Article THE REVELATIONS OF A SQUARE. ← Page 14 of 19 →
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The Revelations Of A Square.
degraded into a religious sect . How it could enter into Bro . Franco ' s imagination that Freemasonry is a Jewish institution , I am at a loss to conjecture , for the Jews never practised Masonry themselves , or encouraged it in others ; and it may be safely conjectured that , even at the present day , there are not a dozen Jewish Masons in Englandand at the revival
, , in 1717 , there was not one in all the world . As a Christian , and an unworthy member of the Church , I believe Jesus to be the Son of Gocl ; ancl , as He has said that His religion shall ultimately be ' one fold under one shepherd , ' I believe that Christianity , like the rod of Moses , will swallow up all others ; and that Jew and GentileGreek ancl barbarianbond and
, , free , will embrace this universal system , and Christ shall be all in all . And I confess I was not prepared to hear a professing Christian cast a reflection on his Redeemer , by doubting the universality of his religion , and pronouncing it to be nothino- more than a sect . '
" Here the R . W . M . resumed his seat , " said the Square , " and Bro . Dunckerley rose , and , addressing himself to the chair , observed that he concurred in pronouncing the general construction of Masonry to be cosmopolite , and , consequently , democratic ; yet he would submit to the consideration of the Lodge , whether the Lectures which we use are not essentially
Christian . He conceived that the exclusive a 2 ipropriation of Masonry to the Jews , according to Bro . Franco ' s hypothesis , would be a far greater error than making it altogether Christian ; because , amongst the many hundreds of Christian Lodges , which are spread over the four quarters of the globe , it is very doubtful whether there be a single Jewish Lodge in
existence . ' Besides , ' he added , ' what claim can the Jews , as a nation , have to be conservators of an institution which they certainly never practised , if we except a few Grand Superintendents and the Entered Ap ] irentices , during the seven years which were occupied in preparing the materials for , and building the Temple at Jerusalem ? The expert Masonsthe
, Fellowcrafts , and Masters , were the Dionysiacs , i . e . Tyrians and Egyptians ; and they were ranged in separate Lodges , under Hiram , Abiff , Tito Zadok , and their fellows . When the Temple and Solomon ' s other buildings were finished , I cannot find that these accomplished men held any further communication with the people of Israel ; but spread
themselves abroad , ancl practised the art amongst other nations , till their posterity became famous as the Collegica Fabrorim of Rome , from whom the Freemasons of the middle ages ,
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The Revelations Of A Square.
degraded into a religious sect . How it could enter into Bro . Franco ' s imagination that Freemasonry is a Jewish institution , I am at a loss to conjecture , for the Jews never practised Masonry themselves , or encouraged it in others ; and it may be safely conjectured that , even at the present day , there are not a dozen Jewish Masons in Englandand at the revival
, , in 1717 , there was not one in all the world . As a Christian , and an unworthy member of the Church , I believe Jesus to be the Son of Gocl ; ancl , as He has said that His religion shall ultimately be ' one fold under one shepherd , ' I believe that Christianity , like the rod of Moses , will swallow up all others ; and that Jew and GentileGreek ancl barbarianbond and
, , free , will embrace this universal system , and Christ shall be all in all . And I confess I was not prepared to hear a professing Christian cast a reflection on his Redeemer , by doubting the universality of his religion , and pronouncing it to be nothino- more than a sect . '
" Here the R . W . M . resumed his seat , " said the Square , " and Bro . Dunckerley rose , and , addressing himself to the chair , observed that he concurred in pronouncing the general construction of Masonry to be cosmopolite , and , consequently , democratic ; yet he would submit to the consideration of the Lodge , whether the Lectures which we use are not essentially
Christian . He conceived that the exclusive a 2 ipropriation of Masonry to the Jews , according to Bro . Franco ' s hypothesis , would be a far greater error than making it altogether Christian ; because , amongst the many hundreds of Christian Lodges , which are spread over the four quarters of the globe , it is very doubtful whether there be a single Jewish Lodge in
existence . ' Besides , ' he added , ' what claim can the Jews , as a nation , have to be conservators of an institution which they certainly never practised , if we except a few Grand Superintendents and the Entered Ap ] irentices , during the seven years which were occupied in preparing the materials for , and building the Temple at Jerusalem ? The expert Masonsthe
, Fellowcrafts , and Masters , were the Dionysiacs , i . e . Tyrians and Egyptians ; and they were ranged in separate Lodges , under Hiram , Abiff , Tito Zadok , and their fellows . When the Temple and Solomon ' s other buildings were finished , I cannot find that these accomplished men held any further communication with the people of Israel ; but spread
themselves abroad , ancl practised the art amongst other nations , till their posterity became famous as the Collegica Fabrorim of Rome , from whom the Freemasons of the middle ages ,