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of 642 The AV . Master accompanied the ] delivery of this valuable and most gratify ing tribute of Brotherly affection with a very happy address in which he dwelt upon the services rendered to the Lodge by the Past Master , and his marked exertions , on every occasion , to promote the spirit of Masonic brotherhood in the body . The W . Master , after reading the inscription , placed the box in the
hands of Br . Bracken . .,, , ¦ -, It would be quite impossible to describe the enthusiasm with which the introductory observations of the AV . Master were responded to by the Brethren , ancl the health of the late Master was drunk with repeated cheers , and full Masonic honours . . . The Past Master feelingly acknowledged the distinguished favour conferred upon him by the splendid testimony of friendship and affection with which he hacl been just presented , and took occasion to enlarge friend of and
on several topics of high interest to every Masonry , more peculiary applicable to the present admirable state and happy prospects of Lodge 642 , which he justly charactised as " one of the most respectable and respected of the provincial Masonic Institutions 01 the United Empire . " ... . Several excellent speeches were delivered by the visiting Brothers , and others . The brethren separated at 12 o ' clock precisely , after an evening of unbroken " love , harmony and order , " highly delighted with their entertainment , and with cordial wishes for their next happy meeting .
LODGE , 163-PARSONSTOWN— The Craft congregated for labour , on Thursday , the 11 th January , at Hig h Meridian in their Lodge Room , Brother Dooly ' s Hotel , and dined together on the same evening , at six o ' clock , P . M . to celebrate the festival of St . John , which was unavoidably postponed on the 26 th ult . THE GOVERNORS OF THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN A SYLUM FOR P M return their grateful thanks to the Rev .
THE ROVINCE OF UNSTER , J . N . Lombard , for the readiness with which he undertook , ancl the zeal with whicli he advocated the cause of this charity last Sunday , at Christ Church , when the truly liberal contribution of 110 / . 13 s . id . including donations , was made , by a respectable ancl generous
congregation . , , " To the Rev . Charles Leslie , the thanks of the governors , are hereby given , for his kindness in offering the use of the church on the occasion . "THOMAS HEWITT , " Master of Lodge No . 1 . " M . D . NUGENT , Sec . " Masonic Asylum , Cork , Jan . 12 , 1838 . The Masonic bodof Cork have proposed a subscription for a
testiy monial of their respect to the Rev . J . Lombard , the eloquent advocate of the Masonic Orphan Asylum , ancl the parishioners of St . Nicholas have also presented an address to their late Rector , accompanied with a beautiful pulpit suit . . Mrs . Rbckman is elected Matron of the Masonic Orphan Asylum ,
Cork , in the place of the late Mrs . Wade . ,,,,,. , The members of the Cariow Lodge , ( No . 116 , ) held their annual festival on the 27 th Dec . The meeting was unusually numerous , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather ; the worship ful Master Simeon Clarke , in the chair . Press of matter prevents the possibility ot our publishing the proceedings .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of 642 The AV . Master accompanied the ] delivery of this valuable and most gratify ing tribute of Brotherly affection with a very happy address in which he dwelt upon the services rendered to the Lodge by the Past Master , and his marked exertions , on every occasion , to promote the spirit of Masonic brotherhood in the body . The W . Master , after reading the inscription , placed the box in the
hands of Br . Bracken . .,, , ¦ -, It would be quite impossible to describe the enthusiasm with which the introductory observations of the AV . Master were responded to by the Brethren , ancl the health of the late Master was drunk with repeated cheers , and full Masonic honours . . . The Past Master feelingly acknowledged the distinguished favour conferred upon him by the splendid testimony of friendship and affection with which he hacl been just presented , and took occasion to enlarge friend of and
on several topics of high interest to every Masonry , more peculiary applicable to the present admirable state and happy prospects of Lodge 642 , which he justly charactised as " one of the most respectable and respected of the provincial Masonic Institutions 01 the United Empire . " ... . Several excellent speeches were delivered by the visiting Brothers , and others . The brethren separated at 12 o ' clock precisely , after an evening of unbroken " love , harmony and order , " highly delighted with their entertainment , and with cordial wishes for their next happy meeting .
LODGE , 163-PARSONSTOWN— The Craft congregated for labour , on Thursday , the 11 th January , at Hig h Meridian in their Lodge Room , Brother Dooly ' s Hotel , and dined together on the same evening , at six o ' clock , P . M . to celebrate the festival of St . John , which was unavoidably postponed on the 26 th ult . THE GOVERNORS OF THE MASONIC FEMALE ORPHAN A SYLUM FOR P M return their grateful thanks to the Rev .
THE ROVINCE OF UNSTER , J . N . Lombard , for the readiness with which he undertook , ancl the zeal with whicli he advocated the cause of this charity last Sunday , at Christ Church , when the truly liberal contribution of 110 / . 13 s . id . including donations , was made , by a respectable ancl generous
congregation . , , " To the Rev . Charles Leslie , the thanks of the governors , are hereby given , for his kindness in offering the use of the church on the occasion . "THOMAS HEWITT , " Master of Lodge No . 1 . " M . D . NUGENT , Sec . " Masonic Asylum , Cork , Jan . 12 , 1838 . The Masonic bodof Cork have proposed a subscription for a
testiy monial of their respect to the Rev . J . Lombard , the eloquent advocate of the Masonic Orphan Asylum , ancl the parishioners of St . Nicholas have also presented an address to their late Rector , accompanied with a beautiful pulpit suit . . Mrs . Rbckman is elected Matron of the Masonic Orphan Asylum ,
Cork , in the place of the late Mrs . Wade . ,,,,,. , The members of the Cariow Lodge , ( No . 116 , ) held their annual festival on the 27 th Dec . The meeting was unusually numerous , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather ; the worship ful Master Simeon Clarke , in the chair . Press of matter prevents the possibility ot our publishing the proceedings .