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CARMARTHENSHIRE . St . Peter ' s Lodge , JVo . 699 . —August 21 st , 1853 . —Bro . Ribbans ' s labours during the last ten years in this part of the principality are likely soon to be rewarded by some suitable memorial , for his gratuitous Masonic services . It has been suggested that the worthy Brother be consulted as to the nature of the testimonial intended to be given to him .
CHESHIRE . STOOKPOET . —Thursday , Sept . 8 th . —The Lord Viscount Combermere , of Combermere Abbey , BAY . Prov . G . M . of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for Cheshire , held a Prov . G . L . at the Court House , in this borough , " for the despatch of business" relating to the Craft . His Lordshi p and Lady Combermereaccompanied btheir sonthe Hon . Major Wellington
, y , Cotton , M . P ., and his lad y , and suite , arrived in town by the 12 . 5 o ' clock train , and were met at the railway station by Bro . AV . C . Cruttenden , of Mount Heaton , Avith his carriage , apartments having been secured at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Inn for the noble and distinguished party . The Prov . G . Chap , ( the Rev . J . W . N . Tannerof Antrobusin this count ) and BroGCAntrobus
, , y , . . . , of Eaton , arrived by an earlier train , and were the guests of Bro . Cruttenden . The bells of the parish church rang merrily throughout the day , and the occasion Avas distinguished by the erection along the projected route of the intended procession of three elegant and stupendous triumphal arches . A great number of flags and emblems
of hospitality and welcome Avere exhibited by the tradesmen from their houses , on the line of the route through Avhich his lordshi p was expected to pass . The arch over Wellington Road , leading to St . Peter ' s Square , was of magnificent dimensions , surmounted by a lofty Union Jack , Avith pinnacles right and left ; the words " Rio-ht Welcome , Combermere , " in blue letters on a white ground , being on the south sideand " Long live the Cheshire Hero" on the north
, , , and elaborately ornamented Avith flags , floral and other devices , the whole structure being covered with evergreens on dark drapery . The general character of this arch , Avhich Avas about forty-five feet wide and fifty feet hi gh , Avas most effective . That over Vernon-street , leading out of Warren-street , was of a similar design , but not so imposing . It Avas most appropriateldecorated with Avarlike
y emblems , and a list of the principal victories , painted on drapery , in which Lord Combermere had signalised himself , as follow : —• "Flanders , Lavelly , Oporto , Talavera , Almeida , Torres Vedras , Castiglione , Llerena , Salamanca , Toulouse , Orthez , and Bhurtpore . " The third triumphal arch was erected in Churchgate , near the Ring
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CARMARTHENSHIRE . St . Peter ' s Lodge , JVo . 699 . —August 21 st , 1853 . —Bro . Ribbans ' s labours during the last ten years in this part of the principality are likely soon to be rewarded by some suitable memorial , for his gratuitous Masonic services . It has been suggested that the worthy Brother be consulted as to the nature of the testimonial intended to be given to him .
CHESHIRE . STOOKPOET . —Thursday , Sept . 8 th . —The Lord Viscount Combermere , of Combermere Abbey , BAY . Prov . G . M . of the Most Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons for Cheshire , held a Prov . G . L . at the Court House , in this borough , " for the despatch of business" relating to the Craft . His Lordshi p and Lady Combermereaccompanied btheir sonthe Hon . Major Wellington
, y , Cotton , M . P ., and his lad y , and suite , arrived in town by the 12 . 5 o ' clock train , and were met at the railway station by Bro . AV . C . Cruttenden , of Mount Heaton , Avith his carriage , apartments having been secured at the Warren Bulkeley Arms Inn for the noble and distinguished party . The Prov . G . Chap , ( the Rev . J . W . N . Tannerof Antrobusin this count ) and BroGCAntrobus
, , y , . . . , of Eaton , arrived by an earlier train , and were the guests of Bro . Cruttenden . The bells of the parish church rang merrily throughout the day , and the occasion Avas distinguished by the erection along the projected route of the intended procession of three elegant and stupendous triumphal arches . A great number of flags and emblems
of hospitality and welcome Avere exhibited by the tradesmen from their houses , on the line of the route through Avhich his lordshi p was expected to pass . The arch over Wellington Road , leading to St . Peter ' s Square , was of magnificent dimensions , surmounted by a lofty Union Jack , Avith pinnacles right and left ; the words " Rio-ht Welcome , Combermere , " in blue letters on a white ground , being on the south sideand " Long live the Cheshire Hero" on the north
, , , and elaborately ornamented Avith flags , floral and other devices , the whole structure being covered with evergreens on dark drapery . The general character of this arch , Avhich Avas about forty-five feet wide and fifty feet hi gh , Avas most effective . That over Vernon-street , leading out of Warren-street , was of a similar design , but not so imposing . It Avas most appropriateldecorated with Avarlike
y emblems , and a list of the principal victories , painted on drapery , in which Lord Combermere had signalised himself , as follow : —• "Flanders , Lavelly , Oporto , Talavera , Almeida , Torres Vedras , Castiglione , Llerena , Salamanca , Toulouse , Orthez , and Bhurtpore . " The third triumphal arch was erected in Churchgate , near the Ring