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much at the eastern extremity of this vast metropolis for the Masonic cause , and especially by means of its seafaring and foreign Brethren , for the dissemination of the glorious principles of Freemasonry in every part of the Avorld ; ancl ofttimes many happy results are testified by its members on their return to their native homes . The proceedings of this day , as on previous anniversaries , Avere rendered interesting
both in Lodge and at the banquet-board , ( liberally catered by the worthy host , Bro . R . S . Williams , P . M . No . 11 . ) In doing honour to the usual toasts , one may be here especially remarked—the health and happiness of Bro . Purely , P . Sec , which was quaffed by all the Brethren from a massive silver cup , then presented to him , and bearing the following inscription : — " This cup ( with a gold jewel ) was presented 1853 to the W . Bro .
, , John Purdy , P . M . and P . Sec . of 53 and 212 , and P . Sec . of 812 ; P . Z . ancl P . E . of Chap . 169 , and E . 812 , as a token of the high estimation in AAdiich he Avas held by the Brethren of the Yarborough Lodge , S 12 , for his valuable services at the formation of the Lodge and Chapter , and as Secretary during the years 1848 , 1849 , 1850 , ancl 1851 . "
The above-named jewel is " a gold P . Sec . s , with a copy of the inscription , and was accompanied Avith a handsome worked purse , wrought by a lady , ( the amiable sister of the W . M . ) , for this express purpose , much enhancing the present to the veteran brother , who returned thanks for the great and valuable compliment rendered him . Bro . Purely had the honour of wearing on this occasion , the centenary jewel of the Strong Man LodgeNo . 53 ; P . M . gold jewel
, of Universal Lodge , 212 ; P . Scribe gold jewels of Chapter 169 , & c . The Lodge of Instruction , under the auspices of this Lodge , meeting at the George Tavern , Commercial-road , at eight o ' clock on every Tuesday evening throughout the year , is very beneficial to the interests of the Craft at large , and our nautical Brethren hi particular .
YAKBOEOUGH CHAPTEE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , Stepney . —On Thursday , 28 th July , a Convocation of this Chapter Avas especially holden for the purpose of admitting to the Supreme Degree two Austrian Brethren of the highest respectability , who Avere both initiated in the Yarborough Lodge , one of them in the first year of its consecration , and one on the third anniversary ; on both of which occasions the Lodge was honoured by the presence of
the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough . On this occasion Ex-Comp . Wynne , M . E . Z ., presided , and was most ably supported by M . Ex-Comp . Biggs , P . Z ., as H ., and Ex-Comp . Tuxforcl , J ., Avhen Bro . Nicolo Sguippa and Bro . Giovanni Vincenzo Catarinich were introduced , ancl exalted in a most able and impressive manner . E . Comp . Michelli , Interpreter to the Chapter , was assisted by E . Comp . Belfczer . We are of opinion that the furniture ancl regalia of this Chapter are not surpassed by any in London .
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much at the eastern extremity of this vast metropolis for the Masonic cause , and especially by means of its seafaring and foreign Brethren , for the dissemination of the glorious principles of Freemasonry in every part of the Avorld ; ancl ofttimes many happy results are testified by its members on their return to their native homes . The proceedings of this day , as on previous anniversaries , Avere rendered interesting
both in Lodge and at the banquet-board , ( liberally catered by the worthy host , Bro . R . S . Williams , P . M . No . 11 . ) In doing honour to the usual toasts , one may be here especially remarked—the health and happiness of Bro . Purely , P . Sec , which was quaffed by all the Brethren from a massive silver cup , then presented to him , and bearing the following inscription : — " This cup ( with a gold jewel ) was presented 1853 to the W . Bro .
, , John Purdy , P . M . and P . Sec . of 53 and 212 , and P . Sec . of 812 ; P . Z . ancl P . E . of Chap . 169 , and E . 812 , as a token of the high estimation in AAdiich he Avas held by the Brethren of the Yarborough Lodge , S 12 , for his valuable services at the formation of the Lodge and Chapter , and as Secretary during the years 1848 , 1849 , 1850 , ancl 1851 . "
The above-named jewel is " a gold P . Sec . s , with a copy of the inscription , and was accompanied Avith a handsome worked purse , wrought by a lady , ( the amiable sister of the W . M . ) , for this express purpose , much enhancing the present to the veteran brother , who returned thanks for the great and valuable compliment rendered him . Bro . Purely had the honour of wearing on this occasion , the centenary jewel of the Strong Man LodgeNo . 53 ; P . M . gold jewel
, of Universal Lodge , 212 ; P . Scribe gold jewels of Chapter 169 , & c . The Lodge of Instruction , under the auspices of this Lodge , meeting at the George Tavern , Commercial-road , at eight o ' clock on every Tuesday evening throughout the year , is very beneficial to the interests of the Craft at large , and our nautical Brethren hi particular .
YAKBOEOUGH CHAPTEE , 812 , George Tavern , Commercial-road , Stepney . —On Thursday , 28 th July , a Convocation of this Chapter Avas especially holden for the purpose of admitting to the Supreme Degree two Austrian Brethren of the highest respectability , who Avere both initiated in the Yarborough Lodge , one of them in the first year of its consecration , and one on the third anniversary ; on both of which occasions the Lodge was honoured by the presence of
the R . W . D . G . M . the Earl of Yarborough . On this occasion Ex-Comp . Wynne , M . E . Z ., presided , and was most ably supported by M . Ex-Comp . Biggs , P . Z ., as H ., and Ex-Comp . Tuxforcl , J ., Avhen Bro . Nicolo Sguippa and Bro . Giovanni Vincenzo Catarinich were introduced , ancl exalted in a most able and impressive manner . E . Comp . Michelli , Interpreter to the Chapter , was assisted by E . Comp . Belfczer . We are of opinion that the furniture ancl regalia of this Chapter are not surpassed by any in London .