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Extract From Circular Of Grand Lodge, 6t...
Extract from Circular of Grand Lodge , 6 th Dec , just issued . " .. " . '" p '' - "'"IR been given at the Committee of Masters to the efiecti nat the opinion of the Craft with regard to the erection ami endowment of an Asylum .. Hi M anil Decayed Freemasons , having been taken in the most public manner possible , anil tne result being most decidedly in favour of such Institution , that this Grand Lodge En ™ iml " Si "" ' ° ' P """ " " " support of all Lodges within the Constitution of ' Signaf AUGUSTUS . niCa ' i 011 fr 0 m " ' * Gr 3 " d MaSt 0 r WaS rCa < 1 ' ' ' ' y ^ . yi" 1 J * ' ? ' paving learnt that the subject of the proposed Asylum for Decayed forward in Grand Lodthis thinks it to
rin ™ th „ t i fought again ge evening , right . foTmer period planatK > n whlch he made verbally to the Grand Lodge on that subject at a nnt unffi ' L ^ n 000 ^ ' 0 . " - , - Gri , ml Master d ^ lJired , as to the matter proposed , that he was ? , „ , H , „ -T > ; butmhls situation as Giand Master , he could not at present give to it the sanUion ol Jus name , and thus recommend it to the Grand Lodge and the C . 'Kaft at large . , T '"™ f , £ ent couM not be obtained from him until he was satisfied that such a sum i , S collected 'is "ould meet the expenses for the erection ami furnishing the buihlr , ? , i A u- f re proP 05 - " . as likewise give reasonable hope that some provision would lie '" S ™ wth a ''" lo additionmight enable the inhabitants of those dwellings to
; . * ' , Th ? fh ' }} ms f'i ' es . without a severe call upon the existing funds of the Grand Lodge . . i . I . , ii """"] . Lodge has already two public Charities to support , and which it is our i ,, L ; ii . secure . " ° ™ future wants , by making their permanent funds equal to the present expenditure . Such object being once attained , it would facilitate the consideration and . moption ol measures favorable to the new establishment proposed ; but always with tho , l % , understanding of the conditions previously stated . 1 he Grand Master is induced to make these observations with a view of warning the . i , » hV'L'f , "? w their Rood feelings to carry them away , and , by a hasty vote , peril tne charitable Institutions already existing , and from which the Craft derives so much
Ihe Grand Master has further to remark , that the Brethren are annually called upon „? i . . i ? ' ! a CST , r "" number of Stewards to manage dinners for those two establishments , which become very irksome and expensive ! it would , therefore , be both imprudent ami improvident to impose an additional burthen upon the Lodges by a call for a third Board or stewards on the formation of a new Institution , and the exertions of which Steivards , nowever great , could scarcely be expected to realise a collection of more than one-third the aggregate receipts at the Anniversary Meetings on behalf of the existing Charities , and that "ainly at the cost and loss of those two Charities . ' The Grand Master has moreover to add , that although similar Institutions may be round m various parts of the continent , yet the same necessity cannot be pleaded for their existence in this country , because the many Charitable Foundations throughout England i -I , "'"™ ! Brethren may have access , preclude the urgency of tills appeal to their charitable exertions as Masons . " Kensington Palace , 6 th Dec . 1037 . "
ft ' r ? s tne " moved and seconded , That this Grand Lodge recommend the contemplated Asylum for the Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemason to the favourable consideration of the Craft . 1 he question being put ou that motion , it passed in the affirmative unanimously . Tiie following lias been addressed to all whom it may concern : — i .. Vi . 'i ' ? roth 5 ' ~ 'Ch . , Board of Stewards for conducting the recent Anniversary Festival in celebration of the Birthday of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , our nTost Worshipful Grand Master , desirous of permanently associating and of forming a Union with other similar boards or Stewards , propose to establish a Club , to be called "The Grand Master's Birthday festival Club to meet and dine annuallabout the middle of the either in
, y year , London at Blaekwall , or such other place as may from time to time be determined on . l he subscription to be One Guinea per Annum , and the Club to be confined to those who have served the Birthday Stewardship . I have to request the favour of your informing me whether vou will honour the Club by joining it , and I shall be obliged by an early answer , that a Meeting maybe called as sooii as possible to make the necessary arrangements for effectuating the proposed object . I here being no records in the Grand Secretary ' s Office of Boards of Stewards to this f estival pnor to 1830 , 1 shall esteem it a favour if you could furnish me with the names ot those witlrwhom you served , if you served prior to that time . I Sir and Bro and
„ ,.. „ . „ am , . yours very obediently fraternally , Gray s Inn , i eb . 20 , 1038 . GEO . P . PHIMPIS , Hon . Secretary ! Our own opinion is , that this Circular militates against the interest of the fourth paragraph in the preceding Letter by the Grand Master ; neither do we see any mark of honour or respect in holding an Anr . ua ! Festival to commemorate all Annual Festival . A Stewards Club , embracing all who haveserved all Festivals , would be better deserving support , as such a body might exercise a liberality in protecting the THREE Charitable Festivals , where there is ton often a lack of attendance of particular parties ; and they might also ensure the regularity at the other Festivals , especially that ofthe Birth-day of the Grand Master by their countenance . '
BRO . LVTHGOB . —We regret that this Brother ' s communication was too late for appearance , unless m the space for " extra limits . " The notice of motion given in the Committee of Masters by Bro . L ... had for its object the establishment of a Masonic Provident Institution , Ac ; and if we understand our correspondent , the Asylum would be materially benefited thereby . In the prospectus which accompanied the letter we do not fully coincide ; hut all these matters admit of improvement . Our opinion is on record —( Sec p . 227 , 1837 ) Bro . L ., it seems , inlemls to repeat his notice of motion . Tim MYLIW . —Brethren of the Craft , a Sermon will shortly be preacher ! in aid of this Institution . The Festival is fixed for the 20 th of June . The subscriptions from individuals ntd Lodges are most earnestly solicited .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Extract From Circular Of Grand Lodge, 6t...
Extract from Circular of Grand Lodge , 6 th Dec , just issued . " .. " . '" p '' - "'"IR been given at the Committee of Masters to the efiecti nat the opinion of the Craft with regard to the erection ami endowment of an Asylum .. Hi M anil Decayed Freemasons , having been taken in the most public manner possible , anil tne result being most decidedly in favour of such Institution , that this Grand Lodge En ™ iml " Si "" ' ° ' P """ " " " support of all Lodges within the Constitution of ' Signaf AUGUSTUS . niCa ' i 011 fr 0 m " ' * Gr 3 " d MaSt 0 r WaS rCa < 1 ' ' ' ' y ^ . yi" 1 J * ' ? ' paving learnt that the subject of the proposed Asylum for Decayed forward in Grand Lodthis thinks it to
rin ™ th „ t i fought again ge evening , right . foTmer period planatK > n whlch he made verbally to the Grand Lodge on that subject at a nnt unffi ' L ^ n 000 ^ ' 0 . " - , - Gri , ml Master d ^ lJired , as to the matter proposed , that he was ? , „ , H , „ -T > ; butmhls situation as Giand Master , he could not at present give to it the sanUion ol Jus name , and thus recommend it to the Grand Lodge and the C . 'Kaft at large . , T '"™ f , £ ent couM not be obtained from him until he was satisfied that such a sum i , S collected 'is "ould meet the expenses for the erection ami furnishing the buihlr , ? , i A u- f re proP 05 - " . as likewise give reasonable hope that some provision would lie '" S ™ wth a ''" lo additionmight enable the inhabitants of those dwellings to
; . * ' , Th ? fh ' }} ms f'i ' es . without a severe call upon the existing funds of the Grand Lodge . . i . I . , ii """"] . Lodge has already two public Charities to support , and which it is our i ,, L ; ii . secure . " ° ™ future wants , by making their permanent funds equal to the present expenditure . Such object being once attained , it would facilitate the consideration and . moption ol measures favorable to the new establishment proposed ; but always with tho , l % , understanding of the conditions previously stated . 1 he Grand Master is induced to make these observations with a view of warning the . i , » hV'L'f , "? w their Rood feelings to carry them away , and , by a hasty vote , peril tne charitable Institutions already existing , and from which the Craft derives so much
Ihe Grand Master has further to remark , that the Brethren are annually called upon „? i . . i ? ' ! a CST , r "" number of Stewards to manage dinners for those two establishments , which become very irksome and expensive ! it would , therefore , be both imprudent ami improvident to impose an additional burthen upon the Lodges by a call for a third Board or stewards on the formation of a new Institution , and the exertions of which Steivards , nowever great , could scarcely be expected to realise a collection of more than one-third the aggregate receipts at the Anniversary Meetings on behalf of the existing Charities , and that "ainly at the cost and loss of those two Charities . ' The Grand Master has moreover to add , that although similar Institutions may be round m various parts of the continent , yet the same necessity cannot be pleaded for their existence in this country , because the many Charitable Foundations throughout England i -I , "'"™ ! Brethren may have access , preclude the urgency of tills appeal to their charitable exertions as Masons . " Kensington Palace , 6 th Dec . 1037 . "
ft ' r ? s tne " moved and seconded , That this Grand Lodge recommend the contemplated Asylum for the Worthy Aged and Decayed Freemason to the favourable consideration of the Craft . 1 he question being put ou that motion , it passed in the affirmative unanimously . Tiie following lias been addressed to all whom it may concern : — i .. Vi . 'i ' ? roth 5 ' ~ 'Ch . , Board of Stewards for conducting the recent Anniversary Festival in celebration of the Birthday of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , our nTost Worshipful Grand Master , desirous of permanently associating and of forming a Union with other similar boards or Stewards , propose to establish a Club , to be called "The Grand Master's Birthday festival Club to meet and dine annuallabout the middle of the either in
, y year , London at Blaekwall , or such other place as may from time to time be determined on . l he subscription to be One Guinea per Annum , and the Club to be confined to those who have served the Birthday Stewardship . I have to request the favour of your informing me whether vou will honour the Club by joining it , and I shall be obliged by an early answer , that a Meeting maybe called as sooii as possible to make the necessary arrangements for effectuating the proposed object . I here being no records in the Grand Secretary ' s Office of Boards of Stewards to this f estival pnor to 1830 , 1 shall esteem it a favour if you could furnish me with the names ot those witlrwhom you served , if you served prior to that time . I Sir and Bro and
„ ,.. „ . „ am , . yours very obediently fraternally , Gray s Inn , i eb . 20 , 1038 . GEO . P . PHIMPIS , Hon . Secretary ! Our own opinion is , that this Circular militates against the interest of the fourth paragraph in the preceding Letter by the Grand Master ; neither do we see any mark of honour or respect in holding an Anr . ua ! Festival to commemorate all Annual Festival . A Stewards Club , embracing all who haveserved all Festivals , would be better deserving support , as such a body might exercise a liberality in protecting the THREE Charitable Festivals , where there is ton often a lack of attendance of particular parties ; and they might also ensure the regularity at the other Festivals , especially that ofthe Birth-day of the Grand Master by their countenance . '
BRO . LVTHGOB . —We regret that this Brother ' s communication was too late for appearance , unless m the space for " extra limits . " The notice of motion given in the Committee of Masters by Bro . L ... had for its object the establishment of a Masonic Provident Institution , Ac ; and if we understand our correspondent , the Asylum would be materially benefited thereby . In the prospectus which accompanied the letter we do not fully coincide ; hut all these matters admit of improvement . Our opinion is on record —( Sec p . 227 , 1837 ) Bro . L ., it seems , inlemls to repeat his notice of motion . Tim MYLIW . —Brethren of the Craft , a Sermon will shortly be preacher ! in aid of this Institution . The Festival is fixed for the 20 th of June . The subscriptions from individuals ntd Lodges are most earnestly solicited .