Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 12 →
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regard to this province ; from which the Brethren learned that the first Provincial Blaster was a Mr . William Pye , then Mayor of Falmouth , in the year 1752 . The Grand Master for England at that time was Lord Carysfort . Mr . Pye held the office of P . G . M . in this country for eleven years , and was then succeeded by Mr . George Bell , who was appointed b y Earl Ferrars , and filled the office for fourteen . His successor was Mr . Stephen
years Bell , who was appointed by the Duke of Manchester , and filled the office for eight years , until the year 1785 . Sir John St . Aubyn was then appointed by the Duke of Cumberland , who was at that time the Grand Master for England , the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Kent , and the Duke of Sussex , at the same lieriod filling offices in the Grand Lodge . Sir John filled the office for fifty-four yearsand was succeeded in 1843 bthe present
Pro-, y vincial Grand Master , Sir Charles Lemon . From this summary , it appeared that in the hundred years there had been twelve Grand Masters , five Provincial Grand Masters , eleven D . P . G . Masters , nine P . G . Secretaries , and that twenty-ei ght Lodges were the number existing at the commencement and since constituted , sixteen of which are now extinct , and twelve of which remain , the largest number ever extant at any one time . It appeared that the
office of Provincial Grand Master was first found necessary in the year 1726 , in consequence of the large increase of the Craft , and the number of country Lodges , so that there might be an immediate head in each province to whom application mi ght be made in case of any emergency . —It was further stated , that in April 1752 , a Lodge was constituted at Helston , but not the one that now appears on the isterAt that time this the onlLod besides that
reg . was y ge , at Falmouth , existing in the county ; but in ' August of the same year , a Lodge was constituted at Truro , to meet at Fitz ' s winevaults , whicli , however , in the course of the same year was removed to the Masons' Arms .
_ CU - JIBEELAND . —WIGTON . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland , was held at Wi gton on the 18 th of August , by J . Iredale , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., at which the following Lodges were represented , viz . No . 138 , Whitehaven ; No . 389 , Carlisle ; No . 409 , Wigton ; No . 424 , Penrith ; No . 695 , Longtown . ' There was also a deputation from the Quhitewoollen Lodge , Lockerbie , N . B . The Lodges having been called over , the Prov . G . L . was opened in formwith prayer . The routine business of the meeting
, having been disposed of , a procession of the Officers and Brethren was formed , and moved off shortly before two o ' clock , proceeding round the old market cross to the church , where a considerable congregation had already assembled . Prayers were read by the vicar , the Rev . Bro . Irving , after which an admirable sermon was preached by the Prov . G . C , the Rev . B . Porteous , from John xiii . 34 , 35 . Service being endedthe Brethren returned to the Lodge room in
, reverse order , after which the P . G . Lodge was closed . The banquet was served up at four o ' clock , of whicli about eighty Brethren partook , presided over by D . P . G . M . Iredale : amongst tiie Brethren present were Bros . Turner , Greaves , Wickham , leather , the P . G . Chaplain Porteous , and others , from Penrith ; Bros . Armstrong , Rigg , and others , from Carlisle ; Bros . Fletcher , P . G .
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regard to this province ; from which the Brethren learned that the first Provincial Blaster was a Mr . William Pye , then Mayor of Falmouth , in the year 1752 . The Grand Master for England at that time was Lord Carysfort . Mr . Pye held the office of P . G . M . in this country for eleven years , and was then succeeded by Mr . George Bell , who was appointed b y Earl Ferrars , and filled the office for fourteen . His successor was Mr . Stephen
years Bell , who was appointed by the Duke of Manchester , and filled the office for eight years , until the year 1785 . Sir John St . Aubyn was then appointed by the Duke of Cumberland , who was at that time the Grand Master for England , the Prince of Wales , the Duke of Kent , and the Duke of Sussex , at the same lieriod filling offices in the Grand Lodge . Sir John filled the office for fifty-four yearsand was succeeded in 1843 bthe present
Pro-, y vincial Grand Master , Sir Charles Lemon . From this summary , it appeared that in the hundred years there had been twelve Grand Masters , five Provincial Grand Masters , eleven D . P . G . Masters , nine P . G . Secretaries , and that twenty-ei ght Lodges were the number existing at the commencement and since constituted , sixteen of which are now extinct , and twelve of which remain , the largest number ever extant at any one time . It appeared that the
office of Provincial Grand Master was first found necessary in the year 1726 , in consequence of the large increase of the Craft , and the number of country Lodges , so that there might be an immediate head in each province to whom application mi ght be made in case of any emergency . —It was further stated , that in April 1752 , a Lodge was constituted at Helston , but not the one that now appears on the isterAt that time this the onlLod besides that
reg . was y ge , at Falmouth , existing in the county ; but in ' August of the same year , a Lodge was constituted at Truro , to meet at Fitz ' s winevaults , whicli , however , in the course of the same year was removed to the Masons' Arms .
_ CU - JIBEELAND . —WIGTON . —The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Cumberland , was held at Wi gton on the 18 th of August , by J . Iredale , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., at which the following Lodges were represented , viz . No . 138 , Whitehaven ; No . 389 , Carlisle ; No . 409 , Wigton ; No . 424 , Penrith ; No . 695 , Longtown . ' There was also a deputation from the Quhitewoollen Lodge , Lockerbie , N . B . The Lodges having been called over , the Prov . G . L . was opened in formwith prayer . The routine business of the meeting
, having been disposed of , a procession of the Officers and Brethren was formed , and moved off shortly before two o ' clock , proceeding round the old market cross to the church , where a considerable congregation had already assembled . Prayers were read by the vicar , the Rev . Bro . Irving , after which an admirable sermon was preached by the Prov . G . C , the Rev . B . Porteous , from John xiii . 34 , 35 . Service being endedthe Brethren returned to the Lodge room in
, reverse order , after which the P . G . Lodge was closed . The banquet was served up at four o ' clock , of whicli about eighty Brethren partook , presided over by D . P . G . M . Iredale : amongst tiie Brethren present were Bros . Turner , Greaves , Wickham , leather , the P . G . Chaplain Porteous , and others , from Penrith ; Bros . Armstrong , Rigg , and others , from Carlisle ; Bros . Fletcher , P . G .