Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 7 →
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STRONG MAN Lonoi ' , , No . S 3 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held by dispensation from the Grand Lodge , at Bro . George Shepherd ' s Telegraph Tavern , Brixton Hill , on Thursday , the 5 th June , for the purpose of presenting Bro . Henry Moss , I' . M . and Treasurer , witli a testimonial of the esteem in which he is held by his Brethren ; and likewise to partake of a summer banquet . On this occasion , Bro . Moss , S . f \ M . took tiie chair , ( in the absence of Bro . Metchini , VV . M . ) After the business of the Lodge had been transactedthe Brethren sat
, down to refreshment . When the cloth was removed , and justice had been done to the good cheer provided , "The Queen and the Craft " was given from the chair , and responded to in a truly Masonic manner , the National Anthem being also sung with great effect . " The M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " was next given , and drunk with enthusiasm , as well as the healths of the Earl of Yarborough , and all present and past Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge . The usual
toasts Slaving been thus disposed of , Bro . Davy rose to present the testimonial to Bro . Henry Moss , and spoke in the following terms : — " Worshipful Master and Brethren , —Tlle pleasure of presenting this cup , as a testimonial to our worthy Bro Moss , P . Al . of this Lodge , and as a token of the high esteem in which lie is held , belongs by right to the Senior Past Masters , but they having deputed me to do their work , it is with pleasure and pride that 1 have the honour of complying with their request . I cannot but regret that some other Brother does not discharge this pleasing duty , whose eloquence would have added greater effect to
the event ; but however I may feel myself to be deficient in the expression of my feelings , I speak in sincerity of heart ; for if ever I have received one . moment ' s pleasure in Masonry greater than any other , it is whilst presenting Bro . Moss with this tribute of respect and esteem for his past services , more especially as that tribute is bestowed by the unanimous wish of the Brethren . May it ever act as a stimulus to his children and childrens' children , that when the Great Architect of the Universe shall take him from themthey may feel that they have before
, them a memorial of one of the greatest proof ' s they can possibly enjoy , of the respect and esteem in which their father was held by the Brethren of the Graft , and especially of those of the Strong Man Lodge . " Bro . Moss rose and said : — " Brethren , may I claim your indulgence for my inability , adequately to express my sense of your kindness , and to return you my sincere thanks for the numerous obligations yon have already conferred on me , by crowning your favours and honors
with this tribute of regard , which will be prized by me to the lalest period of my existence . The splendid cup , which you have this day been pleased to present to me , by tbe hands of Bro . Davy , is indeed valuable , not merely for its intrinsic worth , but for the manner in which it has been given ; and if any circumstance enhances the value of this mark of your approbation , it is that you should have selected that old and worthy Past Master to present mc with it . I assure you it shall ever remind me of niy duty to support this Lodge to the utmost of my power , and to maintain the points of fellowship towards those who have conferred on me such an honourable mark of distinction , and in whose
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STRONG MAN Lonoi ' , , No . S 3 . —A meeting of this Lodge was held by dispensation from the Grand Lodge , at Bro . George Shepherd ' s Telegraph Tavern , Brixton Hill , on Thursday , the 5 th June , for the purpose of presenting Bro . Henry Moss , I' . M . and Treasurer , witli a testimonial of the esteem in which he is held by his Brethren ; and likewise to partake of a summer banquet . On this occasion , Bro . Moss , S . f \ M . took tiie chair , ( in the absence of Bro . Metchini , VV . M . ) After the business of the Lodge had been transactedthe Brethren sat
, down to refreshment . When the cloth was removed , and justice had been done to the good cheer provided , "The Queen and the Craft " was given from the chair , and responded to in a truly Masonic manner , the National Anthem being also sung with great effect . " The M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , " was next given , and drunk with enthusiasm , as well as the healths of the Earl of Yarborough , and all present and past Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge . The usual
toasts Slaving been thus disposed of , Bro . Davy rose to present the testimonial to Bro . Henry Moss , and spoke in the following terms : — " Worshipful Master and Brethren , —Tlle pleasure of presenting this cup , as a testimonial to our worthy Bro Moss , P . Al . of this Lodge , and as a token of the high esteem in which lie is held , belongs by right to the Senior Past Masters , but they having deputed me to do their work , it is with pleasure and pride that 1 have the honour of complying with their request . I cannot but regret that some other Brother does not discharge this pleasing duty , whose eloquence would have added greater effect to
the event ; but however I may feel myself to be deficient in the expression of my feelings , I speak in sincerity of heart ; for if ever I have received one . moment ' s pleasure in Masonry greater than any other , it is whilst presenting Bro . Moss with this tribute of respect and esteem for his past services , more especially as that tribute is bestowed by the unanimous wish of the Brethren . May it ever act as a stimulus to his children and childrens' children , that when the Great Architect of the Universe shall take him from themthey may feel that they have before
, them a memorial of one of the greatest proof ' s they can possibly enjoy , of the respect and esteem in which their father was held by the Brethren of the Graft , and especially of those of the Strong Man Lodge . " Bro . Moss rose and said : — " Brethren , may I claim your indulgence for my inability , adequately to express my sense of your kindness , and to return you my sincere thanks for the numerous obligations yon have already conferred on me , by crowning your favours and honors
with this tribute of regard , which will be prized by me to the lalest period of my existence . The splendid cup , which you have this day been pleased to present to me , by tbe hands of Bro . Davy , is indeed valuable , not merely for its intrinsic worth , but for the manner in which it has been given ; and if any circumstance enhances the value of this mark of your approbation , it is that you should have selected that old and worthy Past Master to present mc with it . I assure you it shall ever remind me of niy duty to support this Lodge to the utmost of my power , and to maintain the points of fellowship towards those who have conferred on me such an honourable mark of distinction , and in whose