Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 25 →
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SOUTH WALES—SWANSEA . —The Annual Provincial Meeting of the Free and Accepted Masons of the eastern division of South Wales , took place on Thursday , July 24 , at Swansea , under the most favourable auspices , and with an eclat worthy of the Noble and Ancient Order in its happiest days . It is long since such an imposing demonstration was witnessed at Swanseaeleven years having rolled away since the
instal-, lation of Sir John Guest , Bart ., as Prov . Grand Master , took place in this town . On this occasion , in obedience to the command of the It . AV . P . G . M . of the Kastern Division of the Province of South AVales , Bro . E .. ! . Hutchins , M . P ., the Grand Lodge assembled in the Lodge-room of the Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , at which a large number of the Brethren belonging to the Lodges attached to the province ( Cardiff , Merthyr , Neath , & c ) , ancl several visiting Brethren from other Provinces
• . vere present . The business of the day was commenced by Bro . T . iiodges , VV . M ., and the officers of the Glamorgan Lodge , Cardiff ( No . -13 ) , opening the Lodge , as the Senior Lodge of the Province . On the introduction of the R . W . P . G . M . and the other officers , the Grancl Lodge was opened in ancient and solemn form . The minutes of the last P . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed , and other routine business was disposed of ; the P . G . M . then requested tbe R . W . Bro . VV .
D . Bushell , to instal Bro . G . G . Bird , M . D ., as D . P . G . M . of the Province ; Bro . Bushell being assisted in the ceremony by the P . G . D . C , i ' ro . F . D . Michael , and the whole of the Brethren present . Bro . Bird returned thanks to the R . AV . P . G . M . ancl Brethren in an eloquent ancl strictly Masonic speech . The Brethren were then marshalled by the P . G . D . C . in order for procession , the Neath Brethren walking first ,
followed by tne Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , and b y the Royal Arch Chapter attached to that Lotlge . Next came the Merthyr and Cardiff Lodges , followed by the P . Grand Lodge . In this order the procession started for St . Mary ' s Church . Prayers were read by the llev . E . B . Squire , the vicar of the parish , ancl the morning service of the church was most effectively performed by the choir , led by Bro . VV . Bowen . An excellent sermon was then preached by the Eev . D . Jeffreys , P . G . C , u-ho selected for his textLukec . 10 v . 36—7 : " Which now of these
, , , three thinkest thou was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves ? Ancl he said , He that showed mercy on him . Then said Jesus unto him , Go , ancl do thou likewise . " The following is a brief sketch of the sermon , which was listened to with breathless attention by a crowded congregation . The Rev . Brother , after quoting his text , observed : — '• Such was the conclusion of a very instructive and interesting parable delivered by our Lorclwith the view of showing who our neihbour
, g was . They were told at the commencement of the parable , that a certain lawyer stood up , and tempted him , saying , ' Master , what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? ' In another place they read of a question of somewhat similar import being put to the Saviour . The answer was rather different , but we infer that in both cases the answers were applicable ancl suitable to the dispositions and the characteristic tendencies of tiie parties who addressed him . Thuswe conclude that covetousness
was the besetting sin of the rich young man , and that self-righteousness was the besetting sin of the lawyer . Looking at the whole case , they had presented to them a clear view of the precept inculcated by our Lord in- this parable . The traveller mentioned in the text had the misfortune of falling among thieves—had become the victim of what , in modem phraseology , woulcl be called ' highway robbery , attended with
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SOUTH WALES—SWANSEA . —The Annual Provincial Meeting of the Free and Accepted Masons of the eastern division of South Wales , took place on Thursday , July 24 , at Swansea , under the most favourable auspices , and with an eclat worthy of the Noble and Ancient Order in its happiest days . It is long since such an imposing demonstration was witnessed at Swanseaeleven years having rolled away since the
instal-, lation of Sir John Guest , Bart ., as Prov . Grand Master , took place in this town . On this occasion , in obedience to the command of the It . AV . P . G . M . of the Kastern Division of the Province of South AVales , Bro . E .. ! . Hutchins , M . P ., the Grand Lodge assembled in the Lodge-room of the Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , at which a large number of the Brethren belonging to the Lodges attached to the province ( Cardiff , Merthyr , Neath , & c ) , ancl several visiting Brethren from other Provinces
• . vere present . The business of the day was commenced by Bro . T . iiodges , VV . M ., and the officers of the Glamorgan Lodge , Cardiff ( No . -13 ) , opening the Lodge , as the Senior Lodge of the Province . On the introduction of the R . W . P . G . M . and the other officers , the Grancl Lodge was opened in ancient and solemn form . The minutes of the last P . Grand Lodge were read and confirmed , and other routine business was disposed of ; the P . G . M . then requested tbe R . W . Bro . VV .
D . Bushell , to instal Bro . G . G . Bird , M . D ., as D . P . G . M . of the Province ; Bro . Bushell being assisted in the ceremony by the P . G . D . C , i ' ro . F . D . Michael , and the whole of the Brethren present . Bro . Bird returned thanks to the R . AV . P . G . M . ancl Brethren in an eloquent ancl strictly Masonic speech . The Brethren were then marshalled by the P . G . D . C . in order for procession , the Neath Brethren walking first ,
followed by tne Indefatigable Lodge , Swansea , and b y the Royal Arch Chapter attached to that Lotlge . Next came the Merthyr and Cardiff Lodges , followed by the P . Grand Lodge . In this order the procession started for St . Mary ' s Church . Prayers were read by the llev . E . B . Squire , the vicar of the parish , ancl the morning service of the church was most effectively performed by the choir , led by Bro . VV . Bowen . An excellent sermon was then preached by the Eev . D . Jeffreys , P . G . C , u-ho selected for his textLukec . 10 v . 36—7 : " Which now of these
, , , three thinkest thou was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves ? Ancl he said , He that showed mercy on him . Then said Jesus unto him , Go , ancl do thou likewise . " The following is a brief sketch of the sermon , which was listened to with breathless attention by a crowded congregation . The Rev . Brother , after quoting his text , observed : — '• Such was the conclusion of a very instructive and interesting parable delivered by our Lorclwith the view of showing who our neihbour
, g was . They were told at the commencement of the parable , that a certain lawyer stood up , and tempted him , saying , ' Master , what shall I do to inherit eternal life ? ' In another place they read of a question of somewhat similar import being put to the Saviour . The answer was rather different , but we infer that in both cases the answers were applicable ancl suitable to the dispositions and the characteristic tendencies of tiie parties who addressed him . Thuswe conclude that covetousness
was the besetting sin of the rich young man , and that self-righteousness was the besetting sin of the lawyer . Looking at the whole case , they had presented to them a clear view of the precept inculcated by our Lord in- this parable . The traveller mentioned in the text had the misfortune of falling among thieves—had become the victim of what , in modem phraseology , woulcl be called ' highway robbery , attended with