Article JERSEY AND GUERNSEY ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Jersey And Guernsey
The Act of the States for the construction of the harbour was then read by her Majesty ' s Grefiier . The Vice-President of the Harbour Committee then handed the inscription plate to Mr . Advocate Gallienne , P . G . Treas ., by whom it was read as follows : —•
"ILE DE GUERNSEY . Le 24 Aout , 1853 , Anniversaire de la presence en cette ile de sa Tres Gracieuse Majeste la Reine Victoria en l ' annee 1840 , Son Excellence le Lieutenant-General Messire John Bell , Chevalier , Commandeur du trcs Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain , dtant Lieulenant-Gouverneur
, la premiere Pierre de ce nouveau Havre de Saint Pierre-Port a etc ? posee par Pierre Stafford Carey , ecuyer , Baillif , en presence du Coi-ps des Etats , et de John James Hammond , ecuyer , P . G . M ., et du Rev . Henry Orme AA ood , D . P . G . M . des Erancs Macons .
Connie des Etats charge de VExecution des Traranx . Pierre Stafford Carey , ecuyer , Baillif . Hilary Olivier Carre ? , fcuyer , Lieutenant-Baillif , Thomas Eiott De HaAulland , Ecuyer , Jure " , Edgar MacCulloch , ecuyer , Jure " , Superviseur de la Chaussue , en charge , Abraham Bishop , ecuyer , ")
Henry Tupper , ecuyer , I James Bolomey MattheAA 7 s , ecuyer , > Douzeniers . James Ahier De Lisle , ecuyer , | Henry Giffard ecuyer , J James MeadoAA'S Rendel , ( Scuyer , Ingemeur-en-ehef , George Eosbery Lyster , eeuyer , Ingenieur-Surintendant , Messrs . Thomas Charles Le Gros et Philippe De La Mare , Entrepreneurs . " Various English and Guernsey goins were then handed by the
Treasurer of the States to the Prov . G . M ., by whom they were deposited in the caA-ity of the stone , together Avith the Act of the States , an almanac of the year , and a copy of each of the local papers , viz . the Gazette de Guernesey , the Star , the Comet , and the Guernesiais , the whole of which were enclosed in a glass vessel hermetically sealed . The stone was then slowlloweredand the Rev . Y . AV . Bro .
y , C . Lynn , Prov . G . Chap ., offered up jiraycr . After which the Prov . G . M . proceeded to adjust the stone with the level , plumb-rule , and square , Avhich Avere severally presented to him by the V . AV . Prov . G . J . AV ., the Y . AV . Prov . G . S . AV ., and V . AV . Dep . Prov . G . M . This clone , he delivered to the Bailiff a mallet , _ Avith which the latter struck the stone once , —the Prov . G . M .,
with his own mallet , afterwards striking it thrice , saying . — "As Provincial Grand Master of the Eree and Accepted Masons of England , for the Province of Guernsey and its dependencies , I now declare this stone to be duly and Masonically laid ; andmay the G . A . 0 . T . U ., Avithout Avhose invocation no work of importance should be begun , grant a blessing on this undertaking . May He enable us to cany on and complete the building , and may He of His infinite Providence guard over and protect the structure from ruin and decay until the latest posterity . God save the Queen . "
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Jersey And Guernsey
The Act of the States for the construction of the harbour was then read by her Majesty ' s Grefiier . The Vice-President of the Harbour Committee then handed the inscription plate to Mr . Advocate Gallienne , P . G . Treas ., by whom it was read as follows : —•
"ILE DE GUERNSEY . Le 24 Aout , 1853 , Anniversaire de la presence en cette ile de sa Tres Gracieuse Majeste la Reine Victoria en l ' annee 1840 , Son Excellence le Lieutenant-General Messire John Bell , Chevalier , Commandeur du trcs Honorable Ordre Militaire du Bain , dtant Lieulenant-Gouverneur
, la premiere Pierre de ce nouveau Havre de Saint Pierre-Port a etc ? posee par Pierre Stafford Carey , ecuyer , Baillif , en presence du Coi-ps des Etats , et de John James Hammond , ecuyer , P . G . M ., et du Rev . Henry Orme AA ood , D . P . G . M . des Erancs Macons .
Connie des Etats charge de VExecution des Traranx . Pierre Stafford Carey , ecuyer , Baillif . Hilary Olivier Carre ? , fcuyer , Lieutenant-Baillif , Thomas Eiott De HaAulland , Ecuyer , Jure " , Edgar MacCulloch , ecuyer , Jure " , Superviseur de la Chaussue , en charge , Abraham Bishop , ecuyer , ")
Henry Tupper , ecuyer , I James Bolomey MattheAA 7 s , ecuyer , > Douzeniers . James Ahier De Lisle , ecuyer , | Henry Giffard ecuyer , J James MeadoAA'S Rendel , ( Scuyer , Ingemeur-en-ehef , George Eosbery Lyster , eeuyer , Ingenieur-Surintendant , Messrs . Thomas Charles Le Gros et Philippe De La Mare , Entrepreneurs . " Various English and Guernsey goins were then handed by the
Treasurer of the States to the Prov . G . M ., by whom they were deposited in the caA-ity of the stone , together Avith the Act of the States , an almanac of the year , and a copy of each of the local papers , viz . the Gazette de Guernesey , the Star , the Comet , and the Guernesiais , the whole of which were enclosed in a glass vessel hermetically sealed . The stone was then slowlloweredand the Rev . Y . AV . Bro .
y , C . Lynn , Prov . G . Chap ., offered up jiraycr . After which the Prov . G . M . proceeded to adjust the stone with the level , plumb-rule , and square , Avhich Avere severally presented to him by the V . AV . Prov . G . J . AV ., the Y . AV . Prov . G . S . AV ., and V . AV . Dep . Prov . G . M . This clone , he delivered to the Bailiff a mallet , _ Avith which the latter struck the stone once , —the Prov . G . M .,
with his own mallet , afterwards striking it thrice , saying . — "As Provincial Grand Master of the Eree and Accepted Masons of England , for the Province of Guernsey and its dependencies , I now declare this stone to be duly and Masonically laid ; andmay the G . A . 0 . T . U ., Avithout Avhose invocation no work of importance should be begun , grant a blessing on this undertaking . May He enable us to cany on and complete the building , and may He of His infinite Providence guard over and protect the structure from ruin and decay until the latest posterity . God save the Queen . "