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From pole to pole . '—May every spot on earth , AVhere men reside , beqome the dwelling place " Of faithful Brethren ! May fraternal ties Unite the universe , and all mankind Be formed in social compact , for the good Of all—that so the blessed light from Heav ' n May fall alike on every human heart . And raise a glorious Lodge magnificent , To stand through countless ages , and at last Be crowned with glory in another world !
[ It is worthy of record , that the gentleman by whom this address was written , ancl the one by whom it was recited , are the Editors of rival papers of opposite political principles , who were initiated on the same evening ; a circumstance hy no means discreditable to an Institution , from which all petty jealousies , national distinctions , ancl party prejudices , are studiously excluded . ]
BUBSLEM . —ANNIVERSARY OF ST . JOHN , Dec . 27 . —The members of the St . Martin ' s Lodge of Freemasons , No . 115 , held their anniversary at the house of Brother Hall , AVhite Hart Inn , when the Master and other Officers for the ensuing year were duly installed . It must be highly gratifying to the Craft , in this district of the county , to know that the St . Martin ' s Lodge , ( nearly the oldest in the county , ) is rapidly progressing in numbers and respectability , and bids fair to rank in the seale of Masonic knowledge with the most distinguished of its neighbours . —
After the ordinary business of the Lodge had concluded , the Brethren , about thirty in number , sat down to an excellent dinner . The usual patriotic ancl Masonic toasts were given fiom the Chair , and warmly responded to ; several Masonic songs were sung ( some written for the occasion ) by the Brethren , with true Masonic feeling . GATESHEAD , Feb . 19 . —The Borough Lodge , No . 614 , of Free and Accejited Masons , held their annual meeting at their Lodge-room , Goat
Inn ; when Brother Thomas Cummings was installed AA' . M . ; Brother J . S . Turner , P . M . ; Brother F . W . Bewsher , Chaplain ; Brother AV . A . Surtees , S . AA ' . ; Brother AVilliam Coxwell , J . AV . ; Brother AV . S . Haswell , Secretary ; Brother H . Ransom , Treasurer ; Brother J . Ilderton , S . D . ; Brother J . V . Story , J . D . ; Brother Thomas Brown , S . S . ; Brother Michael Nicholson , J . S . ; Brother liobert Nelson , I . G . ; ancl Brother Henry Liddel , Tyler;—after which the Brethren partook of a dinner provided for the occasion , ancl the day was spent with conviviality and good feeling .
PALATINE LODGE , NO . 114 . —On the 14 th of Jan ., Sir C . Sharp was installed Master of the Lodge . The ceremony was performed by P . M . Hardy , to whom not only this Lodge , but the Craft in the province , are under many obligations , not less for his zeal and intelligence than for his readiness to communicate freely the result of forty years' successful application . There was a full attendance of members , with many Brethren from the neighbouring province , who were equally instructed and gratified . The AV . M . appointed the following Officers for 183 S : —
Brother W . H . Hardy , S . AV . ; Robert Spoor , J . AV . ; Rev . C . Grant , Chaplain ; D . Jonassohn , Treas . —J . Crossby , S ; George Davison , S . D . ; Joseph Doxford , J . D . ; Edward Smith , I . G . ; ancl John Dykes , Tyler . This Lodge held its festival on St . John ' s Day , at Kay ' s Hotel , and the voi ,. v . c
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From pole to pole . '—May every spot on earth , AVhere men reside , beqome the dwelling place " Of faithful Brethren ! May fraternal ties Unite the universe , and all mankind Be formed in social compact , for the good Of all—that so the blessed light from Heav ' n May fall alike on every human heart . And raise a glorious Lodge magnificent , To stand through countless ages , and at last Be crowned with glory in another world !
[ It is worthy of record , that the gentleman by whom this address was written , ancl the one by whom it was recited , are the Editors of rival papers of opposite political principles , who were initiated on the same evening ; a circumstance hy no means discreditable to an Institution , from which all petty jealousies , national distinctions , ancl party prejudices , are studiously excluded . ]
BUBSLEM . —ANNIVERSARY OF ST . JOHN , Dec . 27 . —The members of the St . Martin ' s Lodge of Freemasons , No . 115 , held their anniversary at the house of Brother Hall , AVhite Hart Inn , when the Master and other Officers for the ensuing year were duly installed . It must be highly gratifying to the Craft , in this district of the county , to know that the St . Martin ' s Lodge , ( nearly the oldest in the county , ) is rapidly progressing in numbers and respectability , and bids fair to rank in the seale of Masonic knowledge with the most distinguished of its neighbours . —
After the ordinary business of the Lodge had concluded , the Brethren , about thirty in number , sat down to an excellent dinner . The usual patriotic ancl Masonic toasts were given fiom the Chair , and warmly responded to ; several Masonic songs were sung ( some written for the occasion ) by the Brethren , with true Masonic feeling . GATESHEAD , Feb . 19 . —The Borough Lodge , No . 614 , of Free and Accejited Masons , held their annual meeting at their Lodge-room , Goat
Inn ; when Brother Thomas Cummings was installed AA' . M . ; Brother J . S . Turner , P . M . ; Brother F . W . Bewsher , Chaplain ; Brother AV . A . Surtees , S . AA ' . ; Brother AVilliam Coxwell , J . AV . ; Brother AV . S . Haswell , Secretary ; Brother H . Ransom , Treasurer ; Brother J . Ilderton , S . D . ; Brother J . V . Story , J . D . ; Brother Thomas Brown , S . S . ; Brother Michael Nicholson , J . S . ; Brother liobert Nelson , I . G . ; ancl Brother Henry Liddel , Tyler;—after which the Brethren partook of a dinner provided for the occasion , ancl the day was spent with conviviality and good feeling .
PALATINE LODGE , NO . 114 . —On the 14 th of Jan ., Sir C . Sharp was installed Master of the Lodge . The ceremony was performed by P . M . Hardy , to whom not only this Lodge , but the Craft in the province , are under many obligations , not less for his zeal and intelligence than for his readiness to communicate freely the result of forty years' successful application . There was a full attendance of members , with many Brethren from the neighbouring province , who were equally instructed and gratified . The AV . M . appointed the following Officers for 183 S : —
Brother W . H . Hardy , S . AV . ; Robert Spoor , J . AV . ; Rev . C . Grant , Chaplain ; D . Jonassohn , Treas . —J . Crossby , S ; George Davison , S . D . ; Joseph Doxford , J . D . ; Edward Smith , I . G . ; ancl John Dykes , Tyler . This Lodge held its festival on St . John ' s Day , at Kay ' s Hotel , and the voi ,. v . c