Article MASTER MASON'S SONG. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FREEMASONS' CALENDAR, 1775. Page 1 of 4 →
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Master Mason's Song.
Air— " Believe me if all those endearing young charms : " Believe me , my friends , should I never again O ' er a Lodge of Freemasons preside , I shall think on the present , though sorrow and pain—And these only—the future divide ;
I shall muse on the noble delights I have known—On the pleasures partaken with you—On the secrets through science imperfectly shown , Until Masonry brought them to view ! It is not alone to this transient scene
That the hopes of our Craft are confined . For high in the Heavens an Ark may be seen , By the far-reaching eye of the mind ; And the Mason whose motto is " Friendship and Faith , " Whose practice is " Pity and Love , " When spirited hence by the
messenger—Death-Wings his way to that" Grand Lodge Above . " J . LEE STEVENS . British Lodge , No . 8 .
The Freemasons' Calendar, 1775.
We promised in our last to give some extracts from the pages of an old friend ; we redeem our pledge with great satisfaction , and may probably again dip into the same store . THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE ( 1775 ) OF MASONRY IN GERMANY AND HOLLAND . ¦ GERMANY .
"MASONRY was revived in Germany in 1738 ; and the first lodge formed in the city of Brunswick that year , under the patronage of the Grand Master of Scotland . In this lodge , the King of Prussia , when Prince Royal , was initiated , A . D . 1743 . His Majesty , approving of the proceedings of the Society , soon after ordered a new lodge to be formed at Berlin , for which purpose another patent was obtained from Scotland . VOL . IV G
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Master Mason's Song.
Air— " Believe me if all those endearing young charms : " Believe me , my friends , should I never again O ' er a Lodge of Freemasons preside , I shall think on the present , though sorrow and pain—And these only—the future divide ;
I shall muse on the noble delights I have known—On the pleasures partaken with you—On the secrets through science imperfectly shown , Until Masonry brought them to view ! It is not alone to this transient scene
That the hopes of our Craft are confined . For high in the Heavens an Ark may be seen , By the far-reaching eye of the mind ; And the Mason whose motto is " Friendship and Faith , " Whose practice is " Pity and Love , " When spirited hence by the
messenger—Death-Wings his way to that" Grand Lodge Above . " J . LEE STEVENS . British Lodge , No . 8 .
The Freemasons' Calendar, 1775.
We promised in our last to give some extracts from the pages of an old friend ; we redeem our pledge with great satisfaction , and may probably again dip into the same store . THE HISTORY AND PRESENT STATE ( 1775 ) OF MASONRY IN GERMANY AND HOLLAND . ¦ GERMANY .
"MASONRY was revived in Germany in 1738 ; and the first lodge formed in the city of Brunswick that year , under the patronage of the Grand Master of Scotland . In this lodge , the King of Prussia , when Prince Royal , was initiated , A . D . 1743 . His Majesty , approving of the proceedings of the Society , soon after ordered a new lodge to be formed at Berlin , for which purpose another patent was obtained from Scotland . VOL . IV G