Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 6 of 16 →
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C . Gibson , P . M . as a mark of respect , fraternal regard , and gratitude for his long and meritorious exertions in affording instruction to the Members of the Lodge . Brother G ., in a speech replete with feeling , acknowledged the compliment paid him , expressing his wish at all times to render assistance to his Brethren : for as he had received his instruction
free , from the late Bro . P . Gilkes ( who was at Northampton a considerable time for that purpose ) , so freely woulcl he impart it to others . On Dec . 21 st , Bro . Phipps was duly installed AV . M . for the ensuing year ; and from his prudent choice of Officers , we feel confident the Lodge will be worked in an able and efficient manner . On Saint John ' s Day , the Brethren met at eleven o ' clock for business , and at fourupwards of fifty Brethren sat down to a banquetAmongst
, . the visitors were the Hon . H . Fitzroy , Brother Perkins , AV . M . of the Lodge at Towcester , with several Brethren , Brother Adams , of Guy ' s Lodge , Leamington , Brother Birdsall , of 348 , Leicester . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk ivith the customary honours . The health of Brother Lord Southampton , S . AV . of the Towcester Lodge , and of his brother , the Hon . H . Fitzroy , were drunk with great applause . They were responded to by that gentleman in most
a eloquent and truly Masonic speech , expressive of the deep regret his Brother felt at being unavoidably absent . A very handsome letter was also read by the AV . M . from Brother A . Robertson , M . D ., lamenting that professional engagements , of the most urgent nature , prevented his attendance . The evening was spent in the most pleasant , harmonious , and convivial manner , enlivened by the delightful singing of Brother G . Robinsonof the Prince of AVales Lod (
, ge a native of this town ); his kindness on that and several previous occasions will ever be remembered and duly appreciated by the Brethren . This province , although there are three regular Lodges , with a prospect of shortly forming one at Kettering , is , we regret to say , without a Prov . G . M . Applications have been repeatedly made to the proper quarter , but as yet without effect ; but we -look forward with anxious feelings for the appointment of onew'hobhis station in society
, , y , talent , ancl superintendance , might enable the Brethren to carry out the great principles of Masonry in a more extended form . The Brethren are only waiting for this appointment to afford substantial proof that they have not forgot the calls made upon them on behalf of the Masonic Charities ; and although their expenses have been very great , they would then cheerfully contribute to the Asylum for the Aged and the Schools for the Young .
ASHISY-DE-LA-ZOUCH On Thursday , February 1 st , a Grancl Masonic Ball was given at the Assembly Rooms , Ivanhoe Baths , by the AV . M . and Brethren of the Ivanhoe Lod ge ( who acted as stewards on the occasion ) , to the ladies of Ashby and its vicinity . The party was numerous and select , upwards of 130 ladies being present , and dancing was kept up with unusual spirit to a late hour . Mr . Quick ' s bandfrom Nottinghamattendedand tho efficient manner in which
, , , they performed some of the newest quadrilles ancl waltzes , elicited the admiration of the company present . The greatest praise is clue to the stewards for their gentlemanly attention to the visitors ; and we are sure our fair readers will hear with much pleasure that it is the intention of the Brethren of the Ivanhoe Lod ge , with most praiseworthy liberality , to give a like entertainment next year , about this time .
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C . Gibson , P . M . as a mark of respect , fraternal regard , and gratitude for his long and meritorious exertions in affording instruction to the Members of the Lodge . Brother G ., in a speech replete with feeling , acknowledged the compliment paid him , expressing his wish at all times to render assistance to his Brethren : for as he had received his instruction
free , from the late Bro . P . Gilkes ( who was at Northampton a considerable time for that purpose ) , so freely woulcl he impart it to others . On Dec . 21 st , Bro . Phipps was duly installed AV . M . for the ensuing year ; and from his prudent choice of Officers , we feel confident the Lodge will be worked in an able and efficient manner . On Saint John ' s Day , the Brethren met at eleven o ' clock for business , and at fourupwards of fifty Brethren sat down to a banquetAmongst
, . the visitors were the Hon . H . Fitzroy , Brother Perkins , AV . M . of the Lodge at Towcester , with several Brethren , Brother Adams , of Guy ' s Lodge , Leamington , Brother Birdsall , of 348 , Leicester . The cloth being removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were drunk ivith the customary honours . The health of Brother Lord Southampton , S . AV . of the Towcester Lodge , and of his brother , the Hon . H . Fitzroy , were drunk with great applause . They were responded to by that gentleman in most
a eloquent and truly Masonic speech , expressive of the deep regret his Brother felt at being unavoidably absent . A very handsome letter was also read by the AV . M . from Brother A . Robertson , M . D ., lamenting that professional engagements , of the most urgent nature , prevented his attendance . The evening was spent in the most pleasant , harmonious , and convivial manner , enlivened by the delightful singing of Brother G . Robinsonof the Prince of AVales Lod (
, ge a native of this town ); his kindness on that and several previous occasions will ever be remembered and duly appreciated by the Brethren . This province , although there are three regular Lodges , with a prospect of shortly forming one at Kettering , is , we regret to say , without a Prov . G . M . Applications have been repeatedly made to the proper quarter , but as yet without effect ; but we -look forward with anxious feelings for the appointment of onew'hobhis station in society
, , y , talent , ancl superintendance , might enable the Brethren to carry out the great principles of Masonry in a more extended form . The Brethren are only waiting for this appointment to afford substantial proof that they have not forgot the calls made upon them on behalf of the Masonic Charities ; and although their expenses have been very great , they would then cheerfully contribute to the Asylum for the Aged and the Schools for the Young .
ASHISY-DE-LA-ZOUCH On Thursday , February 1 st , a Grancl Masonic Ball was given at the Assembly Rooms , Ivanhoe Baths , by the AV . M . and Brethren of the Ivanhoe Lod ge ( who acted as stewards on the occasion ) , to the ladies of Ashby and its vicinity . The party was numerous and select , upwards of 130 ladies being present , and dancing was kept up with unusual spirit to a late hour . Mr . Quick ' s bandfrom Nottinghamattendedand tho efficient manner in which
, , , they performed some of the newest quadrilles ancl waltzes , elicited the admiration of the company present . The greatest praise is clue to the stewards for their gentlemanly attention to the visitors ; and we are sure our fair readers will hear with much pleasure that it is the intention of the Brethren of the Ivanhoe Lod ge , with most praiseworthy liberality , to give a like entertainment next year , about this time .