Article FATHER AND SON. ← Page 6 of 30 →
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Father And Son.
not be shared Avith the children of another , and perhaps a dearer ivife ! See how beautiful he is ! HOAV ivorthy of such a sacrifice ! And do not chide me for my selfishness !" " Be calm , Mary , be happy , " was the low reply of the afflicted listener ; "I can never love again . Your child—our child—Avill , should I indeed lose you , be all my interest in this life . '
And the bereaved husband redeemed the sacred pledge given to a dying wife . The grave closed over the lovely and the young , and his heart went doAvn into the same darkness . A tutor was provided for the boy so soon as he Avas capable of profiting by his instructions , and his studies were pursued under the eyes of his father in youtheven as his sports had been in
, childhood . It was touching to contemplate the fond affection which existed between them . The strong man boAved himself to the weakness of the stripling , and the boy as eagerly strove to elevate himself to the level of the tastes and feelings
of his parent ; and so years went by in peace , and confidence , and mutual trust . There Avas not a secret , not a misgiving between them ; they were all in all to each other ; and if some of those about them hinted that such a state of things could not endure for ever , they Avere at least careful not to breathe their forebodings into the ears of those Avhom they regarded .
Time Avore on , and Sydney Leicester attained his twenty-fourth year . Singularly handsome in person , an only son , and the heir to a noble fortune , it is by no means surprising that he became the mark of many an ambitious mother ' s hopes , and many a fair girl's day-dreams ; but for a Avhile The Grange did not appear likely to own a new mistress . With a
wellcultivated intellect , and a warm and affectionate heart , the young man was singularly deficient in firmness of character ; and Avhile , Avith the usual susceptibility of his age , he Avas perpetually attracted by the beauty and fascinations of the bright beings who flitted across his path , a newer face sufficed to change the current of his feelings , and to obliterate the first fleeting
impression . " And yet you must one day marry , Sydney , " would his father often say Avith a smile ; " the old halls must ring before I die with the glad A'oices of children , and the laughter of their mother . I must not go to my grave with the apprehension that our ancient race is destined to be extinguished . Remember , that although you are still in the first pride of your manhood ,
my hair is growing grey , and my part in the drama of society is played out . Let me live again in you . You have great duties to perform , and great responsibilities to meet . With your means of good you OAVC yourself to your tenants and de-
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Father And Son.
not be shared Avith the children of another , and perhaps a dearer ivife ! See how beautiful he is ! HOAV ivorthy of such a sacrifice ! And do not chide me for my selfishness !" " Be calm , Mary , be happy , " was the low reply of the afflicted listener ; "I can never love again . Your child—our child—Avill , should I indeed lose you , be all my interest in this life . '
And the bereaved husband redeemed the sacred pledge given to a dying wife . The grave closed over the lovely and the young , and his heart went doAvn into the same darkness . A tutor was provided for the boy so soon as he Avas capable of profiting by his instructions , and his studies were pursued under the eyes of his father in youtheven as his sports had been in
, childhood . It was touching to contemplate the fond affection which existed between them . The strong man boAved himself to the weakness of the stripling , and the boy as eagerly strove to elevate himself to the level of the tastes and feelings
of his parent ; and so years went by in peace , and confidence , and mutual trust . There Avas not a secret , not a misgiving between them ; they were all in all to each other ; and if some of those about them hinted that such a state of things could not endure for ever , they Avere at least careful not to breathe their forebodings into the ears of those Avhom they regarded .
Time Avore on , and Sydney Leicester attained his twenty-fourth year . Singularly handsome in person , an only son , and the heir to a noble fortune , it is by no means surprising that he became the mark of many an ambitious mother ' s hopes , and many a fair girl's day-dreams ; but for a Avhile The Grange did not appear likely to own a new mistress . With a
wellcultivated intellect , and a warm and affectionate heart , the young man was singularly deficient in firmness of character ; and Avhile , Avith the usual susceptibility of his age , he Avas perpetually attracted by the beauty and fascinations of the bright beings who flitted across his path , a newer face sufficed to change the current of his feelings , and to obliterate the first fleeting
impression . " And yet you must one day marry , Sydney , " would his father often say Avith a smile ; " the old halls must ring before I die with the glad A'oices of children , and the laughter of their mother . I must not go to my grave with the apprehension that our ancient race is destined to be extinguished . Remember , that although you are still in the first pride of your manhood ,
my hair is growing grey , and my part in the drama of society is played out . Let me live again in you . You have great duties to perform , and great responsibilities to meet . With your means of good you OAVC yourself to your tenants and de-