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which , many interesting allusions were made to the gentleman , whom the company had assembled to honour , and the prevalence of so unanimous a feeling of respect towards himself personally , and of regret at his departure , could not i ' ail to prove a gratifying " God speed " to the parting guest , who set sail in the following week for the rising colony of Canterbury , in what has been prophetically designated as the " Great Britain of the South . "
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . —PORTSMOUTH . —At a meeting ofthe Royal Naval Encampment , No . 2 , held September 10 th , a very large number ofthe Knights Companions ]^! ' this illustrious degree attended to witness the interesting ceremony of Installation of two eminent Commanders of the Milita Encampment of Malta , which ceremony was performed by the Eminent Grand Commander of the Province , Sir Knight Major Robb , in his usual impressive and excellent style . After the Encampment was closed , the Knights Companions , by the kind invitation of their Eminent Grand Commander , sat down to a splendid Banquet .
CARLOVV . —The County Carlow Lodge , No . 116 , held its usual Festival Meeting on St . John ' s Day , the 24 th June ; and after the installation of Bro . Chas . Thorpe , to the office of Master for the ensuing year , the Brethren adjourned to dinner at the Club House . The meeting , we were glad to observe , was numerously attended . LONDONDERRY . —June 24 —On St . John ' s Day , the Freemasons of the Derry and Donegal districtcelebrated the anniversary bdining
, y together in the Hall , when upwards of sixty of the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner . The chair was occupied by Sir J . Stewart , Hart ., V . G . M . ; and , on his right , were Bros . J . Hamilton , High-Sheriff of Donegal , F . Mansfield , Rev . M . O'Connor , and S . J . Crookshank ; and , on the left , Lieut . O'Ryan , of the 34 th Depot , Dr . AVm . Rogan , and Dr . Eames . The chair in the VV . was occupied by the VV . A . Grant , D . P . G . M . of Derry and Donegal . The following Brethren were also
present : —AV . Thompson , J . Keys , H . Ridley , J . Johnston , M . Deering , J . D . Chprry , VV . Alien , of Belfast , T . Persse , Dr . Brown , Price , T . Johnston , Dr . Rowe , J . Orr , Broker ; J . Sherwood , C . E ., S . Milligan , & c . The usual loyal toasts were received with the utmost enthusiasm , and the Brethren , after spending a most agreeable evening , separated at an early hour .
NORTH MUNSTER . —LIMERICK . —June 24 th 1851 . The Festival of the Patron Saint was this day observed with much eclat . The Prov . Grand Master , Mich . Furnell , Sov . Grand Ins . Gen ., 33 rd degree , at high noon installed the Officers of the Eden Lodge , No . 73 . —Bro . R . Miller , AV . M ., Bro . McClure , S . VV ., Bro . Corneille , J . VV . ; and at one o ' clock p . m . he inducted , in the K . Templars Encampment , No . 7 : ! , Bro . Thomas Jervis , S . Com ., Sir Kt . Glover . C . G ., and Sir Kt . William
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
which , many interesting allusions were made to the gentleman , whom the company had assembled to honour , and the prevalence of so unanimous a feeling of respect towards himself personally , and of regret at his departure , could not i ' ail to prove a gratifying " God speed " to the parting guest , who set sail in the following week for the rising colony of Canterbury , in what has been prophetically designated as the " Great Britain of the South . "
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . —PORTSMOUTH . —At a meeting ofthe Royal Naval Encampment , No . 2 , held September 10 th , a very large number ofthe Knights Companions ]^! ' this illustrious degree attended to witness the interesting ceremony of Installation of two eminent Commanders of the Milita Encampment of Malta , which ceremony was performed by the Eminent Grand Commander of the Province , Sir Knight Major Robb , in his usual impressive and excellent style . After the Encampment was closed , the Knights Companions , by the kind invitation of their Eminent Grand Commander , sat down to a splendid Banquet .
CARLOVV . —The County Carlow Lodge , No . 116 , held its usual Festival Meeting on St . John ' s Day , the 24 th June ; and after the installation of Bro . Chas . Thorpe , to the office of Master for the ensuing year , the Brethren adjourned to dinner at the Club House . The meeting , we were glad to observe , was numerously attended . LONDONDERRY . —June 24 —On St . John ' s Day , the Freemasons of the Derry and Donegal districtcelebrated the anniversary bdining
, y together in the Hall , when upwards of sixty of the Brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner . The chair was occupied by Sir J . Stewart , Hart ., V . G . M . ; and , on his right , were Bros . J . Hamilton , High-Sheriff of Donegal , F . Mansfield , Rev . M . O'Connor , and S . J . Crookshank ; and , on the left , Lieut . O'Ryan , of the 34 th Depot , Dr . AVm . Rogan , and Dr . Eames . The chair in the VV . was occupied by the VV . A . Grant , D . P . G . M . of Derry and Donegal . The following Brethren were also
present : —AV . Thompson , J . Keys , H . Ridley , J . Johnston , M . Deering , J . D . Chprry , VV . Alien , of Belfast , T . Persse , Dr . Brown , Price , T . Johnston , Dr . Rowe , J . Orr , Broker ; J . Sherwood , C . E ., S . Milligan , & c . The usual loyal toasts were received with the utmost enthusiasm , and the Brethren , after spending a most agreeable evening , separated at an early hour .
NORTH MUNSTER . —LIMERICK . —June 24 th 1851 . The Festival of the Patron Saint was this day observed with much eclat . The Prov . Grand Master , Mich . Furnell , Sov . Grand Ins . Gen ., 33 rd degree , at high noon installed the Officers of the Eden Lodge , No . 73 . —Bro . R . Miller , AV . M ., Bro . McClure , S . VV ., Bro . Corneille , J . VV . ; and at one o ' clock p . m . he inducted , in the K . Templars Encampment , No . 7 : ! , Bro . Thomas Jervis , S . Com ., Sir Kt . Glover . C . G ., and Sir Kt . William