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Obituary .
MASON ! how ist that thou so soone art gone Home from thy work ; what was the fault the stone Or did thy hammer fayle or didst suspect Thy masters wages would thy work neglect Christ was thy corner stone Christian the rest Hammer the word—Good Life the line all blest And yet art gone ' twas Honornot thy crime
, , AA ' ith stone Hearts to work much in little time Thy master sawt and tooke thee off from them To the bright stones of New JERVSELEMThy work ( and ours ) men may esteem a base on Heaven counts it blest there—there rests a blest Free Mason
AA ' ILLIAM MASON , Minister of Abbotts Kerswell , Devon , Died in 1639 , aged 23 years . * Jan . 7 . —Brother JOHN WHITE , of this town , aged 70 . The death of this estimable man has caused a vacuum in society which will not readily be filled up . Possessed of a powerful mind and sound judgment , his valuable life was much employed in dispensing assistance to his
needy neighbours , while the more affluent often profited by his counsel . Cheerful ancl urbane , charitable without ostentation , and devout without parade , he ivas beloved and respected by all classes , and died , bequeathing to his survivors , a rich example of a good name . — Taunton Courier Strictly true , writes one of our most esteemed correspondents , is the above tribute to one of the worthies of the Craft , who has been gathered to his fathers ! and we should feel ourselves wanting in respect to his
memory , as well as in justice to those whom he has left behind him , did we not devoutly , mentally say " requiescat in pace . " Our deceased Brother was the father of Brother Eales AVhite , in whom he successfully implanted those impressive seeds of sound Masonic example , which have abundantly brought forth its good fruit . He worked hard in his time as a faithful Craftsman—his private papers give evidence that the hour of retirement was not by him passed heedless of his great
duty—while the minute books of his Lodge show that his thirst for Masonic knowledge was never slaked but in its acquirement . From the altar at which he first pledged his Masonic fidelity in 1806 , he in 1808 addressed the Brethren as their Master , and when the Lodge some years since lapsed into difficulties , our Brother John AA'hite , with his spirit and example , re-animated the small band , and lived to witness its prosperity . " Good old Brother AVhite , " while living , was warm in
the cause of all charity , but especially in favour of the Asylum . The heir of his virtues and of his example , has lost a father ; but the hope that his reward above is great , will be a consolation , while the example of such a parent is indeed a rich inheritance . '
March 2 . —AVALTER LINDESAY CRUCKFIX , the infant son of Brother Eales AA ^ hite . " Sweet cherub ! thy father mourns thy loss , yet praises HIM who wings thy blessed flight . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
MASON ! how ist that thou so soone art gone Home from thy work ; what was the fault the stone Or did thy hammer fayle or didst suspect Thy masters wages would thy work neglect Christ was thy corner stone Christian the rest Hammer the word—Good Life the line all blest And yet art gone ' twas Honornot thy crime
, , AA ' ith stone Hearts to work much in little time Thy master sawt and tooke thee off from them To the bright stones of New JERVSELEMThy work ( and ours ) men may esteem a base on Heaven counts it blest there—there rests a blest Free Mason
AA ' ILLIAM MASON , Minister of Abbotts Kerswell , Devon , Died in 1639 , aged 23 years . * Jan . 7 . —Brother JOHN WHITE , of this town , aged 70 . The death of this estimable man has caused a vacuum in society which will not readily be filled up . Possessed of a powerful mind and sound judgment , his valuable life was much employed in dispensing assistance to his
needy neighbours , while the more affluent often profited by his counsel . Cheerful ancl urbane , charitable without ostentation , and devout without parade , he ivas beloved and respected by all classes , and died , bequeathing to his survivors , a rich example of a good name . — Taunton Courier Strictly true , writes one of our most esteemed correspondents , is the above tribute to one of the worthies of the Craft , who has been gathered to his fathers ! and we should feel ourselves wanting in respect to his
memory , as well as in justice to those whom he has left behind him , did we not devoutly , mentally say " requiescat in pace . " Our deceased Brother was the father of Brother Eales AVhite , in whom he successfully implanted those impressive seeds of sound Masonic example , which have abundantly brought forth its good fruit . He worked hard in his time as a faithful Craftsman—his private papers give evidence that the hour of retirement was not by him passed heedless of his great
duty—while the minute books of his Lodge show that his thirst for Masonic knowledge was never slaked but in its acquirement . From the altar at which he first pledged his Masonic fidelity in 1806 , he in 1808 addressed the Brethren as their Master , and when the Lodge some years since lapsed into difficulties , our Brother John AA'hite , with his spirit and example , re-animated the small band , and lived to witness its prosperity . " Good old Brother AVhite , " while living , was warm in
the cause of all charity , but especially in favour of the Asylum . The heir of his virtues and of his example , has lost a father ; but the hope that his reward above is great , will be a consolation , while the example of such a parent is indeed a rich inheritance . '
March 2 . —AVALTER LINDESAY CRUCKFIX , the infant son of Brother Eales AA ^ hite . " Sweet cherub ! thy father mourns thy loss , yet praises HIM who wings thy blessed flight . "