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AVe are deeply concerned to have to announce the demise of WILLIAM MILLS , Esq ., of Old Elvet , Durham , which took place at Heath , near AVakefield , on the 20 th of January , in the 42 nd year of his age . Mr . Mills was the eldest son of the late Rev . H . F . Mills , ancl grandson of the late Archbishop of York . He entered the navy at thirteen years of age ; and served with distinction during the war , in every quarter of the globe , having been in several severe engagements . A few years ago , on his residence in this
taking up neighbourhood , he was placed in the commission of the peace , and proved an assiduous , intelligent , and upright magistrate . In private life , he was a warm friend , a kind landlord , and a generous benefactor . He was Master of the Granby Lodge of Freemasons for several years—an office which he filled with the highest ability , and the greatest advantage to the interests of the society . " Few men in his station deserved better the good opinion and esteem of those who knew him—few were more active or more honourable in the discharge of the various duties of life—and none could leave behind him
a name and a memory more justl y endeared to those who had the best opportunities of judging and appreciating his character . In our obituary of this week is recorded the death of Mr . THOMAS LONGWOHTH , of May Place , Mount Pleasant , architect and surveyor , in his 39 th year . The late Mr . Longworth has for many years past held several of the highest and most responsible offices in the Craft , and was at the period of his death an elected Master of a Lod and a
nomige , nated Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter in this town . His conduct always merited the good opinion of those with whom he acted , and in proof of the respect of the Brethren for the memory of the deceased , a numerous ancl respectable body of the members of the Fraternity accompanied the remains of their late Brother , on Thursday morning , to their last resting-place in St . Nicholas ' s church-yard . The funeral service was impressivelread by the RevOliver Ormerod—the Brethren round
y . the grave performing their ancient rites , then returning to the Lodge tp which the deceased belonged , mourning his early dissolution , and the loss of an efficient member , but with a firm belief that his honourable and " upright intentions in life" were such that they had " laid him down to rise again . "—From a Correspondent .
March 17 . —Brother G . P . Philipe , G . S-B ., and his estimable family , have sustained a painful bereavement in the death ( by consumption ) of his second son , a youth of considerable talents and great promise . March 12 . —After a lingering illness , LOUISA , the amiable ancl beloved wife of Brother AVilliam Fell ( Globe Lodge ) , of Friday Street . At Glasgow , SIR DANIEL KEITH SANDFORD , Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow . This highly accomplished scholar , the author of Alcibiades
" " in Blackwood , and of various critical and classical articles in the Edinburgh Review , was , a few years ago , the elected Master of the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . < ) n one occasion at which he presided in Lodge , nearly four hundred Brethren were present , including deputations from the sister Lodges , and stranger visitors . The demise of this eminent man and Mason will leave a blank not easil y filled up . His remains were attended by all the collegia ! ancl civic authorities on their way to their last depositary in the Isle of Bute . At Edinburgh , tho REV . GEORGE THOMSON , licentiate of the Church of Scotland . Brother Thomson was initiated in the ancient Lodge at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AVe are deeply concerned to have to announce the demise of WILLIAM MILLS , Esq ., of Old Elvet , Durham , which took place at Heath , near AVakefield , on the 20 th of January , in the 42 nd year of his age . Mr . Mills was the eldest son of the late Rev . H . F . Mills , ancl grandson of the late Archbishop of York . He entered the navy at thirteen years of age ; and served with distinction during the war , in every quarter of the globe , having been in several severe engagements . A few years ago , on his residence in this
taking up neighbourhood , he was placed in the commission of the peace , and proved an assiduous , intelligent , and upright magistrate . In private life , he was a warm friend , a kind landlord , and a generous benefactor . He was Master of the Granby Lodge of Freemasons for several years—an office which he filled with the highest ability , and the greatest advantage to the interests of the society . " Few men in his station deserved better the good opinion and esteem of those who knew him—few were more active or more honourable in the discharge of the various duties of life—and none could leave behind him
a name and a memory more justl y endeared to those who had the best opportunities of judging and appreciating his character . In our obituary of this week is recorded the death of Mr . THOMAS LONGWOHTH , of May Place , Mount Pleasant , architect and surveyor , in his 39 th year . The late Mr . Longworth has for many years past held several of the highest and most responsible offices in the Craft , and was at the period of his death an elected Master of a Lod and a
nomige , nated Principal of a Royal Arch Chapter in this town . His conduct always merited the good opinion of those with whom he acted , and in proof of the respect of the Brethren for the memory of the deceased , a numerous ancl respectable body of the members of the Fraternity accompanied the remains of their late Brother , on Thursday morning , to their last resting-place in St . Nicholas ' s church-yard . The funeral service was impressivelread by the RevOliver Ormerod—the Brethren round
y . the grave performing their ancient rites , then returning to the Lodge tp which the deceased belonged , mourning his early dissolution , and the loss of an efficient member , but with a firm belief that his honourable and " upright intentions in life" were such that they had " laid him down to rise again . "—From a Correspondent .
March 17 . —Brother G . P . Philipe , G . S-B ., and his estimable family , have sustained a painful bereavement in the death ( by consumption ) of his second son , a youth of considerable talents and great promise . March 12 . —After a lingering illness , LOUISA , the amiable ancl beloved wife of Brother AVilliam Fell ( Globe Lodge ) , of Friday Street . At Glasgow , SIR DANIEL KEITH SANDFORD , Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow . This highly accomplished scholar , the author of Alcibiades
" " in Blackwood , and of various critical and classical articles in the Edinburgh Review , was , a few years ago , the elected Master of the Glasgow Kilwinning Lodge , No . 4 . < ) n one occasion at which he presided in Lodge , nearly four hundred Brethren were present , including deputations from the sister Lodges , and stranger visitors . The demise of this eminent man and Mason will leave a blank not easil y filled up . His remains were attended by all the collegia ! ancl civic authorities on their way to their last depositary in the Isle of Bute . At Edinburgh , tho REV . GEORGE THOMSON , licentiate of the Church of Scotland . Brother Thomson was initiated in the ancient Lodge at