Article ON THE LEGEND OF THE HOLY OR SAN GRAAL; ← Page 11 of 26 →
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On The Legend Of The Holy Or San Graal;
rotunda , with the sides broken by circular chapels , of Avhich one to the east is larger than the rest , giving the ground plan someAvhat the form of a Greek cross ; as the Virgin Mary was the special patron of the Knights Templars , this invocation and a circular plan are at least Templar reminiscences . The
reason Avhy a round ground plan Avas fixed on by the Order for their favourite form , as Ave find still existing not only in the buildings real or visionary Ave have mentioned , but also in the round Temple Church in London , in Cambridge , Northampton , Little Maplestead , and Temple Bruer , is variously stated : — Amongst the heathens the idea of chastity must have had some
immediate connection Avith a circle , as all the temples to Vesta have that form . The Pantheon may be looked upon as the round table of the heathen Olympus , round ivhich each deity could receive his peculiar worship , Avithout an implied superiority of place to any . But the rotunda may have been originally fortuitously taken up by the Templars from their first institution in the East , and from the
donation by the king of Jerusalem to Hugo de Paganis of a Moslem mosque built by the Caliph Omar , for their first place of assembly and worship , after it had undergone the purification of a consecration by the patriarch . The Mohammedan mosque is well known to be always circular , and as this had been built on Mount Sionand the ancient site of Solomon ' s glorious temple
, , both form and name passed to the infant Order , and remained with it to its final extinction . Hence many points of contact and ritual in the Lodges . But we must continue the conformities that we have found
mentioned , or ourselves first noticed in the poem , Avith the Templars , and , consequently , with the Orders proceeding from them . Some ritual observances differing from the usual celebration of the Mass , as the inserting the three first verses of St . John's Gospel , in both have been insisted upon ; also the very worship of the Graal , like the supposed Templar
Baphometum , knoAvn from the interrogatories in the proceedings , both Avhich Avere to bring their votaries unbounded Avealth , and a supernatural fertility to their possessions , as the following points from the Templar protocols prove . " 52 . Item , quod dicebant , quod illud caput poterat eos salvare . 53 . Itemquod divites facere . 54 . Itemquod omnes
, , divitias ordinis dabat eis . 55 . Item , quod terram germinare faciebat . 56 . Item , quod faciebat arbores florere . " Another congruity is , the prostration thrice that the poem requires for the Graal , and Avhich the knights are said to have practised to their Baphomet . As the Order received its first rule from St . Bernard , the founder of the Cistercians , it is but reasonable
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On The Legend Of The Holy Or San Graal;
rotunda , with the sides broken by circular chapels , of Avhich one to the east is larger than the rest , giving the ground plan someAvhat the form of a Greek cross ; as the Virgin Mary was the special patron of the Knights Templars , this invocation and a circular plan are at least Templar reminiscences . The
reason Avhy a round ground plan Avas fixed on by the Order for their favourite form , as Ave find still existing not only in the buildings real or visionary Ave have mentioned , but also in the round Temple Church in London , in Cambridge , Northampton , Little Maplestead , and Temple Bruer , is variously stated : — Amongst the heathens the idea of chastity must have had some
immediate connection Avith a circle , as all the temples to Vesta have that form . The Pantheon may be looked upon as the round table of the heathen Olympus , round ivhich each deity could receive his peculiar worship , Avithout an implied superiority of place to any . But the rotunda may have been originally fortuitously taken up by the Templars from their first institution in the East , and from the
donation by the king of Jerusalem to Hugo de Paganis of a Moslem mosque built by the Caliph Omar , for their first place of assembly and worship , after it had undergone the purification of a consecration by the patriarch . The Mohammedan mosque is well known to be always circular , and as this had been built on Mount Sionand the ancient site of Solomon ' s glorious temple
, , both form and name passed to the infant Order , and remained with it to its final extinction . Hence many points of contact and ritual in the Lodges . But we must continue the conformities that we have found
mentioned , or ourselves first noticed in the poem , Avith the Templars , and , consequently , with the Orders proceeding from them . Some ritual observances differing from the usual celebration of the Mass , as the inserting the three first verses of St . John's Gospel , in both have been insisted upon ; also the very worship of the Graal , like the supposed Templar
Baphometum , knoAvn from the interrogatories in the proceedings , both Avhich Avere to bring their votaries unbounded Avealth , and a supernatural fertility to their possessions , as the following points from the Templar protocols prove . " 52 . Item , quod dicebant , quod illud caput poterat eos salvare . 53 . Itemquod divites facere . 54 . Itemquod omnes
, , divitias ordinis dabat eis . 55 . Item , quod terram germinare faciebat . 56 . Item , quod faciebat arbores florere . " Another congruity is , the prostration thrice that the poem requires for the Graal , and Avhich the knights are said to have practised to their Baphomet . As the Order received its first rule from St . Bernard , the founder of the Cistercians , it is but reasonable