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Masonic conduct of your Grace , has upon all occasions endeared you to the Brethren , is thc unanimous and reiterated feeling ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland . " As protector of our Moral Science , which so beautifully exemplifies virtue by the ackowledged integrity of your character , you were enabled in the full confidence of truth , to obtain those privileges for Irish Freemasons enjoyed by the Fraternity in England . It is an attribute of exertions has
Masons to be loyal , but the happy result of your Grace ' s taught them to consider loyalty a meed of retributive gratitude to a paternal and fostering Monarch . " May the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe continue to illumine your path through life , and may his dictates be the unerring guide of all your Grace ' s efforts for the well being of the Order , is the fervent prayer of your Grace ' s grateful Brotherhood of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . "
COPY of his Grace the Duke of Leinster ' s reply , to the Right AVorshipful the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland . " Brethren—I accept with most warm feelings of gratitude the address you have this day presented to me . " If I had not used my utmost endeavours to obtain for the Freemason ' s Order in this country , those privileges which our Brethren in England enjoy , I should not be worthy of the trust , now for so many
years placed in my hands as your Grand Master . " Most sincerely attached to the principles of Freemasonry , I amjhappy in having succeeded , being convinced that the Brethren are eligible for situation ' s of tbe greatest trust , and y ield to none of his Majesty ' s subjects in their loyalty , to a paternal and fostering Monarch and Patron . " May the Great Architect of the Universe continue to pour his blessings on all our undertakings . n " 27 th Dec . 1836 . ( Signed , ) LEINSTER , Grand Master .
The SUPREME ROYAL A RCH CHAPTER OF IRELAND—assembled on the 15 th of February , and went through the usual business and Quarterly Communications . Notice is given to all subordinate Chapters , that the regular meetings of the S . G . C . of I . are to be held at the Grand Chapter Rooms , College Green , Dublin , on the third Wednesday in February , May , August , and November , in every year , at which meetings , Country Chapters may be represented under their respective Seals ,
when the proper Officers cannot attend . On the First Monday in January , Lodge No . 2 , assembled in La Grand Salle , College Green , for the transaction of business . Several respectable names were added to their list of members , and the following Brethren inaugurated as officers for the ensuing six months—John Jones , AV . M . ; Brother Carleton , S . AV . ; Brother Conroy , J . AV . ; Brother Sapio , S . D . and Brother Higgenbotom , J . D . At six o ' clock , an in which the usual round of
adjournment to tho dining room took place , toasts were drunk . During the evening several good speeches were made , and excellent songs given by the professional gentlemen belonging to this Lodge , which we believe completed its centenary in the year 1833 . A very splendid snuff box attracted general admiration , and ivhich was presented to Brother Antonio Sapio , by the "London Private Amateur Catch and Glee Club , " on their tenth anniversary , as a testimony of the esteem and gratitude of its members , for his valuable
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic conduct of your Grace , has upon all occasions endeared you to the Brethren , is thc unanimous and reiterated feeling ofthe Grand Lodge of Ireland . " As protector of our Moral Science , which so beautifully exemplifies virtue by the ackowledged integrity of your character , you were enabled in the full confidence of truth , to obtain those privileges for Irish Freemasons enjoyed by the Fraternity in England . It is an attribute of exertions has
Masons to be loyal , but the happy result of your Grace ' s taught them to consider loyalty a meed of retributive gratitude to a paternal and fostering Monarch . " May the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe continue to illumine your path through life , and may his dictates be the unerring guide of all your Grace ' s efforts for the well being of the Order , is the fervent prayer of your Grace ' s grateful Brotherhood of the Grand Lodge of Ireland . "
COPY of his Grace the Duke of Leinster ' s reply , to the Right AVorshipful the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland . " Brethren—I accept with most warm feelings of gratitude the address you have this day presented to me . " If I had not used my utmost endeavours to obtain for the Freemason ' s Order in this country , those privileges which our Brethren in England enjoy , I should not be worthy of the trust , now for so many
years placed in my hands as your Grand Master . " Most sincerely attached to the principles of Freemasonry , I amjhappy in having succeeded , being convinced that the Brethren are eligible for situation ' s of tbe greatest trust , and y ield to none of his Majesty ' s subjects in their loyalty , to a paternal and fostering Monarch and Patron . " May the Great Architect of the Universe continue to pour his blessings on all our undertakings . n " 27 th Dec . 1836 . ( Signed , ) LEINSTER , Grand Master .
The SUPREME ROYAL A RCH CHAPTER OF IRELAND—assembled on the 15 th of February , and went through the usual business and Quarterly Communications . Notice is given to all subordinate Chapters , that the regular meetings of the S . G . C . of I . are to be held at the Grand Chapter Rooms , College Green , Dublin , on the third Wednesday in February , May , August , and November , in every year , at which meetings , Country Chapters may be represented under their respective Seals ,
when the proper Officers cannot attend . On the First Monday in January , Lodge No . 2 , assembled in La Grand Salle , College Green , for the transaction of business . Several respectable names were added to their list of members , and the following Brethren inaugurated as officers for the ensuing six months—John Jones , AV . M . ; Brother Carleton , S . AV . ; Brother Conroy , J . AV . ; Brother Sapio , S . D . and Brother Higgenbotom , J . D . At six o ' clock , an in which the usual round of
adjournment to tho dining room took place , toasts were drunk . During the evening several good speeches were made , and excellent songs given by the professional gentlemen belonging to this Lodge , which we believe completed its centenary in the year 1833 . A very splendid snuff box attracted general admiration , and ivhich was presented to Brother Antonio Sapio , by the "London Private Amateur Catch and Glee Club , " on their tenth anniversary , as a testimony of the esteem and gratitude of its members , for his valuable