Article Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit. GALL'S... Page 1 of 1 Article VEGETABLE SYRUP OF DE VELNOS. A T a time... Page 1 of 1
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Magna Est Veritas Et Prcevalcbit. Gall's...
Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit . GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS , SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR REMOVING BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . r jpHE daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of its
•*• general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c , all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —Sold in boxes
at Is . l ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS . For the Gravel , pain in the Back and Loins , and all affections in the Urinary Passages . Prepared from the oiiginal recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill of Hatcheston . The
salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . —In boxes Is . l ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT . An effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . —In bottles Is . 1 jd . each .
FENN'S EMBROCATION . For Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Sciatica , Lumbago , Chilblains , & c . —In bottles 2 s . 9 d . 4 s . 6 d . and Ss . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and , by their appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Newbery and Sons , 45 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay
and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; Butler and Co ., 4 , Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnson , Greek-street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of Her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of Stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Vegetable Syrup Of De Velnos. A T A Time...
VEGETABLE SYRUP OF DE VELNOS . A T a time when doubts justly arise respecting the presumed infallibility of certain " ^ remedies which have of late been brought before the public , we may venture to invite attention to one Medicine which long experience has sanctioned with the marked and reiterated approval of its benefits . The efficacy of the VEGETABLE SYRUP of DE VELNOS has been proved in multitudes of cases of Scorbutic Affections , and in all their
varied modifications , in painful Tumours , Scirrhous Swellings , in Scrofula , in Symptoms of Diseased Liver , and in all complaints arising from depraved humours and contamminated Blood . The Syrup is prepared by Mrs . Canham , No . 52 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , and sold by her and all respectable Medicine Venders in town and country . —See Mrs . Canham ' s recently published " Familiar Treatise on Scrofula , Scurvy , Consumption , Diarrhoea , Rheumatism , and Diseases of the Blood and Liver . Sold by Ridgway and Sons , Piccadilly , London , and all other booksellers .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Magna Est Veritas Et Prcevalcbit. Gall's...
Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit . GALL'S ANTIBILIOUS PILLS , SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR REMOVING BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . r jpHE daily increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of its
•*• general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c , all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . —Sold in boxes
at Is . l ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS . For the Gravel , pain in the Back and Loins , and all affections in the Urinary Passages . Prepared from the oiiginal recipe of the late Mr . Thomas Hill of Hatcheston . The
salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . —In boxes Is . l ^ d . and 2 s . 9 d . each . GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT . An effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . —In bottles Is . 1 jd . each .
FENN'S EMBROCATION . For Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Sciatica , Lumbago , Chilblains , & c . —In bottles 2 s . 9 d . 4 s . 6 d . and Ss . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and , by their appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Newbery and Sons , 45 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay
and Sons , 95 , Farringdon-street ; Butler and Co ., 4 , Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield ; Johnson , Greek-street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom . To prevent imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of Her Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of Stamp Duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Vegetable Syrup Of De Velnos. A T A Time...
VEGETABLE SYRUP OF DE VELNOS . A T a time when doubts justly arise respecting the presumed infallibility of certain " ^ remedies which have of late been brought before the public , we may venture to invite attention to one Medicine which long experience has sanctioned with the marked and reiterated approval of its benefits . The efficacy of the VEGETABLE SYRUP of DE VELNOS has been proved in multitudes of cases of Scorbutic Affections , and in all their
varied modifications , in painful Tumours , Scirrhous Swellings , in Scrofula , in Symptoms of Diseased Liver , and in all complaints arising from depraved humours and contamminated Blood . The Syrup is prepared by Mrs . Canham , No . 52 , Berners-street , Oxford-street , and sold by her and all respectable Medicine Venders in town and country . —See Mrs . Canham ' s recently published " Familiar Treatise on Scrofula , Scurvy , Consumption , Diarrhoea , Rheumatism , and Diseases of the Blood and Liver . Sold by Ridgway and Sons , Piccadilly , London , and all other booksellers .