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Ereemasonry. Brother W. Povey, Masonic B...
EREEMASONRY . BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER , AND BADGE CASE MAKER , No . 12 , FULLWOOD'S RENTS , HOLBORN , ~ D ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . - * - * " Books neatly and elegantly bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments . W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Twopenny Post Letter from any Gentlemen who may have any orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . N . B . Masonic Case Maker .
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. Brot...
MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . BROTHER R . SPENCER'S THIRD COLLECTION OF MASONIC BOOKS . ( A few Masonic Books remain unsold from former lists , see Advertisements in No . 15 and 16 Freemasons' Quarterly Review . )
Account of the Royal Cumberland Free- 94 , 95 , 96 . 1804 , 10 , 12 . Is . ed . each mason ' s School , Is . 1790 year . Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 2 tf . 6 d ., 1801 Freemasons' Magazine , June 1793 to June List of all the Regular Lodges , 1794 . Plates , 2 vols . 12 * . Is . Gd . 1771 June , 1793 'to Dec . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , the first 1795 . Plates . 5 vols ., half Russia , uncut , year of publication , bound in Morocco , 11 . 10 s .
¦ with nine other Almanacks for the same Pocket Manual , or Freemasons' Guide to year , 5 s . First Degree , is . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , 76 , 90 , 91 , to Second Degree , -Is .
R . S . has on sale a few Masonic Copper Tokens , designed by J . Scetchley , l' 794 j at 3 d . id . and 6 d . each . R . S . has lately published a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating Library , and begs respectfully to refer the Readers of the Masonic Review to the terms of subscription , & c , in the present number . March 31 , 1838 .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Freemasonry.. A...
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON FREEMASONRY .. A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo-Price 9 s . cloth . CIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE ° LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any ** ' of the above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of WATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each ; Horizontal Gold Watches , Four Holes Jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second Hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at Moderate Prices ; best Sheflicld Plated Articles , & c . & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ereemasonry. Brother W. Povey, Masonic B...
EREEMASONRY . BROTHER W . POVEY , MASONIC BOOKBINDER , AND BADGE CASE MAKER , No . 12 , FULLWOOD'S RENTS , HOLBORN , ~ D ESPECTFULLY solicits the patronage of the Fraternity in his line of business . - * - * " Books neatly and elegantly bound , with every description of Masonic embellishments . W . POVEY will feel obliged by a Twopenny Post Letter from any Gentlemen who may have any orders , however small , which will meet immediate attention . N . B . Masonic Case Maker .
Masonic Library, 314, High Holborn. Brot...
MASONIC LIBRARY , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . BROTHER R . SPENCER'S THIRD COLLECTION OF MASONIC BOOKS . ( A few Masonic Books remain unsold from former lists , see Advertisements in No . 15 and 16 Freemasons' Quarterly Review . )
Account of the Royal Cumberland Free- 94 , 95 , 96 . 1804 , 10 , 12 . Is . ed . each mason ' s School , Is . 1790 year . Cole ' s Illustrations of Masonry , 2 tf . 6 d ., 1801 Freemasons' Magazine , June 1793 to June List of all the Regular Lodges , 1794 . Plates , 2 vols . 12 * . Is . Gd . 1771 June , 1793 'to Dec . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , the first 1795 . Plates . 5 vols ., half Russia , uncut , year of publication , bound in Morocco , 11 . 10 s .
¦ with nine other Almanacks for the same Pocket Manual , or Freemasons' Guide to year , 5 s . First Degree , is . Freemasons' Calendar for 1775 , 76 , 90 , 91 , to Second Degree , -Is .
R . S . has on sale a few Masonic Copper Tokens , designed by J . Scetchley , l' 794 j at 3 d . id . and 6 d . each . R . S . has lately published a Supplementary Catalogue to his extensive Circulating Library , and begs respectfully to refer the Readers of the Masonic Review to the terms of subscription , & c , in the present number . March 31 , 1838 .
Dr. Oliver's Lectures On Freemasonry.. A...
DR . OLIVER'S LECTURES ON FREEMASONRY .. A New Edition , considerably enlarged , with many additional Notes . Printed in Octavo-Price 9 s . cloth . CIGNS AND SYMBOLS , illustrated and explained in a Course of TWELVE ° LECTURES on FREEMASONRY . By the Rev . G . OLIVER , D . D ., Vicar of Scopwick , Deputy Prov . G . M . for Lincolnshire . London : Sherwood , Gilbert , and Piper , Paternoster Row .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any ** ' of the above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of WATCHES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each ; Horizontal Gold Watches , Four Holes Jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second Hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at Moderate Prices ; best Sheflicld Plated Articles , & c . & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catharine Street .