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Melrose , of which place and parish his father was pastor . He was , for a number of years , tutor in the family of Sir AValter Scott , at Abbotsford , and from some eccentricities in his manner and character has been vulgarly , but doubtless fancifully , reputed as the prototype of Dominie Sampson , in the Antiquary . He was a man of strong sense , and great acquirements in many points , and the funeral oration which we heard him deliver at Melrose on the death of his friend Scott , proved him to be a forcible ancl discriminating orator .
HERTS . —AVALTHAM CROSS , March 7 . —The Salisbury Lodge ( 630 ) was numerously attended . The Hon . Charles Lennox Butler was passed to the second degree . Brother Mott , D . C , addressed the AV . M ., Brother AY . Loyd Thomas , to the following effect : — "AV . Sir , —Being deputed by the Brethren to present you with the Jewel , * unanimously voted to you , in testimony of the very hig h sense they entertain for your private virtues , and general character as a friend and Brother , and to commeand for the
morate your great exertions in founding this Lodge ; effective discipline you have ensured , and for the rank it holds in the Craft , and for the prosperity it has attained . For these advantages we are indebted to your urbanity , zeal , and kindness ; as also for the happiness we have enjoyed . Our hope is , that you may live long , and that we may very frequently see you amongst us . " The WMreplied . " U no former occasion have I felt such
. . pon difficulty to find words to express my feelings . The generous manner in which this Jewel was voted , and the complimentary , yet friendly address with which it has been presented , overpowers me . I am indeed proud of being the founder of the Salisbury Lodge ; and it is an ample gratification and honour to observe its prosperity . Be assured , my dear friends , that my most anxious exertions will be unremittingly continued in its behalf . I shall esteem the commands of the Lodge to be a cheerful
service , and offer my sincere and grateful thanks for the honour I have this day received at your hands . " [ The evening was then spent with due regard to social enjoyment . ] KENT . —SHEERNESS , Dec . 27 . —St . John ' s day , the Brethren of Adam ' s Lodge ( No . 184 ) assembled at the Fountain Inn , for the purpose of installing Brother J . S . Keddell , Surgeon , & c , as Master , for the ensuingAfter the the Brethren sat clown to a supper
year . ceremony , , furnished by Brother Clarkson . Adam ' s Lodge has , we are happy to state , assumed a highly flourishing aspect , and bids fair to be one of the best working Lodges in Kent . At the conclusion of the installation Brother Keddell addressed the Brethren as follows : — " I take possession of this Chair under the liveliest emotions of pleasure , arising from the gratifying fact that I am called to occupy it by the unanimous voices of the Brethren of this Lodge . Believe me ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Melrose , of which place and parish his father was pastor . He was , for a number of years , tutor in the family of Sir AValter Scott , at Abbotsford , and from some eccentricities in his manner and character has been vulgarly , but doubtless fancifully , reputed as the prototype of Dominie Sampson , in the Antiquary . He was a man of strong sense , and great acquirements in many points , and the funeral oration which we heard him deliver at Melrose on the death of his friend Scott , proved him to be a forcible ancl discriminating orator .
HERTS . —AVALTHAM CROSS , March 7 . —The Salisbury Lodge ( 630 ) was numerously attended . The Hon . Charles Lennox Butler was passed to the second degree . Brother Mott , D . C , addressed the AV . M ., Brother AY . Loyd Thomas , to the following effect : — "AV . Sir , —Being deputed by the Brethren to present you with the Jewel , * unanimously voted to you , in testimony of the very hig h sense they entertain for your private virtues , and general character as a friend and Brother , and to commeand for the
morate your great exertions in founding this Lodge ; effective discipline you have ensured , and for the rank it holds in the Craft , and for the prosperity it has attained . For these advantages we are indebted to your urbanity , zeal , and kindness ; as also for the happiness we have enjoyed . Our hope is , that you may live long , and that we may very frequently see you amongst us . " The WMreplied . " U no former occasion have I felt such
. . pon difficulty to find words to express my feelings . The generous manner in which this Jewel was voted , and the complimentary , yet friendly address with which it has been presented , overpowers me . I am indeed proud of being the founder of the Salisbury Lodge ; and it is an ample gratification and honour to observe its prosperity . Be assured , my dear friends , that my most anxious exertions will be unremittingly continued in its behalf . I shall esteem the commands of the Lodge to be a cheerful
service , and offer my sincere and grateful thanks for the honour I have this day received at your hands . " [ The evening was then spent with due regard to social enjoyment . ] KENT . —SHEERNESS , Dec . 27 . —St . John ' s day , the Brethren of Adam ' s Lodge ( No . 184 ) assembled at the Fountain Inn , for the purpose of installing Brother J . S . Keddell , Surgeon , & c , as Master , for the ensuingAfter the the Brethren sat clown to a supper
year . ceremony , , furnished by Brother Clarkson . Adam ' s Lodge has , we are happy to state , assumed a highly flourishing aspect , and bids fair to be one of the best working Lodges in Kent . At the conclusion of the installation Brother Keddell addressed the Brethren as follows : — " I take possession of this Chair under the liveliest emotions of pleasure , arising from the gratifying fact that I am called to occupy it by the unanimous voices of the Brethren of this Lodge . Believe me ,