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AV . White , Esq ., then rose and made an animated address , which he concluded by proposing the health of the Grand Master of Ireland . The Duke of Leinster briefly acknowledged the compliment , after which he sung with much naivete the Irish buffo song of " St . Patrick was a gentleman , " written by the late Bro . Tolekin , of Cork . Amongst the toasts enthusiastically received were those of thehealths of theMarquis of Kildare , the Duchess of Leinster , the D . G . M . the noble Chairman the asonic zeal
emphatically expatiating , and with merited justice , on M and private excellence of Bro . White . Bro . AVilkinson of Lodge No . 2 , presided at the pianoforte ; and several glees , duets , and solos by Bro . Brough of No . 50 , Bro . Herbert of No . 2 , P . M . Deane of No . 4 , and Signor Sapio of Lodge . 50 , were given with a correctness creditable to their musical and vocal skill . At " tbe midnight hour" the meeting separated , after an evening past with the most perfect cordiality , and which afforded a strong manifestation of the encreased and en creasing strength and respectability of the Freemasons' Lodges in Dublin and its vicinage .
EXTRACT FROM THE GRAND LODGE TRANSACTION BOOK . ( Copy of Address to II . 11 . H . the Duke of Sussex . ) Dublin 27 th Dec . 1836 . ' ¦ ' To his Royal Highness Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , Eail of Inverness , and Baron of Arklow , Right AVorship ful Grand Master of Freemasons in England . " The Address of the Riht Worship ful the Grand Lodge of Free and
g Accepted Masons of Ireland . " AA e , the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers , and other Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , approach your Royal Highness with joy and exultation at the boon granted to the Masonic Craft , by the Great Architect of the Universe , at whose creative fiat all things first were made , who , in the glorious manifestation of his power , has again bestowed on your Royal Highness the light of this rived
sublunary world , of which you were so long dep . " Ever mindful of the blessings dispensed by him who said " let there he light , and there was light , " who has withdrawn the veil of darkness from your sig htless orbs as if it were his will the hig h decree should be kept perfect , and that your Royal Hig hness mig ht be without blemish , and continue to inculcate the divine attributes faith , hope , and charity , into the hearts of the mystic Craft , over whom you have so long presided with advantage to them and credit to your Royal Highness .
" AA e of the mystic Craft in union with our British Brethren , rejoice that the Masonic Star of England has again arisen into noon-tide splendour , and that your Royal Hig hness can again behold the glorious light of day . " That your Royal Hig hness may long continue to enjoy that blessing for the good of the Masonic Order , and the benefit of the nation , is the fervent of Rojal Highness ' s Brethren in Ireland . "
prayer your ( Signed ) COPY of II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex ' s answer to the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers , and Members of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . " My Lord Duke , most AVorship ful and highly esteemed Brother—I hasten to express to you as Grand Master of Ireland , and through your
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AV . White , Esq ., then rose and made an animated address , which he concluded by proposing the health of the Grand Master of Ireland . The Duke of Leinster briefly acknowledged the compliment , after which he sung with much naivete the Irish buffo song of " St . Patrick was a gentleman , " written by the late Bro . Tolekin , of Cork . Amongst the toasts enthusiastically received were those of thehealths of theMarquis of Kildare , the Duchess of Leinster , the D . G . M . the noble Chairman the asonic zeal
emphatically expatiating , and with merited justice , on M and private excellence of Bro . White . Bro . AVilkinson of Lodge No . 2 , presided at the pianoforte ; and several glees , duets , and solos by Bro . Brough of No . 50 , Bro . Herbert of No . 2 , P . M . Deane of No . 4 , and Signor Sapio of Lodge . 50 , were given with a correctness creditable to their musical and vocal skill . At " tbe midnight hour" the meeting separated , after an evening past with the most perfect cordiality , and which afforded a strong manifestation of the encreased and en creasing strength and respectability of the Freemasons' Lodges in Dublin and its vicinage .
EXTRACT FROM THE GRAND LODGE TRANSACTION BOOK . ( Copy of Address to II . 11 . H . the Duke of Sussex . ) Dublin 27 th Dec . 1836 . ' ¦ ' To his Royal Highness Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex , Eail of Inverness , and Baron of Arklow , Right AVorship ful Grand Master of Freemasons in England . " The Address of the Riht Worship ful the Grand Lodge of Free and
g Accepted Masons of Ireland . " AA e , the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers , and other Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , approach your Royal Highness with joy and exultation at the boon granted to the Masonic Craft , by the Great Architect of the Universe , at whose creative fiat all things first were made , who , in the glorious manifestation of his power , has again bestowed on your Royal Highness the light of this rived
sublunary world , of which you were so long dep . " Ever mindful of the blessings dispensed by him who said " let there he light , and there was light , " who has withdrawn the veil of darkness from your sig htless orbs as if it were his will the hig h decree should be kept perfect , and that your Royal Hig hness mig ht be without blemish , and continue to inculcate the divine attributes faith , hope , and charity , into the hearts of the mystic Craft , over whom you have so long presided with advantage to them and credit to your Royal Highness .
" AA e of the mystic Craft in union with our British Brethren , rejoice that the Masonic Star of England has again arisen into noon-tide splendour , and that your Royal Hig hness can again behold the glorious light of day . " That your Royal Hig hness may long continue to enjoy that blessing for the good of the Masonic Order , and the benefit of the nation , is the fervent of Rojal Highness ' s Brethren in Ireland . "
prayer your ( Signed ) COPY of II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex ' s answer to the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers , and Members of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . " My Lord Duke , most AVorship ful and highly esteemed Brother—I hasten to express to you as Grand Master of Ireland , and through your