Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Masonic Chit Chat.
Jan . 16 , 1838 , —The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . John George Earl of Durham , G . C . B ., to be Governor-General , Vice-Admiral , and Captain-General of all her Majesty ' s Provinces within ancl adjacent to the Continent of North America . The Queen has also been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . John George Earl of Durham , G . C . B ., to be her Majesty ' s High Commissioner for the adjustment of certain important affairs affecting the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada .
The anniversary of the Russia Company , chartered upwards of three centuries ago ( in or about the year 1530 , we believe ) , was recently celebrated in the usual fashion of English festivity , by a dinner at the London Tavern . About 100 members were present , and Mr . ASTELL , of the East India Company , was in the Chair . The Earl of Durham was the principal guest upon the occasion ; he was loudly greeted upon his entrance . Mr . Asteil took an early opportunity , after the removal
of the cloth , to propose " The health of the Earl of Durham . " He stated that the noble Earl had been invited to honour them with his presence , that the Russia Company might personally testify to his lordship their high estimate of his services at the Court of St . Petersburg . The name of Britain had never stood higher in Russia than during the ministry of the Earl of Durham in that country , and never had the Bi-itisii merchant been more respected , or his rights more strongly
enforced . ( Loud cheers . ) The noble Earl ' s urbanity hacl endeared him to that class of her Majesty ' s subjects resident or casually present in Russia , whilst the lofty pretensions of the country whose important political interests he represented , had been rigorously maintained in the high councils of the empire . Every good subject of the realm had reason to feel proud of the mission which had been undertaken by the Earl of Durham ; and although all could not appreciate its difficultiesnone
, ¦ doubted that these woulcl be overcome by the force of that genius which had raised his Lordship to so elevated a place in the admiration of his countrymen . ( Loud cheers . )—The Earl of DURHAM , in returning thanks , observed , that although greatly misunderstood and much vilified in this country , he ( the Earl of Durham ) had not been able to discover any trace of hostility in the mind of the Emperor of Russia , who had , on the contrary , continually assured him of his earnest desire to cultivate
the most amicable relations with this country . ( Hear , hear , hear . ) With respect to Canada , his object in going to that country would be to allay the passions of party , not to persecute any . For the benefit of all parties , he should stand aloof from all during his temporary administration of the government . He did not mean to share the responsibilities of his office with any sect or party in the colonies ; but , as he was sent out to investigate the grievances of each , he should do so with an impartial ancl independent mind . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not , therefore , anticipate failure , although he was prepared for difficulties , and , he hopecl , to conquer them . ( Cheers . )
i he Right Hon . the Earl of Hillsborough has enrolled his name as a subscribing member of the Cestrian Lodge , held at the Royal Hotel , in Chester . The South Herts Yeomanry Corps lately gave a splendid entertainment to the Marquess of Salisbury , Earl Cowper , Earl de G rey , Viscount Grimston , and the Hon . Eliot Yorke , at Hertford . On the same evening the noble Marquess held his Provincial Grand Lodge at AValtham Cross ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Chit Chat.
Jan . 16 , 1838 , —The Queen has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . John George Earl of Durham , G . C . B ., to be Governor-General , Vice-Admiral , and Captain-General of all her Majesty ' s Provinces within ancl adjacent to the Continent of North America . The Queen has also been pleased to appoint the Right Hon . John George Earl of Durham , G . C . B ., to be her Majesty ' s High Commissioner for the adjustment of certain important affairs affecting the Provinces of Lower and Upper Canada .
The anniversary of the Russia Company , chartered upwards of three centuries ago ( in or about the year 1530 , we believe ) , was recently celebrated in the usual fashion of English festivity , by a dinner at the London Tavern . About 100 members were present , and Mr . ASTELL , of the East India Company , was in the Chair . The Earl of Durham was the principal guest upon the occasion ; he was loudly greeted upon his entrance . Mr . Asteil took an early opportunity , after the removal
of the cloth , to propose " The health of the Earl of Durham . " He stated that the noble Earl had been invited to honour them with his presence , that the Russia Company might personally testify to his lordship their high estimate of his services at the Court of St . Petersburg . The name of Britain had never stood higher in Russia than during the ministry of the Earl of Durham in that country , and never had the Bi-itisii merchant been more respected , or his rights more strongly
enforced . ( Loud cheers . ) The noble Earl ' s urbanity hacl endeared him to that class of her Majesty ' s subjects resident or casually present in Russia , whilst the lofty pretensions of the country whose important political interests he represented , had been rigorously maintained in the high councils of the empire . Every good subject of the realm had reason to feel proud of the mission which had been undertaken by the Earl of Durham ; and although all could not appreciate its difficultiesnone
, ¦ doubted that these woulcl be overcome by the force of that genius which had raised his Lordship to so elevated a place in the admiration of his countrymen . ( Loud cheers . )—The Earl of DURHAM , in returning thanks , observed , that although greatly misunderstood and much vilified in this country , he ( the Earl of Durham ) had not been able to discover any trace of hostility in the mind of the Emperor of Russia , who had , on the contrary , continually assured him of his earnest desire to cultivate
the most amicable relations with this country . ( Hear , hear , hear . ) With respect to Canada , his object in going to that country would be to allay the passions of party , not to persecute any . For the benefit of all parties , he should stand aloof from all during his temporary administration of the government . He did not mean to share the responsibilities of his office with any sect or party in the colonies ; but , as he was sent out to investigate the grievances of each , he should do so with an impartial ancl independent mind . ( Hear , hear . ) He could not , therefore , anticipate failure , although he was prepared for difficulties , and , he hopecl , to conquer them . ( Cheers . )
i he Right Hon . the Earl of Hillsborough has enrolled his name as a subscribing member of the Cestrian Lodge , held at the Royal Hotel , in Chester . The South Herts Yeomanry Corps lately gave a splendid entertainment to the Marquess of Salisbury , Earl Cowper , Earl de G rey , Viscount Grimston , and the Hon . Eliot Yorke , at Hertford . On the same evening the noble Marquess held his Provincial Grand Lodge at AValtham Cross ,