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The Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
and persevered through the greatest difficulties , to bringabout its accomplishment . Had that Brother been spared , it is not too much to suppose , that the Asylum would have been finished long ere this . His zeal and energy would have accomplished the Herculean task .
What , then , one would have effected , may surel y be brought to pass by earnest combination . " UNION IS STRENGTH ; " and when the object , to which united effort , is called , is that of providing comforts for wretchedness , a home for the houseless , and a provision for the destitute ,
who else were without hope , and visited with despair , we canrfot—indeed we should blush , to suppose—that men who have bound themselves on the £ ? , by the most solemn O . B . that ever was devised , will listen unmoved to our appeal , and turn a deaf ear to the entreaties of those " poor
and distressed Brethren , dispersed over the face of earth and water , " for whom the supplication is constantl y offered , that " a speed y relief may be afforded to their sufferings . " In the Heport of the Meeting of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 812 , at Croydon , under the head of " Provincial
Intelligence , " an instance is recorded of one of the inmates of the OLD MAN ' ASYLUM stating , how he had once been , when in prosperity , a warm supporter of the fund for rearing it . B y the inscrutable decrees of the Most Hi g h , what has happened to that Brother may also fall upon others . None
can tell what is in store for them in after life , whether prosperity or adversity . The Royal Solomon , in that Volume of the Sacred Law , by which every Mason professes to regulate his words and actions , —in language of thrilling interest , thus admonishes every " son ofthe widow , who bow with gratitude " to his admonitions :
'I Go to tbe ant , thou sluggard ; consider her ways , and be wise ; which having no guide , overseer , or ruler , providetb . her meat in the summer , and gathereth her food in the harvest . " * if , then , the hi g her motive of striving , as Masons are espe-
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The Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
and persevered through the greatest difficulties , to bringabout its accomplishment . Had that Brother been spared , it is not too much to suppose , that the Asylum would have been finished long ere this . His zeal and energy would have accomplished the Herculean task .
What , then , one would have effected , may surel y be brought to pass by earnest combination . " UNION IS STRENGTH ; " and when the object , to which united effort , is called , is that of providing comforts for wretchedness , a home for the houseless , and a provision for the destitute ,
who else were without hope , and visited with despair , we canrfot—indeed we should blush , to suppose—that men who have bound themselves on the £ ? , by the most solemn O . B . that ever was devised , will listen unmoved to our appeal , and turn a deaf ear to the entreaties of those " poor
and distressed Brethren , dispersed over the face of earth and water , " for whom the supplication is constantl y offered , that " a speed y relief may be afforded to their sufferings . " In the Heport of the Meeting of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 812 , at Croydon , under the head of " Provincial
Intelligence , " an instance is recorded of one of the inmates of the OLD MAN ' ASYLUM stating , how he had once been , when in prosperity , a warm supporter of the fund for rearing it . B y the inscrutable decrees of the Most Hi g h , what has happened to that Brother may also fall upon others . None
can tell what is in store for them in after life , whether prosperity or adversity . The Royal Solomon , in that Volume of the Sacred Law , by which every Mason professes to regulate his words and actions , —in language of thrilling interest , thus admonishes every " son ofthe widow , who bow with gratitude " to his admonitions :
'I Go to tbe ant , thou sluggard ; consider her ways , and be wise ; which having no guide , overseer , or ruler , providetb . her meat in the summer , and gathereth her food in the harvest . " * if , then , the hi g her motive of striving , as Masons are espe-