Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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society 1 have spent many of the happiest hours of my life . 1 can say no more , than that I oiler my heartfelt thanks for your kindness manifested towards mc at all times , and that 1 pray for the lasting prosperity of tiie Strong Alan Lodge , whicli I trust will continue to flourish until time shall he no more . " The cup presented to Bro . Henry Moss is a Grecian shaped goblet , gilt inside , with oak leaves handsomely chased on the body , forming two shields , with chased flowers at the foot .
MOUNT MOIUAII LOUGI- ; , NO . 40 . —On the Sth July , a banquet was given by the Officers of this Lodge , at the Crown and Sceptre Tavern , Greenwich , to N . Layton Hadley , Esq ., AV " . M ., in testimony of the high respect they entertain towards him , and in consideration of his efficient services to the Lodge . Bro . VV . H . Absolou , S . W . , presided , supported by Bros . J . Mnggridge , J . W . ; E . Elhvood , S . D . ; J . Trenerry , J . D . ; J . SkeggsI . G . ; and other membersof the Lodgewho had been
in-, , vited to participate in the pleasures of the day . The cloth being removed , the chairman gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were responded to with the customary honors . Bro . W . H . Absolon then proposed the health ofthe W . M ., N . L . Hadley , Esq . ; and said he could scarce find language to do justice to the toast , which he had the honour to offer to their notice ; at the same time , no one could possibly feel greater pleasure in proposing it than himself . He called the attention
of the Brethren to the fact , that previous to Bro . Hadley being installed , the members of the Mount Moriah were suffering from some rival interests , which had existed during previous years , that owing to his mild yet firm conduct , the cloud which had lowered upon its prospects had given way to a glorious burst of sunshine , and it now stood firm and compact as Freemasons' Lodges only can stand . The Mount Moriah was most fortunate in having so excellent and indefatigable a Master to preside over them , and Bro . Hadley resided some forty miles from town ,
yet so anxious was he that the duties of the Lotlge should be properly and faithfully performed , that on one occasion he had known him to drive the whole of the way home , after having gone through the duties ofhis important office . He ( Pro . Absolon ) felt sure that lie only spoke the sentiments of the whole of the Oflicers , when he said how proud he was to wear a collar under so able and kind a ruler , and concluded by calling upon them to drink health , happiness , anil prosperity , to Bro . Hadley , observing that , if they drunk in proportion to the good feeling
they entertained towards him , they would drink deep , and leave no wine in their glasses . Bro . Hadley rose at once , though it was some time before he was permitted to speak , so great was the enthusiasm and applause . He begged to return the Brethren his sinc-re thanks , not only for the honour they had conferred on him in drinking his health , but for having prepared so magnificent a banquet for his reception . This was a proud moment for
him , a thing , as he beneved , unprecedented in the annals of the Mount Moriah Lodge ., although so many excellent Masters had gone before ; if anything were wanting to complete the satisfaction that he felt in being VV . M ., it must be such a scene as this . He must not forget to thank the kind friend and Brother on his left , who had so handsomely proposed this toast , and certainly if he was satisfied with his AV . M ., he ( Bro . Hadley ) had good reason to be contented with his S . VV . He assured the Brethren that this day would be indelibl y impressed on his memory ,
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society 1 have spent many of the happiest hours of my life . 1 can say no more , than that I oiler my heartfelt thanks for your kindness manifested towards mc at all times , and that 1 pray for the lasting prosperity of tiie Strong Alan Lodge , whicli I trust will continue to flourish until time shall he no more . " The cup presented to Bro . Henry Moss is a Grecian shaped goblet , gilt inside , with oak leaves handsomely chased on the body , forming two shields , with chased flowers at the foot .
MOUNT MOIUAII LOUGI- ; , NO . 40 . —On the Sth July , a banquet was given by the Officers of this Lodge , at the Crown and Sceptre Tavern , Greenwich , to N . Layton Hadley , Esq ., AV " . M ., in testimony of the high respect they entertain towards him , and in consideration of his efficient services to the Lodge . Bro . VV . H . Absolou , S . W . , presided , supported by Bros . J . Mnggridge , J . W . ; E . Elhvood , S . D . ; J . Trenerry , J . D . ; J . SkeggsI . G . ; and other membersof the Lodgewho had been
in-, , vited to participate in the pleasures of the day . The cloth being removed , the chairman gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were responded to with the customary honors . Bro . W . H . Absolon then proposed the health ofthe W . M ., N . L . Hadley , Esq . ; and said he could scarce find language to do justice to the toast , which he had the honour to offer to their notice ; at the same time , no one could possibly feel greater pleasure in proposing it than himself . He called the attention
of the Brethren to the fact , that previous to Bro . Hadley being installed , the members of the Mount Moriah were suffering from some rival interests , which had existed during previous years , that owing to his mild yet firm conduct , the cloud which had lowered upon its prospects had given way to a glorious burst of sunshine , and it now stood firm and compact as Freemasons' Lodges only can stand . The Mount Moriah was most fortunate in having so excellent and indefatigable a Master to preside over them , and Bro . Hadley resided some forty miles from town ,
yet so anxious was he that the duties of the Lotlge should be properly and faithfully performed , that on one occasion he had known him to drive the whole of the way home , after having gone through the duties ofhis important office . He ( Pro . Absolon ) felt sure that lie only spoke the sentiments of the whole of the Oflicers , when he said how proud he was to wear a collar under so able and kind a ruler , and concluded by calling upon them to drink health , happiness , anil prosperity , to Bro . Hadley , observing that , if they drunk in proportion to the good feeling
they entertained towards him , they would drink deep , and leave no wine in their glasses . Bro . Hadley rose at once , though it was some time before he was permitted to speak , so great was the enthusiasm and applause . He begged to return the Brethren his sinc-re thanks , not only for the honour they had conferred on him in drinking his health , but for having prepared so magnificent a banquet for his reception . This was a proud moment for
him , a thing , as he beneved , unprecedented in the annals of the Mount Moriah Lodge ., although so many excellent Masters had gone before ; if anything were wanting to complete the satisfaction that he felt in being VV . M ., it must be such a scene as this . He must not forget to thank the kind friend and Brother on his left , who had so handsomely proposed this toast , and certainly if he was satisfied with his AV . M ., he ( Bro . Hadley ) had good reason to be contented with his S . VV . He assured the Brethren that this day would be indelibl y impressed on his memory ,