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age and every nation . For , when sovereign and country call , the Brethren rise , the pillars of the land . " The Lodges here are in a flourishing condition , and this season have every prospect of work before them , in laying the foundationstones of three great public improvements . A House of Refuge for the poor and destitute , for the building of which the munificent sum of £ 10000 has been contributed bAV . DorwardEsqa benevolent
, y , ., inhabitant of this place . A splendid ancl commodious infirmary , ancl a hew harbour and clocks , are also to be erected . Little is doing in the degrees of Royal Arch and Kni ght Templars , which is perhaps owing to the departure for India of our respected Brother Dr . Burnes , K . H , , whose zeal and exertion revived these Orders amongst us . AA ' e trust the Companions and Kni ghts will rouse from their apathy .
It is pleasant lo observe , through the medium of the Freemasons ' Quarterly , the general zeal and activity of the Provincial Grand Masters in England . We much Wish it would suit the convenience of our M / W . P . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lorcl Panmure , occasionall y to summon a Provincial Grancl Lodge , which we are sure would tend much to advance the cause of Masonry in this district .
EAST LOTHIAN , HADDINGTON . —On the 27 th Dec , 1837 , the Brethren ofthe St . John ' s Kilwinning Lodge ( No . 57 ) met in their Lodge-room , to celebrate the anniversary festival of St . John , when the following Brethren were duly elected office bearers : —Henry M . Davidson , Esq ., Right AA'orshipful Master ; Henry Shiells , Esq ., Depute Master ; Robert Richardson , Esq ., Substitute Master ; Hugh Fraser , Esq ., Past Master ; James Dorward , Esq ., Senior AVarden ; Patrick Henry Fraser , Junior
Warden ; the Rev . James Traill , Chaplain ; AVilliam AValker , Esq ., Treasurer ; Charles Hamilton Davidson , Esq ., Secretary ; Mr . Peter Harley , Bible Bearer ; Messrs . E . Leckie and AV . Lees , Stewards ; AVilliam Haldane , Esq ., Proxy Master to Grand Lodge ; Brother AV . Firth , Tyler . It may be interesting to know that , among the many eminent and distinguished individuals who have been initiated into the Mysteries of
the Sublime Craft , in the Haddington Lodge , the hero of Corunna , Sir John Moore , then a cornet in the first dragoons , was initiated on the 6 th February , 1775 ; the venerable Earl Grey was also entered in this Lodge . *"' The Dunbar Castle Lodge ( No . 75 ) also met on the same day . At the banquet many appropriate toasts and sentiments were drunk , and a variety of songs were sung by the Brethren , quite in the style and spirit
of ancient Masonry . It is but justice to say , that temperance and good order prevailed , and that purity and simplicity , so characteristic of the Craft , was maintained . Same clay , the Brethren of the St . Baldred ' s Lodge , NORTH BERWICK ( No 313 ) held a Lodge in the New Inn , which was numerously attended . About nine o ' clock they proceeded in Masonic order to the ball room , and the W . M . having , in an appropriate address , stated the object of the meeting , opened the ball , with the assistance of his Officers ancl the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
age and every nation . For , when sovereign and country call , the Brethren rise , the pillars of the land . " The Lodges here are in a flourishing condition , and this season have every prospect of work before them , in laying the foundationstones of three great public improvements . A House of Refuge for the poor and destitute , for the building of which the munificent sum of £ 10000 has been contributed bAV . DorwardEsqa benevolent
, y , ., inhabitant of this place . A splendid ancl commodious infirmary , ancl a hew harbour and clocks , are also to be erected . Little is doing in the degrees of Royal Arch and Kni ght Templars , which is perhaps owing to the departure for India of our respected Brother Dr . Burnes , K . H , , whose zeal and exertion revived these Orders amongst us . AA ' e trust the Companions and Kni ghts will rouse from their apathy .
It is pleasant lo observe , through the medium of the Freemasons ' Quarterly , the general zeal and activity of the Provincial Grand Masters in England . We much Wish it would suit the convenience of our M / W . P . G . M ., the Right Hon . Lorcl Panmure , occasionall y to summon a Provincial Grancl Lodge , which we are sure would tend much to advance the cause of Masonry in this district .
EAST LOTHIAN , HADDINGTON . —On the 27 th Dec , 1837 , the Brethren ofthe St . John ' s Kilwinning Lodge ( No . 57 ) met in their Lodge-room , to celebrate the anniversary festival of St . John , when the following Brethren were duly elected office bearers : —Henry M . Davidson , Esq ., Right AA'orshipful Master ; Henry Shiells , Esq ., Depute Master ; Robert Richardson , Esq ., Substitute Master ; Hugh Fraser , Esq ., Past Master ; James Dorward , Esq ., Senior AVarden ; Patrick Henry Fraser , Junior
Warden ; the Rev . James Traill , Chaplain ; AVilliam AValker , Esq ., Treasurer ; Charles Hamilton Davidson , Esq ., Secretary ; Mr . Peter Harley , Bible Bearer ; Messrs . E . Leckie and AV . Lees , Stewards ; AVilliam Haldane , Esq ., Proxy Master to Grand Lodge ; Brother AV . Firth , Tyler . It may be interesting to know that , among the many eminent and distinguished individuals who have been initiated into the Mysteries of
the Sublime Craft , in the Haddington Lodge , the hero of Corunna , Sir John Moore , then a cornet in the first dragoons , was initiated on the 6 th February , 1775 ; the venerable Earl Grey was also entered in this Lodge . *"' The Dunbar Castle Lodge ( No . 75 ) also met on the same day . At the banquet many appropriate toasts and sentiments were drunk , and a variety of songs were sung by the Brethren , quite in the style and spirit
of ancient Masonry . It is but justice to say , that temperance and good order prevailed , and that purity and simplicity , so characteristic of the Craft , was maintained . Same clay , the Brethren of the St . Baldred ' s Lodge , NORTH BERWICK ( No 313 ) held a Lodge in the New Inn , which was numerously attended . About nine o ' clock they proceeded in Masonic order to the ball room , and the W . M . having , in an appropriate address , stated the object of the meeting , opened the ball , with the assistance of his Officers ancl the