Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 25 →
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half-past ei g ht , in the evening , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings . Bro . Marker officiated as toastmaster , with even more than his usual efficiency , and the arrangements for the comfort ancl enjoyment of all present left nothing to desire . Thus terminated a day which will long be remembered among the Masons of Essex . AVe trust that the example of the Romford
Meetingwill not be lost in other provinces . But that the annual assembly of Prov . Grand Lodges will generally become occasions , not only of good fellowship and festivity , but of efficient aid to the cause of Charity , — whilst at the same time they afford the opportunity of showing to the world that spirit of co-operation , that harmony and general community of feeling , which are at once the foundation and the glory of our Order .
HANTS . —PORTSMOUTH AND PORTSEA . —It is the intention of the Brethren ofthe Lodges of these towns , viz ., the Phoenix Lodge , No . 31 !) , the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 428 , and the Portsmouth Lodge . No . 717 , to give a Grancl Masonic Banquet to Bro . Lieut .-Gen . Sir Charles James Napier , G . C . II ., on the occasion of his return from India , and having become a resident in the immediate nei ghbourhood ; the following Brethren are to be invited to meet the gallant General : Bros . Lord Frederick Fitzclaience ( the Lieut .-Governor of Portsmouth ) D . G . AI
, , of Scotland ; Sir AA'illiam Napier ( the Author of the History of the Peninsular AVar ) ; and the R . W . D P . G . M . ofthe Province , Bro . C . E . Deacon . Bro . Lord George Lennox , P . S . G . AV . of England , has consented to take the Chair on the occasion . A meeting of the P . Ms . of the three Lodges took place on Saturday evening , and , from the spirit evinced , a very splendid meeting may he relied on , which , we doubt not , will be highly beneficial to Freemasonry in the district . A
deputation , consisting of the AV . Ms . of the three Lodges , had the honour of waiting on Sir Charles at his mansion on Saturday , and were most courteously received , and entertained at luncheon . The day fixed by the gallant General for the Banquet is Tuesday , October 21 st , 1851 .
OXFORDSHIRE . —HENLEY ON THAMES . —On the Sth July , the Churchill Lodge No . 703 , held its anniversary festival . This Lodge , having been dormant for several years , was happily resuscitated twelve months ago , and the number of joining Brethren gives every hope of permanent success . The proceedings of the day tended greatly to confirm this desirable end . The Rev . Edward Moore , Grancl Chaplain , resigned the chair of AV . M ., and was succeeded by Bro . G . AV . Latham , of Brazenose
College , P . Prov . G . S . B . of Oxfordshire , who was installed in clue form by Bro . Richard James Spiers , G . S . B . The AVardens appointed were Bros . F . Tivery , of Exeter College , AV . H . Lyall , of Christ Church , the Deacons Bros .. Digby AValsh , and Thomas Ivy . An excellent banquet was provided at the Red Lion Hotel , and a delightful day was passed by the assembled Brethren . Among the visitors were Bro . Philipe , P . G . S . B ., who consecrated the Lodge ten years agoBros . NormanSpencerBevis
, , , , Gardiner ancl others , who assembled from various points to do honour to the much esteemed Master ofthe Lodge . AVe observe with pleasure that our AV . Bro ., Richard James S piers , Grand Sword Bearer , has recently been elected an alderman of the city of Oxford ; we doubt not , that in this honourable position he will display the same energy and ability , by which he has obtained the hi gh character he holds in Masonry .
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half-past ei g ht , in the evening , highly delighted with the day ' s proceedings . Bro . Marker officiated as toastmaster , with even more than his usual efficiency , and the arrangements for the comfort ancl enjoyment of all present left nothing to desire . Thus terminated a day which will long be remembered among the Masons of Essex . AVe trust that the example of the Romford
Meetingwill not be lost in other provinces . But that the annual assembly of Prov . Grand Lodges will generally become occasions , not only of good fellowship and festivity , but of efficient aid to the cause of Charity , — whilst at the same time they afford the opportunity of showing to the world that spirit of co-operation , that harmony and general community of feeling , which are at once the foundation and the glory of our Order .
HANTS . —PORTSMOUTH AND PORTSEA . —It is the intention of the Brethren ofthe Lodges of these towns , viz ., the Phoenix Lodge , No . 31 !) , the Royal Sussex Lodge , No . 428 , and the Portsmouth Lodge . No . 717 , to give a Grancl Masonic Banquet to Bro . Lieut .-Gen . Sir Charles James Napier , G . C . II ., on the occasion of his return from India , and having become a resident in the immediate nei ghbourhood ; the following Brethren are to be invited to meet the gallant General : Bros . Lord Frederick Fitzclaience ( the Lieut .-Governor of Portsmouth ) D . G . AI
, , of Scotland ; Sir AA'illiam Napier ( the Author of the History of the Peninsular AVar ) ; and the R . W . D P . G . M . ofthe Province , Bro . C . E . Deacon . Bro . Lord George Lennox , P . S . G . AV . of England , has consented to take the Chair on the occasion . A meeting of the P . Ms . of the three Lodges took place on Saturday evening , and , from the spirit evinced , a very splendid meeting may he relied on , which , we doubt not , will be highly beneficial to Freemasonry in the district . A
deputation , consisting of the AV . Ms . of the three Lodges , had the honour of waiting on Sir Charles at his mansion on Saturday , and were most courteously received , and entertained at luncheon . The day fixed by the gallant General for the Banquet is Tuesday , October 21 st , 1851 .
OXFORDSHIRE . —HENLEY ON THAMES . —On the Sth July , the Churchill Lodge No . 703 , held its anniversary festival . This Lodge , having been dormant for several years , was happily resuscitated twelve months ago , and the number of joining Brethren gives every hope of permanent success . The proceedings of the day tended greatly to confirm this desirable end . The Rev . Edward Moore , Grancl Chaplain , resigned the chair of AV . M ., and was succeeded by Bro . G . AV . Latham , of Brazenose
College , P . Prov . G . S . B . of Oxfordshire , who was installed in clue form by Bro . Richard James Spiers , G . S . B . The AVardens appointed were Bros . F . Tivery , of Exeter College , AV . H . Lyall , of Christ Church , the Deacons Bros .. Digby AValsh , and Thomas Ivy . An excellent banquet was provided at the Red Lion Hotel , and a delightful day was passed by the assembled Brethren . Among the visitors were Bro . Philipe , P . G . S . B ., who consecrated the Lodge ten years agoBros . NormanSpencerBevis
, , , , Gardiner ancl others , who assembled from various points to do honour to the much esteemed Master ofthe Lodge . AVe observe with pleasure that our AV . Bro ., Richard James S piers , Grand Sword Bearer , has recently been elected an alderman of the city of Oxford ; we doubt not , that in this honourable position he will display the same energy and ability , by which he has obtained the hi gh character he holds in Masonry .