Article THE REVELATIONS OF A SQUARE. ← Page 16 of 19 →
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The Revelations Of A Square.
never intended to be final . And this accounts for the introduction into our lectures of all the chief types of Christ contained in the sacred records . For instance , one of our Masonic landmarks refers to Moses at the Burning Bush , where Jehovah commanded him to take the shoes from off his
feet , because the place where he stood was holy . From this spot he was divinely commissioned to deliver the children of Israel from their Egyptian bondage . And when thus miraculously liberated , they were led by the self-same Shekinah , who was no other than the Second Person in the Sacred Trinity , whom we Masons denominate T G A 0 T U . '
" Bro . Franco would not confess himself conquered , " said the Square , " but continued the battle with great gallantry . He urged that a single historical fact introduced into the
Lectures , by accident probably , could be no valid proof of a general principle . ' Bro . Dunckerley has asserted that the Lectures are , as a whole , if I understood him correctly , essentially Christian . That learned Brother will not , I trust , consider me intrusive , if I request his proofs of that important fact . '
" Bro . Dunckerley immediately replied that nothing would afford him greater pleasure than to convince Bro . Franco of the real tendency of the Lectures , which , he might safely say , he had studied with the utmost attention . The prayer which Bro . Franco has referred to is not the only one which was in use amongst our ancient Brethren ; but being the best adapted
to the revised order in a Protestant country , it was agreed by the Grand Lodge to incorporate it into the ceremonial as an unalterable landmark , in preference to others , which were more peculiarly allied to the Romish ritual . '
" ' Perhaps , interposed Bro . Franco , ' our learned Brother would favour us with a specimen of these Masonic prayers . ' " ' With great pleasure / Bro . Dunckerley replied . ' One ancient Masonic invocation was in this form . Pray we to GodAlmigghty and to hys sioete moder Mary . Another runs thus , Jhesu , for thyn holy name , schulde me from synne and
schame . Others ran in a similar strain . It will therefore be seen that the most comprehensive formula was adopted , and has ever since been retained in use . The Lectures of Masonry , ' continued Bro . Dunckerley , ' are full of landmarks which refer to the subject under discussion . The sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Moriah was an indisputable type of the great atonement ; and this constitutes an unalterable landmark to consecrate the floor of our Lodges . The construction of the
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The Revelations Of A Square.
never intended to be final . And this accounts for the introduction into our lectures of all the chief types of Christ contained in the sacred records . For instance , one of our Masonic landmarks refers to Moses at the Burning Bush , where Jehovah commanded him to take the shoes from off his
feet , because the place where he stood was holy . From this spot he was divinely commissioned to deliver the children of Israel from their Egyptian bondage . And when thus miraculously liberated , they were led by the self-same Shekinah , who was no other than the Second Person in the Sacred Trinity , whom we Masons denominate T G A 0 T U . '
" Bro . Franco would not confess himself conquered , " said the Square , " but continued the battle with great gallantry . He urged that a single historical fact introduced into the
Lectures , by accident probably , could be no valid proof of a general principle . ' Bro . Dunckerley has asserted that the Lectures are , as a whole , if I understood him correctly , essentially Christian . That learned Brother will not , I trust , consider me intrusive , if I request his proofs of that important fact . '
" Bro . Dunckerley immediately replied that nothing would afford him greater pleasure than to convince Bro . Franco of the real tendency of the Lectures , which , he might safely say , he had studied with the utmost attention . The prayer which Bro . Franco has referred to is not the only one which was in use amongst our ancient Brethren ; but being the best adapted
to the revised order in a Protestant country , it was agreed by the Grand Lodge to incorporate it into the ceremonial as an unalterable landmark , in preference to others , which were more peculiarly allied to the Romish ritual . '
" ' Perhaps , interposed Bro . Franco , ' our learned Brother would favour us with a specimen of these Masonic prayers . ' " ' With great pleasure / Bro . Dunckerley replied . ' One ancient Masonic invocation was in this form . Pray we to GodAlmigghty and to hys sioete moder Mary . Another runs thus , Jhesu , for thyn holy name , schulde me from synne and
schame . Others ran in a similar strain . It will therefore be seen that the most comprehensive formula was adopted , and has ever since been retained in use . The Lectures of Masonry , ' continued Bro . Dunckerley , ' are full of landmarks which refer to the subject under discussion . The sacrifice of Isaac on Mount Moriah was an indisputable type of the great atonement ; and this constitutes an unalterable landmark to consecrate the floor of our Lodges . The construction of the