Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 2 of 2
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To Correspondents.
prudence ; for while he pretty freely belabours others byname , he carefully withholds his own ; notwithstanding his long standing in the Craft , eould be set down " in the twinkling of a bad-post '* SURPRISE . —There was equally a want of decision and tact . The vote should have beeu apposed . Silence gives consent ; Remember the charge . The other party has always managed to appear in the right . An amendment for a ' * Bronze Medal" would have created somefun , and in reality would have proved quite as much gratitude . —Ohe jam satis . A GRAND STEWARD —See Art . 7 , p . 44 BRO . LANE . —Thanks for untiring kindness . REPORTER . —2 . 32-1 —The references are reserved for " the Annals . " P . M . —Wedo not enter into the views . The ' parties having retired from the' direction
' does not alter the case . We refer P . M . to our observations in page 227 ti 1837 . Circumstances have rendered the present moment inopportune . This second circular is not , in our opinion , so clear as the former . The third project is altogether an assumption , against which the thinking Masons are self-warned . BRO . GEO . AARONS . —We have inadvertently mislaid the " Errata , " and have discovered this too late . Bro . A . will he kind enough to repeat the corrections . We hope shortly to greet him well at his change of residence , No , 1 , Newcastle-street , Strand . BRO . W . HERSEE . —Old acquaintance , all hail ! Keep your promise and we shall more than respect you . Support Masonry ; aud , as you have the opportunity , insert all articles , and send us up " marked 2 > apers" and letters . Remember < f White Surrey . " Brother Jerrold is at our elbow .
BRO . T . BRUTTON . —Thanks , good "friend . BHO . J . SHARP , jun . —We hope to deserve future correspondence . BRO . PAVL PRY , jun . —The advices from '' Little Pedlington" may amuse some ; but wanting point as well as Masonic character , we decline to insert them ; yet there is some fun in the article . W . D . MOORE . —We look with pleasure to the future interview , and to past kindness with gratitude . BRO . STARLING . —We hope the next report will be on a happier subject . BRO . HOPE . —( Mar . 24 . )—Good friend . After all , too late . BRO . LVTUGOK—IS also too late for a general notice ; we have , however , done our besc with the subject elsewhere .
ARCH MATTERS . Z . —The notice of motion will probably be given next time . There is no fear of forestalling . S . S . S . —All goes on well . Matters will soon mend . The present parties are the best to bring about a crisis if they are let alone ; the more so because they are innocent of their own intentions . P . H . —But for the signature we should have set down the complaint to the account of the waiters . What matters it to us that the decanters are drained ! It merely shows the wine is good enough to detain the guests from their public duty .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . SURSCRIBING W . M . ' —We cannot find room to insert the by-laws of Lodges ; and those of 324 do not apply to Provincial Grand Stewards , who , it is considered , are not entitled to wear the red apron in Grand Lodge , such badge being confined to Present and Past Grand Stewards . See Art . 9 , p . 44 . A Master cannot appoint a Deputy ( the Royal Lodges excepted ) . Absence , and , indeed , all circumstances , are provided for . ' See Art . 7 > p . 79 . W . M . P . M . ( Norwich . )—Yes , * the Board of General Purposes has the power . ( See Art 5 , p . 47 .
TEMPLARS , & c . A TEMPLAR—The words are , Vive Dieu— Saint Amour—Pro Deo et Patria . KT . —The Chapter of Observance as yet have taken no step in the matter of conference . A PROVINCIAL K . T . —We decline to enter at present into a public explanation ; but witli much pleasure will reply in private to all the points in question , as ' private and confidential . " ASYLUM .
§ 2 ^ expected that a Sermon will shortly be preached on behalf of this Institution . BRO . JOHNSON , and our Western Friends , are requested to be under no apprehension relative to the misinformation in a public print The resolution of the ' Grand Lodge was unanimously confirmed , BRO . BARNETT ISAACS ( Montego Bay ) , and BRO . R . FINNIS ( Falmouth ) . —We are deeply indebted for the marked attention , and still more for the exertions so successfully made in favour of the ' 'Asylum . BRO . CLERKE BURTON ( Cape of Good Hope ) - —The communication appears in the present number '; besides whichwe are directed to acknowledge the liberal contribution of the
, Lodges in South Africa , in aid of the Asylum funds . BRO . Gso . OLIVER , D . D—Our debt becomes large ; but a draft on the gratitude of the Committee ti our best mode of payment . K . ( Towcester . )—The Treasurer will pay attention , and give every information , AUIOGRAPH ( 19 th Feb ) . —Is a frolicksome tea-totaller . The list is sufficiently curious Co warrant a sovereign-fee of inspection . As the late respected Jomulran Wild would phrase it , " this smacks of the highwayman ; " but what of that ? he had an object in view ; and so have we , with a reservation , which is , to get money by all fair means .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
prudence ; for while he pretty freely belabours others byname , he carefully withholds his own ; notwithstanding his long standing in the Craft , eould be set down " in the twinkling of a bad-post '* SURPRISE . —There was equally a want of decision and tact . The vote should have beeu apposed . Silence gives consent ; Remember the charge . The other party has always managed to appear in the right . An amendment for a ' * Bronze Medal" would have created somefun , and in reality would have proved quite as much gratitude . —Ohe jam satis . A GRAND STEWARD —See Art . 7 , p . 44 BRO . LANE . —Thanks for untiring kindness . REPORTER . —2 . 32-1 —The references are reserved for " the Annals . " P . M . —Wedo not enter into the views . The ' parties having retired from the' direction
' does not alter the case . We refer P . M . to our observations in page 227 ti 1837 . Circumstances have rendered the present moment inopportune . This second circular is not , in our opinion , so clear as the former . The third project is altogether an assumption , against which the thinking Masons are self-warned . BRO . GEO . AARONS . —We have inadvertently mislaid the " Errata , " and have discovered this too late . Bro . A . will he kind enough to repeat the corrections . We hope shortly to greet him well at his change of residence , No , 1 , Newcastle-street , Strand . BRO . W . HERSEE . —Old acquaintance , all hail ! Keep your promise and we shall more than respect you . Support Masonry ; aud , as you have the opportunity , insert all articles , and send us up " marked 2 > apers" and letters . Remember < f White Surrey . " Brother Jerrold is at our elbow .
BRO . T . BRUTTON . —Thanks , good "friend . BHO . J . SHARP , jun . —We hope to deserve future correspondence . BRO . PAVL PRY , jun . —The advices from '' Little Pedlington" may amuse some ; but wanting point as well as Masonic character , we decline to insert them ; yet there is some fun in the article . W . D . MOORE . —We look with pleasure to the future interview , and to past kindness with gratitude . BRO . STARLING . —We hope the next report will be on a happier subject . BRO . HOPE . —( Mar . 24 . )—Good friend . After all , too late . BRO . LVTUGOK—IS also too late for a general notice ; we have , however , done our besc with the subject elsewhere .
ARCH MATTERS . Z . —The notice of motion will probably be given next time . There is no fear of forestalling . S . S . S . —All goes on well . Matters will soon mend . The present parties are the best to bring about a crisis if they are let alone ; the more so because they are innocent of their own intentions . P . H . —But for the signature we should have set down the complaint to the account of the waiters . What matters it to us that the decanters are drained ! It merely shows the wine is good enough to detain the guests from their public duty .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . SURSCRIBING W . M . ' —We cannot find room to insert the by-laws of Lodges ; and those of 324 do not apply to Provincial Grand Stewards , who , it is considered , are not entitled to wear the red apron in Grand Lodge , such badge being confined to Present and Past Grand Stewards . See Art . 9 , p . 44 . A Master cannot appoint a Deputy ( the Royal Lodges excepted ) . Absence , and , indeed , all circumstances , are provided for . ' See Art . 7 > p . 79 . W . M . P . M . ( Norwich . )—Yes , * the Board of General Purposes has the power . ( See Art 5 , p . 47 .
TEMPLARS , & c . A TEMPLAR—The words are , Vive Dieu— Saint Amour—Pro Deo et Patria . KT . —The Chapter of Observance as yet have taken no step in the matter of conference . A PROVINCIAL K . T . —We decline to enter at present into a public explanation ; but witli much pleasure will reply in private to all the points in question , as ' private and confidential . " ASYLUM .
§ 2 ^ expected that a Sermon will shortly be preached on behalf of this Institution . BRO . JOHNSON , and our Western Friends , are requested to be under no apprehension relative to the misinformation in a public print The resolution of the ' Grand Lodge was unanimously confirmed , BRO . BARNETT ISAACS ( Montego Bay ) , and BRO . R . FINNIS ( Falmouth ) . —We are deeply indebted for the marked attention , and still more for the exertions so successfully made in favour of the ' 'Asylum . BRO . CLERKE BURTON ( Cape of Good Hope ) - —The communication appears in the present number '; besides whichwe are directed to acknowledge the liberal contribution of the
, Lodges in South Africa , in aid of the Asylum funds . BRO . Gso . OLIVER , D . D—Our debt becomes large ; but a draft on the gratitude of the Committee ti our best mode of payment . K . ( Towcester . )—The Treasurer will pay attention , and give every information , AUIOGRAPH ( 19 th Feb ) . —Is a frolicksome tea-totaller . The list is sufficiently curious Co warrant a sovereign-fee of inspection . As the late respected Jomulran Wild would phrase it , " this smacks of the highwayman ; " but what of that ? he had an object in view ; and so have we , with a reservation , which is , to get money by all fair means .