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R . SPENCER , afoofcsfelln-, Sinter , antr ^ tatfoner m < BtMval , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . A LARGE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON SALE OF BIBLES , PRAYER BOOKS , CHURCH SERVICES with and without Cases , COMPANIONS TO THE ALTAR , & c . WORKS for Presents , or the Private Library , in elegant and plain binding . JUVENILE BOOKS , by Edgeworth , Hoffland , Scott , Sherwood , Peter Parley , and all the most approved Authors . SCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds . ANNUALS , ALMANACKS , POCKET BOOKS , DIARIES HOUSE-KEEPING and MEMORANDUM BOOKS , printed or blank . ALBUMS , SCRAP BOOKS , MANUSCRIPT BOOKS MUSIC BOOKS , PORTFOLIOS , & c . in great variety . BLOTTING PAPER CASES , with and without Locks . SUPERFINE and COMMON WRITING PAPERS . HAND , CARTRIDGE , and PACKING PAPERS . ENVELOPES , White and Tinted , 6 d . per Doz . or Sa . per gross . SUPERFINE DUTCH SEAMWG WAX AOTD IRISH WAFERS . DRAWING PAPERS AND PENCILS , LONDON AND BRISTOL BOARDS EMBOSSED CARDS . ' Bramah ' s and Mordan ' s Patent Pens , Holders , and Lead Points for Pencil Cases , Portable Pens , Card Cases , Wallets , i } c . $ c . MERCHANTS AND OTHER ACCOUNT BOOKS , Bound and Ruled to any Pattern . VISITING AND COMPLIMENTARY CARD PLATES Engraved and Printed . NEWMAN'S COLOURS , SEPARATE AND IN BOXES . MUSIC SUPPLIED AND BOUND . V Country and Exportation Orders executed with punctuality and dispatch . Printed for RICHARD SPENCEH , 314 , High ' Holborn-
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R . SPENCER , afoofcsfelln-, Sinter , antr ^ tatfoner m < BtMval , 314 , HIGH HOLBORN . A LARGE ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON SALE OF BIBLES , PRAYER BOOKS , CHURCH SERVICES with and without Cases , COMPANIONS TO THE ALTAR , & c . WORKS for Presents , or the Private Library , in elegant and plain binding . JUVENILE BOOKS , by Edgeworth , Hoffland , Scott , Sherwood , Peter Parley , and all the most approved Authors . SCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds . ANNUALS , ALMANACKS , POCKET BOOKS , DIARIES HOUSE-KEEPING and MEMORANDUM BOOKS , printed or blank . ALBUMS , SCRAP BOOKS , MANUSCRIPT BOOKS MUSIC BOOKS , PORTFOLIOS , & c . in great variety . BLOTTING PAPER CASES , with and without Locks . SUPERFINE and COMMON WRITING PAPERS . HAND , CARTRIDGE , and PACKING PAPERS . ENVELOPES , White and Tinted , 6 d . per Doz . or Sa . per gross . SUPERFINE DUTCH SEAMWG WAX AOTD IRISH WAFERS . DRAWING PAPERS AND PENCILS , LONDON AND BRISTOL BOARDS EMBOSSED CARDS . ' Bramah ' s and Mordan ' s Patent Pens , Holders , and Lead Points for Pencil Cases , Portable Pens , Card Cases , Wallets , i } c . $ c . MERCHANTS AND OTHER ACCOUNT BOOKS , Bound and Ruled to any Pattern . VISITING AND COMPLIMENTARY CARD PLATES Engraved and Printed . NEWMAN'S COLOURS , SEPARATE AND IN BOXES . MUSIC SUPPLIED AND BOUND . V Country and Exportation Orders executed with punctuality and dispatch . Printed for RICHARD SPENCEH , 314 , High ' Holborn-