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Freemason's Hall. Birth Day Of H.R.H. The Duke Of Sussex, M.W.G.M.
fear we have , in conveying a due sense of the ladies' directions , Brothers Jennings , Walmsley , and Watkins will plead for us in their respective circles . The Board of Stewards have since met to close the final labours of this happy day , Lord Monson , the President , continued too ill to attend , and wrote to the Board accordingly . A letter was also received from the Most Worshipful Grand Masterconveying in a most gratifying
, manner his approval of the proceedings of the Board , and very graciousl y thanking them for the very marked attention they had paid to his comfort . To commemorate the return of His Royal Highness to the social meetings of the Craft , the members embodied themselves as a standing Board , and agreed to meet annually within a week after the 27 th of January . FINIS CORONAT OPUS .
Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
11 January . —The Treasurer reported that he had received a letter from Brother Eales White , intimating that the Lodge of Sincerity and Unanimity at Taunton , No . 327 , had most liberally voted the sum of fifty pounds in aid of the funds of the Asylum , and a further annual subscription of two guineas , to commence from the time of laying the foundation stone . Brother E . White , in his letter , breathed the most fervent prayer for the success of the institution , and offered his services
generally as collector for his division . A communication was read from a Brother of 280 , Tiverton , promising to bring the subject of the Asylum before their meeting . The thanks of the committee were unanimously voted to Brother Eales White , and his valuable services recommended to the next general meeting for some mark of their approbation . Sth February . —The Treasurer reported that the liberal vote of . 50 / .
by Lodge 327 , had been unanimously confirmed , and also that Brother Partridge , one of the trustees , had paid into his hands the first dividend arising from the funded property of the institution . The folloiving letter was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
9 , Charles Street , St . James ' s Square , 7 th February , 1837 . Dear Sirs and Brothers—The interest which the Craft have felt in the success ivhich has attended our laudable exertions for tiie erection of an Asylum for aged Masons , has been approved by all who are desirous that the pureprinciples of our Order shall be fully exemplified and made manifest to the world . I consider the object of our solicitude and prayers
is now beyond the possibility of failure . Our deep and lasting gratitude is due to many brethren , who have toiled hard in this truly Masonic cause , but more particularly to our friend and Brother Dr . Crueefix , who has , night and day , through evil and good report , ( without dismay ) so fought the battles ami defended the interests of the Asylum , as to demand a more lasting token of our thanks than mere words . I have therefore the pleasure to inform you , that our present Treasurer , Dr . Crueefix , has sat for his portrait to Brother Moseley , who has , I
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Freemason's Hall. Birth Day Of H.R.H. The Duke Of Sussex, M.W.G.M.
fear we have , in conveying a due sense of the ladies' directions , Brothers Jennings , Walmsley , and Watkins will plead for us in their respective circles . The Board of Stewards have since met to close the final labours of this happy day , Lord Monson , the President , continued too ill to attend , and wrote to the Board accordingly . A letter was also received from the Most Worshipful Grand Masterconveying in a most gratifying
, manner his approval of the proceedings of the Board , and very graciousl y thanking them for the very marked attention they had paid to his comfort . To commemorate the return of His Royal Highness to the social meetings of the Craft , the members embodied themselves as a standing Board , and agreed to meet annually within a week after the 27 th of January . FINIS CORONAT OPUS .
Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
11 January . —The Treasurer reported that he had received a letter from Brother Eales White , intimating that the Lodge of Sincerity and Unanimity at Taunton , No . 327 , had most liberally voted the sum of fifty pounds in aid of the funds of the Asylum , and a further annual subscription of two guineas , to commence from the time of laying the foundation stone . Brother E . White , in his letter , breathed the most fervent prayer for the success of the institution , and offered his services
generally as collector for his division . A communication was read from a Brother of 280 , Tiverton , promising to bring the subject of the Asylum before their meeting . The thanks of the committee were unanimously voted to Brother Eales White , and his valuable services recommended to the next general meeting for some mark of their approbation . Sth February . —The Treasurer reported that the liberal vote of . 50 / .
by Lodge 327 , had been unanimously confirmed , and also that Brother Partridge , one of the trustees , had paid into his hands the first dividend arising from the funded property of the institution . The folloiving letter was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes .
9 , Charles Street , St . James ' s Square , 7 th February , 1837 . Dear Sirs and Brothers—The interest which the Craft have felt in the success ivhich has attended our laudable exertions for tiie erection of an Asylum for aged Masons , has been approved by all who are desirous that the pureprinciples of our Order shall be fully exemplified and made manifest to the world . I consider the object of our solicitude and prayers
is now beyond the possibility of failure . Our deep and lasting gratitude is due to many brethren , who have toiled hard in this truly Masonic cause , but more particularly to our friend and Brother Dr . Crueefix , who has , night and day , through evil and good report , ( without dismay ) so fought the battles ami defended the interests of the Asylum , as to demand a more lasting token of our thanks than mere words . I have therefore the pleasure to inform you , that our present Treasurer , Dr . Crueefix , has sat for his portrait to Brother Moseley , who has , I