Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 25 →
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was always an awkward thing to talk about —( laughter)—hut , when well applied , was a very good thing —( laughter , )—and he was sure they would be delighted to hear that they had that day received at the church upwards of 7 til . in aid of the education of the interesting children then before them —( cheers;)—the parents of many of whom had held as high a position as any iu that room , but had , by adverse circumstances , which none could control , and by which all or any may
speedily be overtaken , been reduced so as to require their aid . Let the Brethren , then , who heard him , and who were now in good circumstances , remember that it was their duty to throw off and avoid all ostentation and pride , so that if the hand of affliction should come upon them , they might bow to it , in the full assurance that they would receive the sympathy and relief of their Brethren . ( Cheers . ) He would now propose to them the prosperity of the Masonic charities , and in doing so
he would couple with it the name of a Brother , than whom a more zealous , charitable , and earnest Mason could not exist , who for his liberal contributions , and by the constant devotion of his exertions and his eminent abilities , deserved the thanks and esteem of every supporter and friend of the Masonic charities . He would give them " The Masonic Charities , with health and long life to Bro . Beadon . " One of the girlsnamed Kate Gamaufhere recitedwith good
em-, , , phasis and feeling , the following address : — " Patrons , Benefactors , and Friends , —Suffer me most respectfully to express our united feelings of sincere gratitude for the innumerable benefits we derive from these institutions . Hard indeed must be our hearts if we did not feel beyond our powers of utterance every
impression of duty and devotion to the merciful and benevolent protectors of our infancy . " AA e are led by these sentiments to approach our Heavenl y Father in strains of joyful blessing , that He has vouchsafed , of His infinite mercy , to afford us such a refuge for our innocence , wherein we are taught to walk in the holy paths of religion , industry , and virtue ; for supplying us with food ancl raiment , and qualifying us , when we shall depart from this mansion of benevolenceto become honestjustand
, , , active members in that state of life unto which it may please God to call us . ' Consequently , we commence and close the blessed day by lifting up our hearts with our hands to Heaven in fervent prayer , to bless our friends and patrons with every happiness and prosperity in this world , and with eternal felicity in the next . We can never recompense you , hut you will be recompensed at the resurrection of the just and merciful
disciples of the living God . " The conclusion of this address was greeted by the most general anil enthusiastic applause , in which the ladies , who in considerable numbers occupied seats placed along the sides of the tent , seemed fully to participate . II . W . Bro . BEADON in returning thanks for the previous toast , said the sentiments which they had just heard from the lips of one of the
girls , though probably not her own composition , he felt expressed the real feeling existing in the hearts of the children , knowing as he did , from constant communication with them , that they were most happy , docile , and grateful . But they must recollect that there was net only the girls ' school , but that there were also other Masonic Charities , such as the boys ' institution- which he rejoiced to sec advancing in usefulness and pros-
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was always an awkward thing to talk about —( laughter)—hut , when well applied , was a very good thing —( laughter , )—and he was sure they would be delighted to hear that they had that day received at the church upwards of 7 til . in aid of the education of the interesting children then before them —( cheers;)—the parents of many of whom had held as high a position as any iu that room , but had , by adverse circumstances , which none could control , and by which all or any may
speedily be overtaken , been reduced so as to require their aid . Let the Brethren , then , who heard him , and who were now in good circumstances , remember that it was their duty to throw off and avoid all ostentation and pride , so that if the hand of affliction should come upon them , they might bow to it , in the full assurance that they would receive the sympathy and relief of their Brethren . ( Cheers . ) He would now propose to them the prosperity of the Masonic charities , and in doing so
he would couple with it the name of a Brother , than whom a more zealous , charitable , and earnest Mason could not exist , who for his liberal contributions , and by the constant devotion of his exertions and his eminent abilities , deserved the thanks and esteem of every supporter and friend of the Masonic charities . He would give them " The Masonic Charities , with health and long life to Bro . Beadon . " One of the girlsnamed Kate Gamaufhere recitedwith good
em-, , , phasis and feeling , the following address : — " Patrons , Benefactors , and Friends , —Suffer me most respectfully to express our united feelings of sincere gratitude for the innumerable benefits we derive from these institutions . Hard indeed must be our hearts if we did not feel beyond our powers of utterance every
impression of duty and devotion to the merciful and benevolent protectors of our infancy . " AA e are led by these sentiments to approach our Heavenl y Father in strains of joyful blessing , that He has vouchsafed , of His infinite mercy , to afford us such a refuge for our innocence , wherein we are taught to walk in the holy paths of religion , industry , and virtue ; for supplying us with food ancl raiment , and qualifying us , when we shall depart from this mansion of benevolenceto become honestjustand
, , , active members in that state of life unto which it may please God to call us . ' Consequently , we commence and close the blessed day by lifting up our hearts with our hands to Heaven in fervent prayer , to bless our friends and patrons with every happiness and prosperity in this world , and with eternal felicity in the next . We can never recompense you , hut you will be recompensed at the resurrection of the just and merciful
disciples of the living God . " The conclusion of this address was greeted by the most general anil enthusiastic applause , in which the ladies , who in considerable numbers occupied seats placed along the sides of the tent , seemed fully to participate . II . W . Bro . BEADON in returning thanks for the previous toast , said the sentiments which they had just heard from the lips of one of the
girls , though probably not her own composition , he felt expressed the real feeling existing in the hearts of the children , knowing as he did , from constant communication with them , that they were most happy , docile , and grateful . But they must recollect that there was net only the girls ' school , but that there were also other Masonic Charities , such as the boys ' institution- which he rejoiced to sec advancing in usefulness and pros-