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The Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
to raise this 1 , 200 / . within six months from the present time , if a plan be only proposed , and set about with proper regularity and system . No Mason , who understands the terms of his O . B ., could hesitate "to put his shoulder to the wheel , " if he would only set himself to see what HE could
individually effect towards the completion of an edifice , which affords a home and a shelter to many a poor and decayed Brother , whose lot would else be the Union Workhouse .
It is the boast and pride ofthe Order , that Charity is its ruling principle . In the spirit of " Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , " all the heartburnings , and opposition , which once existed towards this Asylum , have been completely allayed . It has become one of the permanent Institutions of
the Order . It has been recognised by the M . W . the Grand Master , and by the United Grand Lodge of England , and has been amalgamated with the fund for granting annuities to poor and distressed Masons and their widows . The building was last year consecrated by Bro . Alexander Dobie ,
Prov . Grand Master for Surrey , under the immediate cognizance , sanction , ancl patronage of the Earls of Zetland and Yarborough , and 500 / . have been voted by Grand Lodge upon the proposition of the Grand Haste ? ' himself , for the
permanent repair and maintenance of the structure ; and yet only half of it is finished , and when the other half will be added , seems to be postponed to " the Greek Calends . " Efforts have been made by several earnest and energetic Brethren to induce the Grand Lodge to lend the money
from its fund for " General purposes , " for the completion of the undertaking ; but to this proposition , insurmountable difficulties have arisen , which these Brethren have been themselves the first to recognise ancl admit . Hitherto , however , no general call has been made upon the Fraternity to come
to the rescue , or to unite "heart and hand , " to remove a blot from the escutcheon of English Freemasonry , and to make the Old Man ' s Asylum perfect , as to its internal and external arrangements . But wc are not going to find fault with the present state
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The Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
to raise this 1 , 200 / . within six months from the present time , if a plan be only proposed , and set about with proper regularity and system . No Mason , who understands the terms of his O . B ., could hesitate "to put his shoulder to the wheel , " if he would only set himself to see what HE could
individually effect towards the completion of an edifice , which affords a home and a shelter to many a poor and decayed Brother , whose lot would else be the Union Workhouse .
It is the boast and pride ofthe Order , that Charity is its ruling principle . In the spirit of " Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , " all the heartburnings , and opposition , which once existed towards this Asylum , have been completely allayed . It has become one of the permanent Institutions of
the Order . It has been recognised by the M . W . the Grand Master , and by the United Grand Lodge of England , and has been amalgamated with the fund for granting annuities to poor and distressed Masons and their widows . The building was last year consecrated by Bro . Alexander Dobie ,
Prov . Grand Master for Surrey , under the immediate cognizance , sanction , ancl patronage of the Earls of Zetland and Yarborough , and 500 / . have been voted by Grand Lodge upon the proposition of the Grand Haste ? ' himself , for the
permanent repair and maintenance of the structure ; and yet only half of it is finished , and when the other half will be added , seems to be postponed to " the Greek Calends . " Efforts have been made by several earnest and energetic Brethren to induce the Grand Lodge to lend the money
from its fund for " General purposes , " for the completion of the undertaking ; but to this proposition , insurmountable difficulties have arisen , which these Brethren have been themselves the first to recognise ancl admit . Hitherto , however , no general call has been made upon the Fraternity to come
to the rescue , or to unite "heart and hand , " to remove a blot from the escutcheon of English Freemasonry , and to make the Old Man ' s Asylum perfect , as to its internal and external arrangements . But wc are not going to find fault with the present state