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P . G . S . ; Bro . Lockie , of Carlisle , P . G . Treasurer ; Kev . Bro . Porteus , Penrith , P . G . Chaplain . After the usual business of the province was transacted , the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , presided over by the D . P . G . AL , and spent the evening with true Alasonic feeling and brotherly love .
DonsET . —WEYMOUTH . —The Brethren of the province of Dorset held their annual gathering under the presidency of Bro AVilliam Tucker , of Cory ton Park , the It . VV . Prov . G . Al ., at Weymouth , in the handsome ami commodious Lodge-room of that town , where a goodly number of Royal Arch Alasons met in Chapter on Wednesday evening , August 20 th , when the following Comps . were appointed to serve in the respective offices for the ensuing year . H . Williams , H . ; T . Robinson ,
J . ; J . Jacob , E ; Rev . G . F . St . John , N . ; John Sydenham , P . S . On Thursday morning , the 21 st ., a party of the Brethren , to the number of about eighty , assembled at the Lodge-room , whence , after having transacted the preliminaries usual on such occasions , ancl being habited in the aprons , collars , jewels , & c . & c , appertaining to their respective offices , they walked in regular order of procession , to St . Mary ' s Church , the Lodges and Brethren takingprecedence according to seniority .
The R . AV . Prov . G . Al . was accompanied by Bro . H . C . Vernon , P . S . G . VV . of England , P . G . A'l . of the province of Worcester , and by Bro . N . Highmore , - of Sherborne , one of the oldest and most active Masons of the province . 'The Lodges represented on this occasion were Amity , 160 , Poole ; All Souls , 199 , VV ' eymouth ; Benevolence , 459 , Sherborne ; Faith and Unanimity , 605 , Dorchester ; Rural , 802 , Chardstock .
On arriving at the entrance to the sacred edifice the Brethren filed off , leaving a passage between them , through which the R . AV . P . G . Al ., preceded by the P . G . Tyler with drawn sword , and followed by the P . G . Sword-bearer , walked , the Brethren falling in in rotation , thus reversing the order of procession . Prayers were impressively read by Bro . the Rev . W . Buller of Dorchester , the sermon being preached by the Prov . Chaplain , Bro . the
Rev , J . C . Parr , of Parkstone , Poole , from 1 Samuel , c . xviii v . iii . "Then Jonathan and David made a covenant , because he loved him as his own soul . " The preacher drew a glowing picture of David ' s love for Jonathan , and improvetl the subject by pointing out the especial feelings of love and charity which should be the rule of conduct of all Alasons , in their walk through life . The choral services selected were most efficiently performedBro . Rookethe P . G . Organistpresiding at
, , , the organ . At the conclusion of the service , the Brethren returned to the Lodge in the same order of procession as they left it in the morning , but by a different route ; a very considerable number of persons were assembled along the line , both in the streets and at the windows of their houses , for the purpose of having a view of the gay cavalcade , and at many points streamers of various colours were suspended across the street
. Arrived at the Lodge the Brethren were soon in their places , and the business was opened according to the ancient forms and ceremonies . During the proceedings the R . VV . P . G . M . delivered his annual charge to the assembled Lodge in nearly the following terms : — Aly dear Brethren . —It is now five years ago that I first had the opportunity and pleasure of addressing you publicl y from this place , a
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P . G . S . ; Bro . Lockie , of Carlisle , P . G . Treasurer ; Kev . Bro . Porteus , Penrith , P . G . Chaplain . After the usual business of the province was transacted , the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , presided over by the D . P . G . AL , and spent the evening with true Alasonic feeling and brotherly love .
DonsET . —WEYMOUTH . —The Brethren of the province of Dorset held their annual gathering under the presidency of Bro AVilliam Tucker , of Cory ton Park , the It . VV . Prov . G . Al ., at Weymouth , in the handsome ami commodious Lodge-room of that town , where a goodly number of Royal Arch Alasons met in Chapter on Wednesday evening , August 20 th , when the following Comps . were appointed to serve in the respective offices for the ensuing year . H . Williams , H . ; T . Robinson ,
J . ; J . Jacob , E ; Rev . G . F . St . John , N . ; John Sydenham , P . S . On Thursday morning , the 21 st ., a party of the Brethren , to the number of about eighty , assembled at the Lodge-room , whence , after having transacted the preliminaries usual on such occasions , ancl being habited in the aprons , collars , jewels , & c . & c , appertaining to their respective offices , they walked in regular order of procession , to St . Mary ' s Church , the Lodges and Brethren takingprecedence according to seniority .
The R . AV . Prov . G . Al . was accompanied by Bro . H . C . Vernon , P . S . G . VV . of England , P . G . A'l . of the province of Worcester , and by Bro . N . Highmore , - of Sherborne , one of the oldest and most active Masons of the province . 'The Lodges represented on this occasion were Amity , 160 , Poole ; All Souls , 199 , VV ' eymouth ; Benevolence , 459 , Sherborne ; Faith and Unanimity , 605 , Dorchester ; Rural , 802 , Chardstock .
On arriving at the entrance to the sacred edifice the Brethren filed off , leaving a passage between them , through which the R . AV . P . G . Al ., preceded by the P . G . Tyler with drawn sword , and followed by the P . G . Sword-bearer , walked , the Brethren falling in in rotation , thus reversing the order of procession . Prayers were impressively read by Bro . the Rev . W . Buller of Dorchester , the sermon being preached by the Prov . Chaplain , Bro . the
Rev , J . C . Parr , of Parkstone , Poole , from 1 Samuel , c . xviii v . iii . "Then Jonathan and David made a covenant , because he loved him as his own soul . " The preacher drew a glowing picture of David ' s love for Jonathan , and improvetl the subject by pointing out the especial feelings of love and charity which should be the rule of conduct of all Alasons , in their walk through life . The choral services selected were most efficiently performedBro . Rookethe P . G . Organistpresiding at
, , , the organ . At the conclusion of the service , the Brethren returned to the Lodge in the same order of procession as they left it in the morning , but by a different route ; a very considerable number of persons were assembled along the line , both in the streets and at the windows of their houses , for the purpose of having a view of the gay cavalcade , and at many points streamers of various colours were suspended across the street
. Arrived at the Lodge the Brethren were soon in their places , and the business was opened according to the ancient forms and ceremonies . During the proceedings the R . VV . P . G . M . delivered his annual charge to the assembled Lodge in nearly the following terms : — Aly dear Brethren . —It is now five years ago that I first had the opportunity and pleasure of addressing you publicl y from this place , a