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And then , the first and shortest word , exprest By children—next a dear relation name . And now two-thirds—a grain will tell the rest . And oh ! my name with ecstasy proclaim , To all the world , of every land and clime , Ancl show my power sublime , and origin divine . FREE-MA-SON -RV
JOHN BOYCE , ESQ ., P . M ., No . 50 , whose merits as a gentleman and a Mason are so well appreciated amongst the Irish Brethren , as to require no eulogium from us , has presented to Bro . Tenison a uni que square and compass of gold and diamonds , so constructed as to answer for a brooch or Masonic jewel .
ULSTER . —We are enabled to record the fact , that many auxiliaries have been recently added to our ranks in this quarter of Ireland . An opinion appears to prevail amongst the worth y and disinterestedmembers of the Craft ( more particularl y in the counties of Armagh , Monaghan , and Tyrone , ) that the formation of Provincial Grancl Lodges woidd be beneficial , at the head of which , of course , should be placed some active , zealous , and capable nobleman , gentleman , or clerical , of
" Unsullied rank , and piety sincere , " and who , under the wholesome jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , would exercise a correcting influence , and a strict and searching superintendence . KILKENNY , Dec . 27 , 1837 . —The members of our Kilkenny Masonic Lodge , ( 642 ) in full assembly , celebrated the festival of St . John , this day . The Officers Elect were installed in their respective dignitaries
. After transacting business the Lod ge adjourned to dinner hour , which was fixed for six o ' clock , when the Master , AVardens , and Brethren of whom there was a numerous attendance , sat down . The AV . Master ( Br . B . M . Prentice , ) presided , and evinced , throughout the evening , much tact ancl ability in the several duties of the Chair . The usual Masonic toasts were given—among them " The Queen "—three times three" His RIJthe Duke of Sussex
. . . and Lorcl Ramsay , Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland . " "The Grand Master of Ireland—His grace the Duke of Leinster . " " The Past Master . " _ " Our newly admitted Brethren . " "Our visiting Brethren . " " All indi gent and distressed Masons round the globe—speedy relief to them . " "The > Female Masonic Orphan School—increase to its funds and decrease to its objects . " " Brother Creighton aud the 71 st Highland Light Infantry "—three times three . " The memory of Brothers resham
I ancl Keily "— ( drunk in solemn silence . ) "Our Treasurer , Br . Aikenhead "—( drunk ivith great applause . ) The healths of the W . Master , and Senior and Junior AVardens , were proposed , severally drunk with Masonic honours , and receivetl with hearty cheers . These officers respectively returned thanks . The musical accompaniments to some of the toasts were given with great effect by several of the " Sons of Song" connected with this excellent and respected Lodge . The Masonic toasts were drunk with the accustomed " salutes . "
The interest of the evening was still further heightened by the presentation of a beautiful silver snuff-box to the late Master of the Lod" -e , Br . W . H . Bracken , ( Recorder of this city , ) on the part of the Brethren
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
And then , the first and shortest word , exprest By children—next a dear relation name . And now two-thirds—a grain will tell the rest . And oh ! my name with ecstasy proclaim , To all the world , of every land and clime , Ancl show my power sublime , and origin divine . FREE-MA-SON -RV
JOHN BOYCE , ESQ ., P . M ., No . 50 , whose merits as a gentleman and a Mason are so well appreciated amongst the Irish Brethren , as to require no eulogium from us , has presented to Bro . Tenison a uni que square and compass of gold and diamonds , so constructed as to answer for a brooch or Masonic jewel .
ULSTER . —We are enabled to record the fact , that many auxiliaries have been recently added to our ranks in this quarter of Ireland . An opinion appears to prevail amongst the worth y and disinterestedmembers of the Craft ( more particularl y in the counties of Armagh , Monaghan , and Tyrone , ) that the formation of Provincial Grancl Lodges woidd be beneficial , at the head of which , of course , should be placed some active , zealous , and capable nobleman , gentleman , or clerical , of
" Unsullied rank , and piety sincere , " and who , under the wholesome jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , would exercise a correcting influence , and a strict and searching superintendence . KILKENNY , Dec . 27 , 1837 . —The members of our Kilkenny Masonic Lodge , ( 642 ) in full assembly , celebrated the festival of St . John , this day . The Officers Elect were installed in their respective dignitaries
. After transacting business the Lod ge adjourned to dinner hour , which was fixed for six o ' clock , when the Master , AVardens , and Brethren of whom there was a numerous attendance , sat down . The AV . Master ( Br . B . M . Prentice , ) presided , and evinced , throughout the evening , much tact ancl ability in the several duties of the Chair . The usual Masonic toasts were given—among them " The Queen "—three times three" His RIJthe Duke of Sussex
. . . and Lorcl Ramsay , Grand Masters of England ancl Scotland . " "The Grand Master of Ireland—His grace the Duke of Leinster . " " The Past Master . " _ " Our newly admitted Brethren . " "Our visiting Brethren . " " All indi gent and distressed Masons round the globe—speedy relief to them . " "The > Female Masonic Orphan School—increase to its funds and decrease to its objects . " " Brother Creighton aud the 71 st Highland Light Infantry "—three times three . " The memory of Brothers resham
I ancl Keily "— ( drunk in solemn silence . ) "Our Treasurer , Br . Aikenhead "—( drunk ivith great applause . ) The healths of the W . Master , and Senior and Junior AVardens , were proposed , severally drunk with Masonic honours , and receivetl with hearty cheers . These officers respectively returned thanks . The musical accompaniments to some of the toasts were given with great effect by several of the " Sons of Song" connected with this excellent and respected Lodge . The Masonic toasts were drunk with the accustomed " salutes . "
The interest of the evening was still further heightened by the presentation of a beautiful silver snuff-box to the late Master of the Lod" -e , Br . W . H . Bracken , ( Recorder of this city , ) on the part of the Brethren