Article FATHER AND SON. ← Page 17 of 30 →
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Father And Son.
everything that those Avho loved her best could anticipate or desire ; and even Mr . CraAvford himself began to hope that he had clone her injustice , and that she Avas indeed " Avise in her generation , " when he saAv her unostentatiously Avithdraw herself from her guests to ponder Avith the land steAvard over documents , the very sight of which Avas odious to both the gentlemen of the
family . " Aye , that's the lady for my money , " frequently remarked the Avorthy functionary , as he Avas about to AvithdraAV from The Grange with all his papers duly examined and approved . " Master Sydney could never be brought to sign the new leases , or to prosecute the poachers , or to do anything that is necessary on
the estate , if it Avere not for his pretty young wife . Trust me , he feels that he has done wrong . I am quite sure he does ; but Avhen the Avrong is clone , Avhy it is Avell that there is one strong head in the family to see that no further harm comes of it . " And so it was . There ivas one strong head , which not even physical Aveakness could bow ; and very closely and very minutely did Caroline labour to master all the intricacies of the legal
business Avhich came before her . Totally unaccustomed hitherto to affairs of the kind , this had been no easy task ; but her OAVII interests were involved , and she left no energy unemployed , no power of her mind unexercised , until she had made herself mistress of eA ery detail , and was equal to every emergency ! Nor Avas this all . Spoiled by the over-indulgence of her
husband and his father , she soon taught herself to forget their relative position , and the evil which had been apprehended by her guardian began to work . Upon the pretext that she could not bear to be parted from her infant son , Mr . Leicester was induced to resign his cheerful and luxurious sleeping-room , Avith its southern aspect and costly appointments , in order that it might
be metamoi'phosed into a nursery ; Avhile two apartments on the story overhead were fitted up for his use , Mrs . Sydney having suddenly discovered that he Avould be much more comfortable with a private sitting-room of his own , to which he could retire Avhen weary of the company in the house . Nor was the old gentleman displeased with this arrangement ; to which he acceded the more ivillingly that he was enchanted with his grandson , and could not consider any sacrifice too great Avhich Avas intended to conduce to his convenience .
A few more months went by . The infant heir throve apace ; and The Grange was once more loud Avith revelry , Avhen it suddenly occurred to Mrs . Sydney that the heat and hurry of a crowded dinner-table , and the steam from the numerous dishes , must , as a natural consequence , be highly injurious to Mr .
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Father And Son.
everything that those Avho loved her best could anticipate or desire ; and even Mr . CraAvford himself began to hope that he had clone her injustice , and that she Avas indeed " Avise in her generation , " when he saAv her unostentatiously Avithdraw herself from her guests to ponder Avith the land steAvard over documents , the very sight of which Avas odious to both the gentlemen of the
family . " Aye , that's the lady for my money , " frequently remarked the Avorthy functionary , as he Avas about to AvithdraAV from The Grange with all his papers duly examined and approved . " Master Sydney could never be brought to sign the new leases , or to prosecute the poachers , or to do anything that is necessary on
the estate , if it Avere not for his pretty young wife . Trust me , he feels that he has done wrong . I am quite sure he does ; but Avhen the Avrong is clone , Avhy it is Avell that there is one strong head in the family to see that no further harm comes of it . " And so it was . There ivas one strong head , which not even physical Aveakness could bow ; and very closely and very minutely did Caroline labour to master all the intricacies of the legal
business Avhich came before her . Totally unaccustomed hitherto to affairs of the kind , this had been no easy task ; but her OAVII interests were involved , and she left no energy unemployed , no power of her mind unexercised , until she had made herself mistress of eA ery detail , and was equal to every emergency ! Nor Avas this all . Spoiled by the over-indulgence of her
husband and his father , she soon taught herself to forget their relative position , and the evil which had been apprehended by her guardian began to work . Upon the pretext that she could not bear to be parted from her infant son , Mr . Leicester was induced to resign his cheerful and luxurious sleeping-room , Avith its southern aspect and costly appointments , in order that it might
be metamoi'phosed into a nursery ; Avhile two apartments on the story overhead were fitted up for his use , Mrs . Sydney having suddenly discovered that he Avould be much more comfortable with a private sitting-room of his own , to which he could retire Avhen weary of the company in the house . Nor was the old gentleman displeased with this arrangement ; to which he acceded the more ivillingly that he was enchanted with his grandson , and could not consider any sacrifice too great Avhich Avas intended to conduce to his convenience .
A few more months went by . The infant heir throve apace ; and The Grange was once more loud Avith revelry , Avhen it suddenly occurred to Mrs . Sydney that the heat and hurry of a crowded dinner-table , and the steam from the numerous dishes , must , as a natural consequence , be highly injurious to Mr .