Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Reporter.
The Tuscan , like other Lodges , has hacl its mutations , but the zeal of Brother Hall , the spirit of Brother Adamthwaite , and the industry of Brother Alderman Thomas Wood , and Brother Gibson , with the determination of the members at large to support it , will serve to maintain its present position with advantage . The installation day passed off most cheerfully . THE C ONCORD ( No . 49 . )—AVe must speak of this Lodge in
anticipation . The Members are few , but they are emulous—so much so that they contemplate " coming out" with some objects of interest , which they consider will attract attention . Meantime , they are studious learners of those mysteries they hope hereafter to become perfect in . Brother E . R . Moran is the Master ; Brother Jerrold the S . AV ; Brother Shaw ( Barrister ) the J AV . PEACE AND HARMONY ( No . 72 . )—Former associateswe greet you
, , well ! It is delightful to know that your title in the Craft is exemplified by your conduct—may it ever be so . Brother Parry has a most enviable duty about to devolve upon him , and he will not disappoint the expectation of his Lodge ; the centenary is to be celebrated early in May next , and we understand the arrangements betoken the utmost liberality ; but we must not say too much now ^ , as our reporter will doubtless have enough to do on that occasion . AA ' e may observe that Brother Coe is a
Member of this Lodge , which will explain its sturdy and unflinching support of the Boys' School—certainly not , however , to the detriment of the Girls' School , nor of the Asylum , to each of which it has lent and does lend its most efficient aid .
LODGE OF UNITY , 82—The Members of the Lodge are now eliciting such scintillations of Masonic light , that we look forward with great pleasure to the future working of the Members . The Brethren , when not occupied by ceremonies , employ themselves in working sections ; we have particularly to record the excellence of their mode of doing so on the 14 th of February , when the Chair was taken by Brother R . L . AVilson , ( G . S . L . )
The first Lecture was thus worked . 1 st Section , Bro . AV . Thodey Smith , ( G . S . L . ) 2 d & 3 d ditto " The AV . Master ( Westminster & Keystone . ) 4 th & Sth ditto " R . L . AATison , ( G . S . L . ) 6 th & 7 thditto " Hugh P . Fuller , ( Honour and Generosity . ) The Lecture was very ably worked in accordance with the promulgation of the Grand Stewards' Lodge . The meetings of this Lodge
have been altered to the last Monday . THE BURLINGTON ( No . 113 . )—Brethren of this Lodge , what are we to say ? In truth we know not—of you and with you , our time passes , it is true , but so happily that we lack opportunity to tell . AA ^ ould that all Lodges would commit your faults , ancl committing them , plead guilty , to puzzle the conjurors in awarding the sentence . Your numbers are weakbut what are numbers if wanting the true spirit ; ancl what will
, not the true spirit effect even with short numbers ? Brother Hodgkinson , after an exemplary career , has made way for Brother Cullington , as W . M ., whose advocacy of the legitimate objects of Freemasonry—charity and protection to the aged as well as to the young—endear him to his fellows , while he lacks none of the zeal for discipline , nor of the desire to practice it , which bids fair to rank him hereafter among the worthies of the Craft . Among the newly initiated Members
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The Reporter.
The Tuscan , like other Lodges , has hacl its mutations , but the zeal of Brother Hall , the spirit of Brother Adamthwaite , and the industry of Brother Alderman Thomas Wood , and Brother Gibson , with the determination of the members at large to support it , will serve to maintain its present position with advantage . The installation day passed off most cheerfully . THE C ONCORD ( No . 49 . )—AVe must speak of this Lodge in
anticipation . The Members are few , but they are emulous—so much so that they contemplate " coming out" with some objects of interest , which they consider will attract attention . Meantime , they are studious learners of those mysteries they hope hereafter to become perfect in . Brother E . R . Moran is the Master ; Brother Jerrold the S . AV ; Brother Shaw ( Barrister ) the J AV . PEACE AND HARMONY ( No . 72 . )—Former associateswe greet you
, , well ! It is delightful to know that your title in the Craft is exemplified by your conduct—may it ever be so . Brother Parry has a most enviable duty about to devolve upon him , and he will not disappoint the expectation of his Lodge ; the centenary is to be celebrated early in May next , and we understand the arrangements betoken the utmost liberality ; but we must not say too much now ^ , as our reporter will doubtless have enough to do on that occasion . AA ' e may observe that Brother Coe is a
Member of this Lodge , which will explain its sturdy and unflinching support of the Boys' School—certainly not , however , to the detriment of the Girls' School , nor of the Asylum , to each of which it has lent and does lend its most efficient aid .
LODGE OF UNITY , 82—The Members of the Lodge are now eliciting such scintillations of Masonic light , that we look forward with great pleasure to the future working of the Members . The Brethren , when not occupied by ceremonies , employ themselves in working sections ; we have particularly to record the excellence of their mode of doing so on the 14 th of February , when the Chair was taken by Brother R . L . AVilson , ( G . S . L . )
The first Lecture was thus worked . 1 st Section , Bro . AV . Thodey Smith , ( G . S . L . ) 2 d & 3 d ditto " The AV . Master ( Westminster & Keystone . ) 4 th & Sth ditto " R . L . AATison , ( G . S . L . ) 6 th & 7 thditto " Hugh P . Fuller , ( Honour and Generosity . ) The Lecture was very ably worked in accordance with the promulgation of the Grand Stewards' Lodge . The meetings of this Lodge
have been altered to the last Monday . THE BURLINGTON ( No . 113 . )—Brethren of this Lodge , what are we to say ? In truth we know not—of you and with you , our time passes , it is true , but so happily that we lack opportunity to tell . AA ^ ould that all Lodges would commit your faults , ancl committing them , plead guilty , to puzzle the conjurors in awarding the sentence . Your numbers are weakbut what are numbers if wanting the true spirit ; ancl what will
, not the true spirit effect even with short numbers ? Brother Hodgkinson , after an exemplary career , has made way for Brother Cullington , as W . M ., whose advocacy of the legitimate objects of Freemasonry—charity and protection to the aged as well as to the young—endear him to his fellows , while he lacks none of the zeal for discipline , nor of the desire to practice it , which bids fair to rank him hereafter among the worthies of the Craft . Among the newly initiated Members