Article TO THE NOBILITY, GENTRY, AND FAMILIES FU... Page 1 of 1 Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES, With Silver double... Page 1 of 1 Article UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HIS MOST... Page 1 of 1
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To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . "" 4 / TESSRS . MUNNS and Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the - - ' - * - largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , and Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables and Chairs , which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical
in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcases en saite , for the most extensive library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been produced , and will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . Messrs . Munns and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . —33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , With Silver double-bottom Cases , 6 / . 6 s . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , ICs . 6 d . extra . nPHIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is ¦ *• now offered with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Oornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Under The Especial Patronage Of His Most...
UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY . WOODHOUSE'S ETHEREAL ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER TJAS been patronized in the most flattering manner by His Most Gracious Majesty , ¦ * - ¦ *¦ It is particularl y recommended to all cold , phlegmatic , weak , and nervous constitutions . It is certain in affording instant relief in Cholera MorbusS Cramps
, pasms , , Flatulence , Languor , Hysterics , Heart-burn , loss of appetite , sensation of fulness , pain and oppression after meals ; also those pains of the stomach and bowels which arise from gouty flatulencies ; digestion , however much impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time ; if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , or wine , it corrects their flatulent tendency . This Essence is most earnestly recommended to be kept by all families , particularly at this season of the year , on account of the frequent occurrence of spasms , eholics , pains in the stomach and bowels , occasioned by the
sudden changes of weather and partaking of fruit . To say more of its virtues would be superfluous , when 208 of the Faculty have given certificates of its many virtues aud superiority over all others in the cases for which it is recommended . All the proprietor asks is a trial , when he has no doubt it will be appreciated . The undersigned are some few of the faculty that the Essence has been submitted to : James Johnson , Physician Extraordinary to His Majesty ; Arthur T . tlolyrood , Physician to the Marylebone Dispensary ; S . Ashwell , Physician Accoucheur to Guy ' s Hospital ; R . Rowley , M . D .
Physician to the Aldersgate-street Dispensary ; A . Middleton , M . D . Senior Physician to the Leamington General Hospital ; Charles Loudon , M . D . Physician to the Leamington Bathing Institution ; Jonathan Pereira , F . L . S . Lecturer on Materia Medica ; George Pilcher , M . R . C . S . L ., Lecturer on Anatomy ; Frederic Salmon , 13 , Old-Broad-street , Consulting Surgeon to St . John ' s Hospital ; J . H . Curtis , M . R . S . Aurist to His Majesty ; C . Millard , Demonstrator of Anatomy at the school in Webb-street . This Essence is prepared only by DECIIUUS WOOWIOUSE , Operative Chemist , 18 , King William street , New London Bridge ; and sold by him , wholesal and retail , in bottles 2 s . Cd ., -is . 6 d ., 10 s . 6 d ., and 21 s . each ; and may be had of all Medicine Venders .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Nobility, Gentry, And Families Fu...
TO THE NOBILITY , GENTRY , AND FAMILIES FURNISHING . "" 4 / TESSRS . MUNNS and Co . ( late Miles ) respectfully invite public attention to the - - ' - * - largest Stock in London , of Parlour , Drawing-room , and Bed-chamber Furniture , consisting of every variety in Tables and Chairs , which , for elegance , ease , and durability , cannot be exceeded . Looking-glasses in every size , costly in appearance , but economical
in price ; Console and Pier Tables of the most fashionable construction ; Wardrobes , replete with every convenience ; Bookcases en saite , for the most extensive library , or adapted to the retirement of the study ; and , lastly , the Boudoir of the most fashionable Lady can be arranged with the most scrupulous attention to elegance and economy . Their Stock of Carpets , Chintzes , Merinos , Damasks , and Silk Furnitures , comprises every novelty that has been produced , and will be offered at such prices that cannot fail to astonish purchasers . Messrs . Munns and Co . having enlarged their premises , are enabled to exhibit a Stock that is unparalleled for extent in London . —33 , Oxford Street , facing Dean Street .
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , With Silver double-bottom Cases , 6 / . 6 s . ; with Silver Hunting Cases , ICs . 6 d . extra . nPHIS celebrated construction ( the most accurate on which a Watch can be made ) is ¦ *• now offered with the latest improvements , i . e . the detached escapement , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds , hard enamel dial , and maintaining power to continue going while winding up , at the above price . Vertical Silver Watches , two guineas each . A variety of upwards of a hundred Second-hand Watches , some of them jewelled , all with movements that can be warranted , to be sold for two guineas each . T . COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , 47 , Oornhill , London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Under The Especial Patronage Of His Most...
UNDER THE ESPECIAL PATRONAGE OF HIS MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY . WOODHOUSE'S ETHEREAL ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER TJAS been patronized in the most flattering manner by His Most Gracious Majesty , ¦ * - ¦ *¦ It is particularl y recommended to all cold , phlegmatic , weak , and nervous constitutions . It is certain in affording instant relief in Cholera MorbusS Cramps
, pasms , , Flatulence , Languor , Hysterics , Heart-burn , loss of appetite , sensation of fulness , pain and oppression after meals ; also those pains of the stomach and bowels which arise from gouty flatulencies ; digestion , however much impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time ; if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , or wine , it corrects their flatulent tendency . This Essence is most earnestly recommended to be kept by all families , particularly at this season of the year , on account of the frequent occurrence of spasms , eholics , pains in the stomach and bowels , occasioned by the
sudden changes of weather and partaking of fruit . To say more of its virtues would be superfluous , when 208 of the Faculty have given certificates of its many virtues aud superiority over all others in the cases for which it is recommended . All the proprietor asks is a trial , when he has no doubt it will be appreciated . The undersigned are some few of the faculty that the Essence has been submitted to : James Johnson , Physician Extraordinary to His Majesty ; Arthur T . tlolyrood , Physician to the Marylebone Dispensary ; S . Ashwell , Physician Accoucheur to Guy ' s Hospital ; R . Rowley , M . D .
Physician to the Aldersgate-street Dispensary ; A . Middleton , M . D . Senior Physician to the Leamington General Hospital ; Charles Loudon , M . D . Physician to the Leamington Bathing Institution ; Jonathan Pereira , F . L . S . Lecturer on Materia Medica ; George Pilcher , M . R . C . S . L ., Lecturer on Anatomy ; Frederic Salmon , 13 , Old-Broad-street , Consulting Surgeon to St . John ' s Hospital ; J . H . Curtis , M . R . S . Aurist to His Majesty ; C . Millard , Demonstrator of Anatomy at the school in Webb-street . This Essence is prepared only by DECIIUUS WOOWIOUSE , Operative Chemist , 18 , King William street , New London Bridge ; and sold by him , wholesal and retail , in bottles 2 s . Cd ., -is . 6 d ., 10 s . 6 d ., and 21 s . each ; and may be had of all Medicine Venders .