Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 6 of 7 →
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ROYAL ARCH . — Tuesday , July 15 . —This evening upwards of forty Brethren assembled at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane , to present a Testimonial to Bro . W . Blackburn , W . M . 23 , and N . Chapter 25 . A sumptuous Banquet was prepared by Bro . Ireland , in his very best style . The Chair was occupied by Bro . Lemanski , P . M ., T 78 , and Bro . Sigrist , P . M . 206 , took the bottom of the table . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Lemanski said he now came to the Toast of the evening , which was , Health and prosperity to our guest , Bro . W Blackburn . The worth of our Bro . Blackburn was so well known and
appreciated , that nothing he could say would give additional weight to the respect which was entertained for him . From the very great esteem he had for Bro . Blackburn , whom he not only knew as a Brother in Masonry , but regarded as a friend , he felt delighted at being the medium of presenting the Testimonial this evening . It was perfectly well known that great difficulty had existed in obtaining instruction in that most beautiful branch of Masonry , the Royal Arch Degree . It is true that an efficient Chapter of Instruction has been in operation at the
westend of the town , but Companions living in and about the city were unable to attend . About fifteen months since , several Companions resolved to form themselves into a Chapter of Instruction , and applied to the Domatic Chapter for permission to hold it under the sanction of their charter ; this was cheerfully granted . By the liberality of Companion Sigrist an unique set of It . A . furniture was obtained , and the working of the Chapter was entrusted to the skill and talents of Comp .
Blackburn , who readily accepted that arduous and honorary position . How admirabl y he has discharged those duties was known to every Arch . Mason present , —how successfully was evinced by the attendance this evening , and by the Testimonial which it would be his duty ancl his pleasure to present . He thought they had accomplished that which they purposed—the establishment of a Chapter of Instruction in the eastern part of London , so that no officer of any Chapter might plead
ignorance of his duties ; he had but to attend the meetings m this place , and he would carry the good effects ofhis attendance into the Chapter of which he was a member . He had now the privilege of placing round the neck of Comp . and Bro . Blackburn a gold watch and guard ; on the inner case was engraved a triangle within a circle , with the inscription , " Presented to Bro . AVilliam Blackburn , AV . M . No . 23 , by his Masonic pupils ancl friends , Tuesday , July 15 th , A . L . 5851 . " And that the Grand Geometrician of the Universe may grant him health and
happiness long ; to wear it was the hearty wish of all present . 13 ro . Blackburn , in returning thanks , said , that any person gifted with great powers of speech , and placed in the situation he then found himself in , would fail to give adequate expression to the feelings which animated him ; if , then , the tongue attuned to eloquence should fail to utter the dictates of the heart , what was there for him but to despair of being able to convey to the Brethren present the deep gratitude he felt
for their kindness in presenting him with this valuable mark of their approbation . He entreated them not to judge of his thanks by the feebleness of his words , but to believe that their kindnesses were deeply registered vvhere every day he would turn the page to read them . He had taken great interest in the Domatic Chapter of Instruction , and had devoted much of his time to promote its efficiency and prosperity ; but all his efforts would have been unavailing , without the support of those whom he saw around him ; and it was as much to their exertions as to VOL . II . ;"> n
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ROYAL ARCH . — Tuesday , July 15 . —This evening upwards of forty Brethren assembled at the Falcon Tavern , Fetter Lane , to present a Testimonial to Bro . W . Blackburn , W . M . 23 , and N . Chapter 25 . A sumptuous Banquet was prepared by Bro . Ireland , in his very best style . The Chair was occupied by Bro . Lemanski , P . M ., T 78 , and Bro . Sigrist , P . M . 206 , took the bottom of the table . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Lemanski said he now came to the Toast of the evening , which was , Health and prosperity to our guest , Bro . W Blackburn . The worth of our Bro . Blackburn was so well known and
appreciated , that nothing he could say would give additional weight to the respect which was entertained for him . From the very great esteem he had for Bro . Blackburn , whom he not only knew as a Brother in Masonry , but regarded as a friend , he felt delighted at being the medium of presenting the Testimonial this evening . It was perfectly well known that great difficulty had existed in obtaining instruction in that most beautiful branch of Masonry , the Royal Arch Degree . It is true that an efficient Chapter of Instruction has been in operation at the
westend of the town , but Companions living in and about the city were unable to attend . About fifteen months since , several Companions resolved to form themselves into a Chapter of Instruction , and applied to the Domatic Chapter for permission to hold it under the sanction of their charter ; this was cheerfully granted . By the liberality of Companion Sigrist an unique set of It . A . furniture was obtained , and the working of the Chapter was entrusted to the skill and talents of Comp .
Blackburn , who readily accepted that arduous and honorary position . How admirabl y he has discharged those duties was known to every Arch . Mason present , —how successfully was evinced by the attendance this evening , and by the Testimonial which it would be his duty ancl his pleasure to present . He thought they had accomplished that which they purposed—the establishment of a Chapter of Instruction in the eastern part of London , so that no officer of any Chapter might plead
ignorance of his duties ; he had but to attend the meetings m this place , and he would carry the good effects ofhis attendance into the Chapter of which he was a member . He had now the privilege of placing round the neck of Comp . and Bro . Blackburn a gold watch and guard ; on the inner case was engraved a triangle within a circle , with the inscription , " Presented to Bro . AVilliam Blackburn , AV . M . No . 23 , by his Masonic pupils ancl friends , Tuesday , July 15 th , A . L . 5851 . " And that the Grand Geometrician of the Universe may grant him health and
happiness long ; to wear it was the hearty wish of all present . 13 ro . Blackburn , in returning thanks , said , that any person gifted with great powers of speech , and placed in the situation he then found himself in , would fail to give adequate expression to the feelings which animated him ; if , then , the tongue attuned to eloquence should fail to utter the dictates of the heart , what was there for him but to despair of being able to convey to the Brethren present the deep gratitude he felt
for their kindness in presenting him with this valuable mark of their approbation . He entreated them not to judge of his thanks by the feebleness of his words , but to believe that their kindnesses were deeply registered vvhere every day he would turn the page to read them . He had taken great interest in the Domatic Chapter of Instruction , and had devoted much of his time to promote its efficiency and prosperity ; but all his efforts would have been unavailing , without the support of those whom he saw around him ; and it was as much to their exertions as to VOL . II . ;"> n