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• that feeling of Masonic warmth due to this illustrious individual ' s character and position . An address from the Freemasons of Ireland to the Duke of Leinster , was presented by the D . G . M ., expressive of their gratitude to his grace , for his exertions m the House of Lords , to legalize " in his own bright isle , " the Brotherhood , and place it in the same position as the fraternity of Great Britain . A kind and gracious answer was returned by the trulMasonic in and b
G . M ., y feeling , distinguished y those sentiments , the fulfilment of ivhich " in acts and deeds" so much endear his race to all those who have the good fortune to he acquainted with his sterling worth . At six o ' clock the G . M . called the labourers to refreshment , when one-hundred and thirty of the order in full clothing , sat down to the good cheer , served under the immediate superintendance of the maitre d'hotel , Bro . Radley . Alderman Hoyte sat at the foot of the table the Brethren
. Amongst present were Bro . Reevers , High Sheriff ; Alderman AVarren ; Rev . S . AV . Fox , G . C ; Hon . Fitzwalter Butler ; Rev . J . A . Birmingham ; Sir Richard Baker , J . W . King , — Hyndman and Drummond , late High Sheriffs ; Rev . Tho . Carmichael , Dr . Smyth , Surgeon AVright , Dr . Leeson , & c . & c ; besides several barristers and clergymen , visitors , who , in the course of the evening a most gratifing account of the Order ' prosperity during
, gave y s the past year , it having increased under the divine blessing in the number of respectable , intelligent , and pious personages in the rural districts . The cloth having been drawn and a thanksgiving offered up to the " Father of light" by the Rev . Thomas Flyn , the G . M . proposed " The King , Patron of Freemasonry , " and which was drunk with the usual
honors . Bro . Herbert sang the Masonic solo , and with Bro . Sapio the duo parts of the national anthem ; Bro . Jones returned thanks on the part of Lodge No . 2 , Major Westenra for No . 6 , Bro . Brown , for Lod ^ e No . 100 ; AV . H . AA ^ right , for the Leinster Lodge , No . 141 ; the Rev . Mr . Birmingham , for the Victoria Lodge , No . 4 . On tbe Lodge of St . Patrick , No . 50 , being given , Bro . O'Connor spoke nearly as follows : — "M . AV . G . M . as Master elect of Lodge 50 , that has just been honored h noticeit becomes
y your , unexpectedly my duty in the absence of the AV . M . to convey to your grace my deepest sense of gratitude for the very kind manner in which it has pleased your grace to introduce my Lodge , and to thank the Brethren for the fraternal response with which they received it . I feel a pride in assuring your grace , that the body of which I am now the humble organ yields to no other branch of the Order , in deep devotion to the rinciles of in due allegiance to that
p p Freemasonry , throne where you preside ivith so much honor to yourself and advantage to the Craft , and that we entertain personally for our G . M . the most affectionate regards . AVe feel , in common with the whole Masonic body of this kingdom , how peculiarly felicitious we are in having the supreme power vested in one so eminently qualified by his high attributes to support , to adorn it . AVe know you , my Lord Duke , to be a Mason not only in wordbut in deedwho through the conflict of elements
, , angry keep the even tenor of your way , practising the broad philanthropy which is the proud basis of our Order , breathing peace , love , and harmony through all the walks of life , from the court where you are beloved to the humblest cottage on your own wide domains . I shall not stem the social current b y any further observations , and beg to conclude by again expressing to your grace and this G . L . my deepest thanks for the high honour done to me and to the body to which I belonc . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
• that feeling of Masonic warmth due to this illustrious individual ' s character and position . An address from the Freemasons of Ireland to the Duke of Leinster , was presented by the D . G . M ., expressive of their gratitude to his grace , for his exertions m the House of Lords , to legalize " in his own bright isle , " the Brotherhood , and place it in the same position as the fraternity of Great Britain . A kind and gracious answer was returned by the trulMasonic in and b
G . M ., y feeling , distinguished y those sentiments , the fulfilment of ivhich " in acts and deeds" so much endear his race to all those who have the good fortune to he acquainted with his sterling worth . At six o ' clock the G . M . called the labourers to refreshment , when one-hundred and thirty of the order in full clothing , sat down to the good cheer , served under the immediate superintendance of the maitre d'hotel , Bro . Radley . Alderman Hoyte sat at the foot of the table the Brethren
. Amongst present were Bro . Reevers , High Sheriff ; Alderman AVarren ; Rev . S . AV . Fox , G . C ; Hon . Fitzwalter Butler ; Rev . J . A . Birmingham ; Sir Richard Baker , J . W . King , — Hyndman and Drummond , late High Sheriffs ; Rev . Tho . Carmichael , Dr . Smyth , Surgeon AVright , Dr . Leeson , & c . & c ; besides several barristers and clergymen , visitors , who , in the course of the evening a most gratifing account of the Order ' prosperity during
, gave y s the past year , it having increased under the divine blessing in the number of respectable , intelligent , and pious personages in the rural districts . The cloth having been drawn and a thanksgiving offered up to the " Father of light" by the Rev . Thomas Flyn , the G . M . proposed " The King , Patron of Freemasonry , " and which was drunk with the usual
honors . Bro . Herbert sang the Masonic solo , and with Bro . Sapio the duo parts of the national anthem ; Bro . Jones returned thanks on the part of Lodge No . 2 , Major Westenra for No . 6 , Bro . Brown , for Lod ^ e No . 100 ; AV . H . AA ^ right , for the Leinster Lodge , No . 141 ; the Rev . Mr . Birmingham , for the Victoria Lodge , No . 4 . On tbe Lodge of St . Patrick , No . 50 , being given , Bro . O'Connor spoke nearly as follows : — "M . AV . G . M . as Master elect of Lodge 50 , that has just been honored h noticeit becomes
y your , unexpectedly my duty in the absence of the AV . M . to convey to your grace my deepest sense of gratitude for the very kind manner in which it has pleased your grace to introduce my Lodge , and to thank the Brethren for the fraternal response with which they received it . I feel a pride in assuring your grace , that the body of which I am now the humble organ yields to no other branch of the Order , in deep devotion to the rinciles of in due allegiance to that
p p Freemasonry , throne where you preside ivith so much honor to yourself and advantage to the Craft , and that we entertain personally for our G . M . the most affectionate regards . AVe feel , in common with the whole Masonic body of this kingdom , how peculiarly felicitious we are in having the supreme power vested in one so eminently qualified by his high attributes to support , to adorn it . AVe know you , my Lord Duke , to be a Mason not only in wordbut in deedwho through the conflict of elements
, , angry keep the even tenor of your way , practising the broad philanthropy which is the proud basis of our Order , breathing peace , love , and harmony through all the walks of life , from the court where you are beloved to the humblest cottage on your own wide domains . I shall not stem the social current b y any further observations , and beg to conclude by again expressing to your grace and this G . L . my deepest thanks for the high honour done to me and to the body to which I belonc . "