Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 25 →
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perity under the special exertions of a Brother of the same name and family as the Prov . Grand Master , and which he hoped soon to see placed in as good a position as the girls' school . There was likewise the Benevolent Institution ancl AVidows' Fund , for the protection of those who might require their aid in the decline of life . He felt proud at having had his name coupled with that of the Masonic Charities , to whicli he was deeply attachedand for which he was always happy to labour to
, the utmost of his power , and he begged to thank the R . AV . P . G . M . for the manner in which he had proposed the toast , and to the Brethren for the way in which they had received it . The R . W . P . G . M . then rose to propose the health of the Deputy G . Master , who , though he could not be present that day , had sent them a handsome subscription . He was happy , however , to see several of the grand officers present , and to be enabled to couple the toast with the
name of one of the best and ablest Masons it was his good fortune to know , and whose presence on this occasion he esteemed as the highest compliment to himself , he begged to give " The Deputy Grand Master of England , the Earl of Yarborough , Bro . Fallofield , and the rest ofthe Grancl Officers . " V . W . Bro . FALLOFII-XB regretted that some person holding a more prominent position in the Craft than he did , had not to acknowledge the toast , as he felt altogether incapable of doing justice to it . He , however , begged to return them his sincere thanks , and to congratulate them upon
the manner in which the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was presided over , feeling that the exertions of their worthy P . G . M . would long be felt in the lasting prosperity of the institution . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . CHAIRMAN next rose to propose prosperity to the Romford Lodge . He was happy to say that the AV . M . of that Lodge was his son , ( cheers , ) and he was convinced if that Master had not benefitted them much he had done no mischief . ( Laughter . ) He felt gratified by
the compliment they had paid to him in putting his son into the chair . He had been twice to see how he performed his duties , and he was gratified to find that he did them tolerabl y well . He believed the Romford Lodge had a good Master , and wishing it every prosperity , he would give them "Bro . Francis Beilby Alston , the VV . M ., and Prosperity to the Romford Lodge . " ( Cheers . ) R . AV . Bro . FRANCIS B . ALSTON returned thanksand assured the
, Brethren that the events of the day had more than fulfilled his warmest expectations . It had been stated that the object with which they had assembled there that day , was to celebrate with more than usual eclat the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge at Romford , at a time when he happened to be AV . M . of the Romford Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He , ( Bro . F . B . Alston , ) could only say , that proud as he was of this meeting , he could not for one moment imagine that it was to do him honour , that so numerous
and distinguished a body of Masons was present . He attributed their presence to the interest excited by the promised attendance of the boys and girls of their Masonic Charities , and he thought those who had induced the Governors of the schools to allow the children to come down
to Romford , Had not miscalculated the effect which the si ght of those innocent children was likely to have upon the Masonic body in Essex . ( Cheers . ) That effect might be judged by the noble collection made in church , after the eloquent appeal of their distinguished Bro . the Rev . J . AV . Gleadall . ( Loud cheers . ) The success of that day ' s proceedings ¦ was in a great measure owing to the admirable arrangements of Bro .
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perity under the special exertions of a Brother of the same name and family as the Prov . Grand Master , and which he hoped soon to see placed in as good a position as the girls' school . There was likewise the Benevolent Institution ancl AVidows' Fund , for the protection of those who might require their aid in the decline of life . He felt proud at having had his name coupled with that of the Masonic Charities , to whicli he was deeply attachedand for which he was always happy to labour to
, the utmost of his power , and he begged to thank the R . AV . P . G . M . for the manner in which he had proposed the toast , and to the Brethren for the way in which they had received it . The R . W . P . G . M . then rose to propose the health of the Deputy G . Master , who , though he could not be present that day , had sent them a handsome subscription . He was happy , however , to see several of the grand officers present , and to be enabled to couple the toast with the
name of one of the best and ablest Masons it was his good fortune to know , and whose presence on this occasion he esteemed as the highest compliment to himself , he begged to give " The Deputy Grand Master of England , the Earl of Yarborough , Bro . Fallofield , and the rest ofthe Grancl Officers . " V . W . Bro . FALLOFII-XB regretted that some person holding a more prominent position in the Craft than he did , had not to acknowledge the toast , as he felt altogether incapable of doing justice to it . He , however , begged to return them his sincere thanks , and to congratulate them upon
the manner in which the Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex was presided over , feeling that the exertions of their worthy P . G . M . would long be felt in the lasting prosperity of the institution . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . CHAIRMAN next rose to propose prosperity to the Romford Lodge . He was happy to say that the AV . M . of that Lodge was his son , ( cheers , ) and he was convinced if that Master had not benefitted them much he had done no mischief . ( Laughter . ) He felt gratified by
the compliment they had paid to him in putting his son into the chair . He had been twice to see how he performed his duties , and he was gratified to find that he did them tolerabl y well . He believed the Romford Lodge had a good Master , and wishing it every prosperity , he would give them "Bro . Francis Beilby Alston , the VV . M ., and Prosperity to the Romford Lodge . " ( Cheers . ) R . AV . Bro . FRANCIS B . ALSTON returned thanksand assured the
, Brethren that the events of the day had more than fulfilled his warmest expectations . It had been stated that the object with which they had assembled there that day , was to celebrate with more than usual eclat the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge at Romford , at a time when he happened to be AV . M . of the Romford Lodge . ( Cheers . ) He , ( Bro . F . B . Alston , ) could only say , that proud as he was of this meeting , he could not for one moment imagine that it was to do him honour , that so numerous
and distinguished a body of Masons was present . He attributed their presence to the interest excited by the promised attendance of the boys and girls of their Masonic Charities , and he thought those who had induced the Governors of the schools to allow the children to come down
to Romford , Had not miscalculated the effect which the si ght of those innocent children was likely to have upon the Masonic body in Essex . ( Cheers . ) That effect might be judged by the noble collection made in church , after the eloquent appeal of their distinguished Bro . the Rev . J . AV . Gleadall . ( Loud cheers . ) The success of that day ' s proceedings ¦ was in a great measure owing to the admirable arrangements of Bro .