that it was done in a most elegant and liberal manner . Through the kindness and under the personal superintendence of Bro . Chreeswhose nautical taste
, and predelictions are proverbial , a great number of flags of all nations were hoisted about the grounds , and imparted much gaiety and animation to the scene . Of the building—which is a very handsome structure , of the Gothic style of architecture , and which reflects the highest credit upon its talented architect , Bro . E . W . Daukes—it may be necessary to state , that at present the centre and one wing only are finishedaud that a
, further sum of 2 , 000 / . is required for its completion . Each inmate will be accommodated with two excellent rooms , the use of a washhouse , and other conveniences . The site in many respects is most eligible , the soil is gravelly , the water good , the drainage very complete , and , above all , it is in close proximity to St . James' Church and other places of public worship . As announced in the programme , the day ' s proceedings commenced with the
PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE , which was opened by the Prov . Grand Master in the Town Hall , Bra . G . Penfold occupying his proper position as Prov . S . G . Warden , and Bro . Richard Lea Wilson acting as Prov . J . G . Warden . The Prov . G . M . was also supported by his Deputy , Bro . Francis , Bros . J . J . Blake , Andrews , Price , J . E . Blake , Kincaid , & c , & c . The Lodge having been opened in ample form and with solemn prayer , the Prov . G . M . briefly addressed the Grand Lodge , acquainting them with the objects for which they had met together , and inviting them all to a participation in the pleasing duties of the day , assuring them that the true Masonic character and importance of the object in which they were