Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 25 →
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The following entlemen were then appointed Provincial Officers for the ensuing year : —Sir E . B . Baker , Bart . S . W . ; J . . Maunders , J . AV . ; Rev . J . C . Parr , Chaplain ; AV . B . Hancock , Registrar ; W . Ilannen , Treasurer ; J . Jacob , Secretary ; E . V . Mainwaring , S . D . ; D . Sydenham , J . D . ; — Buckland , Sup . of AVorks ; J . Tizard , Dir . of Oer . ; C . Bessant , Assist . Dir . of Cer . ; Joseph Farwell , Sword Bearer ; It . Rooke , Organist ; J . Honeyborne , AV . Bryant , Standard Bearers ; Benjamin Aloores , Grand Pursuviant ; J . Sherren , J . Robertson , G . N . Dobson , G . Frampton , C . G . Beale , P . Sutter , Stewards ; the Lodge closed about half-past two o ' clock .
The Banquet . —At four o ' clock , the Brethren , to the number of about fifty , met their Prov . Grand Alaster , around the festive board , the It . VV . P . G . Al . was chairman , the vice-chairman , Bro . J . Maunders . VV . Al . of the Lodge of All Souls , Weymouth , the newly appointed J . AV . of the province , ancl Bro . James Alilledge , who had during the day performed the duties of the P . G . S . AV ., for Sir John de la Pole , Bart ., who was unavoidably absent . Full justice having been done to the excellent farethe P . G . Al .
pro-, posed as the first toast amongst Alasons , " The Queen and the Craft , " which was received in a most loyal and enthusiastic manner . The toast of " Prince Albert ancl the rest of the Royal Family " followed , and was succeeded by the health of a nobleman ivho , —said the P . G . Al . ivas , as he deserved , universally respected and beloved— " the Grand Alaster of England , the Earl of Zetland . " The next toast was the health of " the Earl of Yarborough , the Deputy
Grand Alaster of England . " The P . G . Al . proposed the health of " the Officers of the Grand Lodge , " coupling with the toast the name of a Brother known to all around him , and who had been present at their proceedings in the Lodge on that day— "Bro . Vernon , the P . G . Al . for Worcester , "—one who was beloved by all within the sphere of his acquaintance , both as a man and a Alason ; a gentleman pre-eminently successful in understanding the
ceremonies and most minute forms of the Craft , and who carried out his various duties in a most praiseworthy manner . He ( the P . G . Al . ) regretted that their Brother Vernon was not present at the festive board , the more especially so as his absence was caused by the state of his health , it being such that his medical advisers prohibited ekcitement of any kind . This toast having heen duly honoured , the Rev . J . C . PARR rose and said , that he would propose the health of one who from his activity since
his appointment to the high office he filled , his zeal for Freemasonry , his anxious desire for its prosperity , especially in this Province , could not but be most gratifying to every Alason , who served with or under him . He proposed the health of " the Prov . Grand Alaster for Dorset , " ( applause ) one who never absented himself from the Lodge on any occasion , either public or private , whose constant aim it was to govern well his Province , and in the Grand Lodgeof England to watch over the interests of Alasonry . The toast was received with much enthusiasm , and with Alasonic honours .
Bro . AV . TTJCKIDR , in the course of his remarks , thanking the Brethren for their expressions of good feeling towards him , said , it gave him peculiar pleasure to meet them in the Weymouth Lotlge on this occasion , as it was the anniversary of his installation , five years since , to the high position he now occupied . He hoped that under the superintending
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The following entlemen were then appointed Provincial Officers for the ensuing year : —Sir E . B . Baker , Bart . S . W . ; J . . Maunders , J . AV . ; Rev . J . C . Parr , Chaplain ; AV . B . Hancock , Registrar ; W . Ilannen , Treasurer ; J . Jacob , Secretary ; E . V . Mainwaring , S . D . ; D . Sydenham , J . D . ; — Buckland , Sup . of AVorks ; J . Tizard , Dir . of Oer . ; C . Bessant , Assist . Dir . of Cer . ; Joseph Farwell , Sword Bearer ; It . Rooke , Organist ; J . Honeyborne , AV . Bryant , Standard Bearers ; Benjamin Aloores , Grand Pursuviant ; J . Sherren , J . Robertson , G . N . Dobson , G . Frampton , C . G . Beale , P . Sutter , Stewards ; the Lodge closed about half-past two o ' clock .
The Banquet . —At four o ' clock , the Brethren , to the number of about fifty , met their Prov . Grand Alaster , around the festive board , the It . VV . P . G . Al . was chairman , the vice-chairman , Bro . J . Maunders . VV . Al . of the Lodge of All Souls , Weymouth , the newly appointed J . AV . of the province , ancl Bro . James Alilledge , who had during the day performed the duties of the P . G . S . AV ., for Sir John de la Pole , Bart ., who was unavoidably absent . Full justice having been done to the excellent farethe P . G . Al .
pro-, posed as the first toast amongst Alasons , " The Queen and the Craft , " which was received in a most loyal and enthusiastic manner . The toast of " Prince Albert ancl the rest of the Royal Family " followed , and was succeeded by the health of a nobleman ivho , —said the P . G . Al . ivas , as he deserved , universally respected and beloved— " the Grand Alaster of England , the Earl of Zetland . " The next toast was the health of " the Earl of Yarborough , the Deputy
Grand Alaster of England . " The P . G . Al . proposed the health of " the Officers of the Grand Lodge , " coupling with the toast the name of a Brother known to all around him , and who had been present at their proceedings in the Lodge on that day— "Bro . Vernon , the P . G . Al . for Worcester , "—one who was beloved by all within the sphere of his acquaintance , both as a man and a Alason ; a gentleman pre-eminently successful in understanding the
ceremonies and most minute forms of the Craft , and who carried out his various duties in a most praiseworthy manner . He ( the P . G . Al . ) regretted that their Brother Vernon was not present at the festive board , the more especially so as his absence was caused by the state of his health , it being such that his medical advisers prohibited ekcitement of any kind . This toast having heen duly honoured , the Rev . J . C . PARR rose and said , that he would propose the health of one who from his activity since
his appointment to the high office he filled , his zeal for Freemasonry , his anxious desire for its prosperity , especially in this Province , could not but be most gratifying to every Alason , who served with or under him . He proposed the health of " the Prov . Grand Alaster for Dorset , " ( applause ) one who never absented himself from the Lodge on any occasion , either public or private , whose constant aim it was to govern well his Province , and in the Grand Lodgeof England to watch over the interests of Alasonry . The toast was received with much enthusiasm , and with Alasonic honours .
Bro . AV . TTJCKIDR , in the course of his remarks , thanking the Brethren for their expressions of good feeling towards him , said , it gave him peculiar pleasure to meet them in the Weymouth Lotlge on this occasion , as it was the anniversary of his installation , five years since , to the high position he now occupied . He hoped that under the superintending