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Members of Grand Lodge , for their kindly feelings towards him , and would in return wish them every happiness and prosperity . There being no other business , and no Brother proposing _ anything further for the good of Masonry in general , or of this Provincial Grand Lodge in particular , it was closed in form , and with solemn prayer , and the Brethren separated . The following is an Abstract Account of Receipts and Disbursements of the G . M . C . Fund during the last half year . RECEIPTS .
Rs . a . p . Balance in favour of tho Fund on 1 st January 1852 .. 183 13 3 Quarterage from Lodges 117 0 0 Private Contributions from Brethren 60 0 0 Interest on Promissory Notes 27 8 0 Net proceeds of Professor Lees' performance 417 5 4 805 10 7 DISBURSEMENTS . Pensions to Widows 294 0 0 relief 80 0 0
Temporary granted Postage , & c 2 8 0 376 8 0 Balance on the 30 th June , 1852 429 2 7
Literary Notices.
Pictures from , St . Petcrsburgh . By EDWARD JERRMANN . Translated by FREDERICK IIARDMAN . ( Travellers' Library . ) London : Longman . A subject frequently referred to by our political writers is the little authentic information which reaches this country concerning Russia . It is therefore with feelings of satisfaction we have perused so interesting a detail as that presented in the volume
before us , containing as it does more real and useful information than anything which has appeared since Miss Rigby ' s most entertaining " Letters from the Baltic . " The author does not take the usual opposition ground to the proceedings of the Autocrat , Nicolas I ., but evidently seems to consider him as the father of his people , and worthy of the highest esteem . He also does not disapprove of the internal arrangement of Russian politics and general
affairs . This is quite a new feature in the description of " the doings" of the north , and is exceedingly curious . The warmth with which he speaks of everything he heard and saw , may , however , be balanced against tiie views set forth by others on the opposite side , and thereby a pretty accurate idea may be drawn as to the actual state of tilings going on in the extreme north of Europe .
The Musical Vocal Manual , comprising Songs , Duets , Glees , & c , with valuable Masonic information . Hepden-bridge , printed and published by Win . Garforth . This little work comprises a great and pleasing variety of Masonic poetry , collected with great industry by Bro . Garforth , P . M . 385 . VOL . III . 3 G
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Members of Grand Lodge , for their kindly feelings towards him , and would in return wish them every happiness and prosperity . There being no other business , and no Brother proposing _ anything further for the good of Masonry in general , or of this Provincial Grand Lodge in particular , it was closed in form , and with solemn prayer , and the Brethren separated . The following is an Abstract Account of Receipts and Disbursements of the G . M . C . Fund during the last half year . RECEIPTS .
Rs . a . p . Balance in favour of tho Fund on 1 st January 1852 .. 183 13 3 Quarterage from Lodges 117 0 0 Private Contributions from Brethren 60 0 0 Interest on Promissory Notes 27 8 0 Net proceeds of Professor Lees' performance 417 5 4 805 10 7 DISBURSEMENTS . Pensions to Widows 294 0 0 relief 80 0 0
Temporary granted Postage , & c 2 8 0 376 8 0 Balance on the 30 th June , 1852 429 2 7
Literary Notices.
Pictures from , St . Petcrsburgh . By EDWARD JERRMANN . Translated by FREDERICK IIARDMAN . ( Travellers' Library . ) London : Longman . A subject frequently referred to by our political writers is the little authentic information which reaches this country concerning Russia . It is therefore with feelings of satisfaction we have perused so interesting a detail as that presented in the volume
before us , containing as it does more real and useful information than anything which has appeared since Miss Rigby ' s most entertaining " Letters from the Baltic . " The author does not take the usual opposition ground to the proceedings of the Autocrat , Nicolas I ., but evidently seems to consider him as the father of his people , and worthy of the highest esteem . He also does not disapprove of the internal arrangement of Russian politics and general
affairs . This is quite a new feature in the description of " the doings" of the north , and is exceedingly curious . The warmth with which he speaks of everything he heard and saw , may , however , be balanced against tiie views set forth by others on the opposite side , and thereby a pretty accurate idea may be drawn as to the actual state of tilings going on in the extreme north of Europe .
The Musical Vocal Manual , comprising Songs , Duets , Glees , & c , with valuable Masonic information . Hepden-bridge , printed and published by Win . Garforth . This little work comprises a great and pleasing variety of Masonic poetry , collected with great industry by Bro . Garforth , P . M . 385 . VOL . III . 3 G