Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 15 of 25 →
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such kindness as he had received from his valued friends and Brethren . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . CHAIRMAN next gave " The health of Bro . Capt . Skinner , the D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Oflicers . " Bro . Capt . Skinner was a distinguished officer in the army , but was now retired and living in his native county , where he was well known and highly esteemed as an active and efficient magistrate . His merits had induced
the Brethren ofthe Lotlge of Good Fellowship to place him in the high station of their Master ; and he , the Prov . G . M ., " had with great satisfaction conferred on Bro . Skinner the highest honour in his power , —he trusted and believed that Bro . Capt . Skinner would make as good a D . G . M . as his predecessor—better he was sure he could not . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Capt . SKINNER , D . P . G . M ., returned thanks , pledging himself to endeavour to perform the duties of his high office to the best of his ability .
It would be his duty ancl his pleasure to visit , during his period of office , the different Lodges in the Province , and by every means in his power to advance the happiness and prosperity of his Essex Brethren . ( Cheers . ) By the kindness of the Prov . G . M ., he had now attained the summit ofhis Masonic ambition ; the more peculiarly gratifying as occurring in his native province . In thanking the Prov . G . M ., he would assure him , that whenever it might be considered desirable for the interests ofthe province for some other Brother to be placed in the proud position he then held , he would cheerfully retire and make way for him .
The R . VV . CHAIRMAN then proposed " The health of the late Prov . D . G . M . Bro . Rowe , " than whom a better Mason , a more efficient officer , or a more amiable man and attached friend could not exist . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Dr . ROWE , P . D . G . M ., returned thanks , and though retired from office , assured the Brethren that he should always take the greatest interest in their proceedings , and that he would never relax his exertions to promote the interest of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) The Prov . G . M . proposed the health of Bro . MeggyProv . G . Sec
, , to whom he felt that both the province ancl himself were under great obligations for his efficient and unwearied exertion . ( Cheers . ) Without the aid of an efficient Secretary , no Prov . G . M . could satisfactorily perform his duties , and he was sure no one had a better officer than he was fortunate enough to possess in Bro . Meggy , whose health he proposed with his sincere thanks . ( Cheers . ) Bro . A . MEGOYProv . G . Secacknowledged the toast in a briefbut
, , , most excellent address . He expressed in strong terms his gratification at the results of the day , and his satisfaction at having , in any degree , contributed to those results . He believed that lasting benefits woulcl arise from this meeting , to Masonry in Essex ; and he assured the Brethren that so long as he retained the confidence of the Prov . G . M ., and their support , he should most cheerfully continue his exertions for their comfort and prosperity .
The Prov . G . M . then rose and said , there was but one unpleasant moment iri such a meeting as this , it was the moment when it became necessary to announce that the time of separation had arrived . But as this duty must be performed , he would once more thank the Brethren for their presence this day , and assure them how much pleasure they had afforded to him . ( Cheers . ) He would now propose the last toast of the evening , "Prosperity to Masonry , and the Province of Essex especially , " which having been duly honoured , the Brethren separated about von . n . . - ; ii
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such kindness as he had received from his valued friends and Brethren . ( Cheers . ) The R . AV . CHAIRMAN next gave " The health of Bro . Capt . Skinner , the D . P . G . M ., and the rest of the Provincial Grand Oflicers . " Bro . Capt . Skinner was a distinguished officer in the army , but was now retired and living in his native county , where he was well known and highly esteemed as an active and efficient magistrate . His merits had induced
the Brethren ofthe Lotlge of Good Fellowship to place him in the high station of their Master ; and he , the Prov . G . M ., " had with great satisfaction conferred on Bro . Skinner the highest honour in his power , —he trusted and believed that Bro . Capt . Skinner would make as good a D . G . M . as his predecessor—better he was sure he could not . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Capt . SKINNER , D . P . G . M ., returned thanks , pledging himself to endeavour to perform the duties of his high office to the best of his ability .
It would be his duty ancl his pleasure to visit , during his period of office , the different Lodges in the Province , and by every means in his power to advance the happiness and prosperity of his Essex Brethren . ( Cheers . ) By the kindness of the Prov . G . M ., he had now attained the summit ofhis Masonic ambition ; the more peculiarly gratifying as occurring in his native province . In thanking the Prov . G . M ., he would assure him , that whenever it might be considered desirable for the interests ofthe province for some other Brother to be placed in the proud position he then held , he would cheerfully retire and make way for him .
The R . VV . CHAIRMAN then proposed " The health of the late Prov . D . G . M . Bro . Rowe , " than whom a better Mason , a more efficient officer , or a more amiable man and attached friend could not exist . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Dr . ROWE , P . D . G . M ., returned thanks , and though retired from office , assured the Brethren that he should always take the greatest interest in their proceedings , and that he would never relax his exertions to promote the interest of the Craft . ( Cheers . ) The Prov . G . M . proposed the health of Bro . MeggyProv . G . Sec
, , to whom he felt that both the province ancl himself were under great obligations for his efficient and unwearied exertion . ( Cheers . ) Without the aid of an efficient Secretary , no Prov . G . M . could satisfactorily perform his duties , and he was sure no one had a better officer than he was fortunate enough to possess in Bro . Meggy , whose health he proposed with his sincere thanks . ( Cheers . ) Bro . A . MEGOYProv . G . Secacknowledged the toast in a briefbut
, , , most excellent address . He expressed in strong terms his gratification at the results of the day , and his satisfaction at having , in any degree , contributed to those results . He believed that lasting benefits woulcl arise from this meeting , to Masonry in Essex ; and he assured the Brethren that so long as he retained the confidence of the Prov . G . M ., and their support , he should most cheerfully continue his exertions for their comfort and prosperity .
The Prov . G . M . then rose and said , there was but one unpleasant moment iri such a meeting as this , it was the moment when it became necessary to announce that the time of separation had arrived . But as this duty must be performed , he would once more thank the Brethren for their presence this day , and assure them how much pleasure they had afforded to him . ( Cheers . ) He would now propose the last toast of the evening , "Prosperity to Masonry , and the Province of Essex especially , " which having been duly honoured , the Brethren separated about von . n . . - ; ii