Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN Page 1 of 2 →
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United Grand Lodge.
Past Masters , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of many other Lodges . The G . L . Avas opened in form , and Avith solemn prayer . Communications Avere made to the G . L . as to the unavoidable absence of the M . W . the G . M ., the D . G . M ., and S . G . W . The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication , and of the Especial G . L . for June 22 nd , and August 2 nd ( which had been held in order to revise the Book of Constitutions ) , were respectively read ancl confirmed .
Upon the recommendation of the M . W . the G . M ., the rank of P . G . J . W . Avas conferred upon Bro . J . J . L . Hoff . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for June , July , and August , was read ; when , on the recommendation of the Lodge of July , it was proposed and seconded that the sum of 307 . be granted to Bro . H . E . Drake . Upon this an amendment Avas proposed by Bro . John Savageand duly secondedto the effect that 50 Z . be
, , granted to the said Brother instead of 301 ., which , being put , passed iu the affirmative . It being IIOAV past eleven o ' clock , no further business was proceeded with , and the G . L . was closed in form and Avith solemn prayer .
YAEBOEOUGH LODGE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , Stepney .- —Fifth Anniversary , Thursday , 7 th July , 1 S 53 . Present—Bro . T . E . Davis , W . M . ; ' W . Bro . T . Vesper , ' P . M ., Hon . Sec ; W . Bro . Wynne , P . M . ; Bro . Simmonds ( W . M . 165 ) , S . W . ; Bro . Edinger , J . W . ; Bro . W . W . Davis ( P . M . 112 ) , Treas . ; W . Bro . Jno . Purdy , P . Sec . ; Bro . W . Vesper , S . D . ; Bro . Ansell , J . D . ; Bro . E . U . GardnerI . G . ; Bros . Watts and CrispStewards ;
, , Bro . Hampton , D . C . & c . & c . The Lodge continues to be attended with unabated and unprecedented prosperity , and was hailed by a numerous assemblage of the Brethren , with their usual cordiality of feeling , congratulation , and happiness , under the excellent guidance of their worth y Master , who , ( as also his Brother , the Treasurer , ) is a Life
Governor of most of the Masonic and many other charities . In the brief period of five years this Lodge has initiated into our mysteries , 142 ; Brethren AVIIO have joined the Lodge , 49 ; Brethren from other Lodges , AA'ho have had the Second and Third Degrees conferred , 10 . Of the above , there are from Austria , 15 ; from Malta , 1 ; from America , 1 ; from Ireland , 6 ; from Scotland , 5 ; from northern British Isles , 5 ; master mariners , 81 ; the remainder being landsmen , Consequently the " Yarborough " has done , and is now doing ,
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United Grand Lodge.
Past Masters , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge ; and the Masters , Past Masters , and Wardens of many other Lodges . The G . L . Avas opened in form , and Avith solemn prayer . Communications Avere made to the G . L . as to the unavoidable absence of the M . W . the G . M ., the D . G . M ., and S . G . W . The minutes of the last Quarterly Communication , and of the Especial G . L . for June 22 nd , and August 2 nd ( which had been held in order to revise the Book of Constitutions ) , were respectively read ancl confirmed .
Upon the recommendation of the M . W . the G . M ., the rank of P . G . J . W . Avas conferred upon Bro . J . J . L . Hoff . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for June , July , and August , was read ; when , on the recommendation of the Lodge of July , it was proposed and seconded that the sum of 307 . be granted to Bro . H . E . Drake . Upon this an amendment Avas proposed by Bro . John Savageand duly secondedto the effect that 50 Z . be
, , granted to the said Brother instead of 301 ., which , being put , passed iu the affirmative . It being IIOAV past eleven o ' clock , no further business was proceeded with , and the G . L . was closed in form and Avith solemn prayer .
YAEBOEOUGH LODGE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , Stepney .- —Fifth Anniversary , Thursday , 7 th July , 1 S 53 . Present—Bro . T . E . Davis , W . M . ; ' W . Bro . T . Vesper , ' P . M ., Hon . Sec ; W . Bro . Wynne , P . M . ; Bro . Simmonds ( W . M . 165 ) , S . W . ; Bro . Edinger , J . W . ; Bro . W . W . Davis ( P . M . 112 ) , Treas . ; W . Bro . Jno . Purdy , P . Sec . ; Bro . W . Vesper , S . D . ; Bro . Ansell , J . D . ; Bro . E . U . GardnerI . G . ; Bros . Watts and CrispStewards ;
, , Bro . Hampton , D . C . & c . & c . The Lodge continues to be attended with unabated and unprecedented prosperity , and was hailed by a numerous assemblage of the Brethren , with their usual cordiality of feeling , congratulation , and happiness , under the excellent guidance of their worth y Master , who , ( as also his Brother , the Treasurer , ) is a Life
Governor of most of the Masonic and many other charities . In the brief period of five years this Lodge has initiated into our mysteries , 142 ; Brethren AVIIO have joined the Lodge , 49 ; Brethren from other Lodges , AA'ho have had the Second and Third Degrees conferred , 10 . Of the above , there are from Austria , 15 ; from Malta , 1 ; from America , 1 ; from Ireland , 6 ; from Scotland , 5 ; from northern British Isles , 5 ; master mariners , 81 ; the remainder being landsmen , Consequently the " Yarborough " has done , and is now doing ,