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Royal Freemason's Charity For Female Children ,
to be under the immediate patronage of himself , with several ladies of fashion as patronesses , whom he ivould name . Festival 816 / . 1 * . September . —A child reported to he an incorrigible liar . Children increased to 65 . November 28 . —
COPY OF A LETTER RECEIVED FROM THE REV . DR . COGHLAN . To the Trustees , Chairman , and Members of the different Committees appointed to manage the affairs of the Masonic Charity for Female Children .
" ROYAL SIR—MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , — It has pleased the Almighty to visit me with an Egyptian ophthalamia of the most malignant kind , which , for upwards of three weeks , reduced me to a state of such utter blindness as to render me incapable of distinguishing between the blaze of a meridian sun and the visible darkness of midnight . I am now at last recovering my sight , hut I recover it so slowly , and so imperfectly , as to convince me I must now retire altogether from public
life , and decline every kind of business . I bow to the stroke with humble resignation , and having enjoyed very many years of uninterrupted health , can truly exclaim with Job , " shall we receive good |_ atfthe hands of God , and shall we not receive evil ? " There are very few consequences of this dreadful malady which I regret more deeply than the necessity of foregoing my efforts to promote the prosperity of our Masonic charity for female children . I trust that it must be now unnecessary to profess my zeal for the furtherance of that obiect , but as I can no longer attend
my duty as a member of the Audit Committee , I request my place in it to be filled up by some other governor . Whilst speaking of my zeal for the honor of Masonry , I think it very possible that an ardent mind , such as mine has been , may have been sometimes betrayed into enthusiasm at least , if not intemperance , in the pursuit of a favourite object . After a calm review of the past upon the bed of sickness , I feel myself disposed to think as well as wish , that certain gentlemen with whom I
have occasionall y differed upon the business of this charity have been actuated by the same views as my own , although we have pursued them by means diametrically opposite to each other . If , by my mode of acting , I have offended any governor of this charity , I am sincerely sorry for having done so , and very heartily ask his pardon . I hope'for the same indulgence from others , as I can aver with safety , that I entirely forgive my enemies with all that placability of spirit which becomes a good
christian . I have onl y to add , that since my last charity sermon , and a lmost immediatel y previous to my late dreadful illness , I wrote very u rgent letters to different friends in Asia , Africa , and America , earn estly soliciting subscriptions for the support of this charity . May it ong continue to flourish and improve is the fervent prayer of
Royal Sir—My Lords and Gentlemen , Your very obedient humble servant , Lucius COGHLAN . P . S . —Whilst I candidly and most willingly acknowledge that the gentlemen with whom I have occasionall y differed with respect to the best mode of managing this charity may have been actuated by a motive similar to my own , namely , by an anxious desire to promote and to ensure its permanent prosperity , 1 must , injustice to myself , very solemnly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Freemason's Charity For Female Children ,
to be under the immediate patronage of himself , with several ladies of fashion as patronesses , whom he ivould name . Festival 816 / . 1 * . September . —A child reported to he an incorrigible liar . Children increased to 65 . November 28 . —
COPY OF A LETTER RECEIVED FROM THE REV . DR . COGHLAN . To the Trustees , Chairman , and Members of the different Committees appointed to manage the affairs of the Masonic Charity for Female Children .
" ROYAL SIR—MY LORDS AND GENTLEMEN , — It has pleased the Almighty to visit me with an Egyptian ophthalamia of the most malignant kind , which , for upwards of three weeks , reduced me to a state of such utter blindness as to render me incapable of distinguishing between the blaze of a meridian sun and the visible darkness of midnight . I am now at last recovering my sight , hut I recover it so slowly , and so imperfectly , as to convince me I must now retire altogether from public
life , and decline every kind of business . I bow to the stroke with humble resignation , and having enjoyed very many years of uninterrupted health , can truly exclaim with Job , " shall we receive good |_ atfthe hands of God , and shall we not receive evil ? " There are very few consequences of this dreadful malady which I regret more deeply than the necessity of foregoing my efforts to promote the prosperity of our Masonic charity for female children . I trust that it must be now unnecessary to profess my zeal for the furtherance of that obiect , but as I can no longer attend
my duty as a member of the Audit Committee , I request my place in it to be filled up by some other governor . Whilst speaking of my zeal for the honor of Masonry , I think it very possible that an ardent mind , such as mine has been , may have been sometimes betrayed into enthusiasm at least , if not intemperance , in the pursuit of a favourite object . After a calm review of the past upon the bed of sickness , I feel myself disposed to think as well as wish , that certain gentlemen with whom I
have occasionall y differed upon the business of this charity have been actuated by the same views as my own , although we have pursued them by means diametrically opposite to each other . If , by my mode of acting , I have offended any governor of this charity , I am sincerely sorry for having done so , and very heartily ask his pardon . I hope'for the same indulgence from others , as I can aver with safety , that I entirely forgive my enemies with all that placability of spirit which becomes a good
christian . I have onl y to add , that since my last charity sermon , and a lmost immediatel y previous to my late dreadful illness , I wrote very u rgent letters to different friends in Asia , Africa , and America , earn estly soliciting subscriptions for the support of this charity . May it ong continue to flourish and improve is the fervent prayer of
Royal Sir—My Lords and Gentlemen , Your very obedient humble servant , Lucius COGHLAN . P . S . —Whilst I candidly and most willingly acknowledge that the gentlemen with whom I have occasionall y differed with respect to the best mode of managing this charity may have been actuated by a motive similar to my own , namely , by an anxious desire to promote and to ensure its permanent prosperity , 1 must , injustice to myself , very solemnly