Article New Edition, 6 vols, small Svo. 5s. each... Page 1 of 1 Article Now publishing in Monthly Parts, price T... Page 1 of 1 Article MASONRY IS CHARITY AND GOOD-WILL TO ALL ... Page 1 of 1 Article WATCHES, PLATE, AND JEWELLERY. T P. ACKL... Page 1 of 1
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New Edition, 6 Vols, Small Svo. 5s. Each...
New Edition , 6 vols , small Svo . 5 s . each , cloth lettered , rpHE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL . This Edition , printed in a cheap form , to ¦ *¦ accommodate the larger class of publishers , comprises the WHOLE OF THE WORKS already published , under an entirely new arrangement , classified , as nearly as possible , by their subjects ; with copious Indexes , newly prepared . Complete in Six uniform Volumes , price 30 * ., cloth lettered . % * The Svo . Edition may also be had , £ 3 3 * ., cloth and lettered . S . HOLDSWORTH , 69 , Berners Street , Oxford Street .
Now Publishing In Monthly Parts, Price T...
Now publishing in Monthly Parts , price Two Shillings , npHE NEW TABLET OF MEMORY ; or CHRONICLE of REMARKABLE - " - EVENTS ; with the Dates of Inventions and Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences ; and Biographical Notices of the most Distinguished Persons of every Age and Nation ; forming a complete Epitome of Universal History . By THOMAS BARTLETT , Esq .
To be completed in Nine Parts , at 2 s . each , and may be had in Parts at 1 * ., and Numbers at 6 d . each . Embellished with Illustrative Engravings . London ; THOMAS KELLY , Paternoster Row . Sold by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., and all Booksellers .
Masonry Is Charity And Good-Will To All ...
MASONRY IS CHARITY AND GOOD-WILL TO ALL MANKIND . " Man , man ! prince , peer , or peasant ! in what canst thou resemble thy God , unless in the exercise of charity ? "
" Si non ignara mali miseris sticcurrere disce . " TO H . R . H . PRINCE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK , DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., K . T . _ G . C . B . The M . W . Grand Master of England ; and to the various other Officers of Masonic Lodges in London and the Provinces .
A GENTLEMAN ( twenty-six years of age , of liberal education , and known literary - ^* - talent , and possessing first-rate testimonials of character and ability ) , grandson of a physician formerly attached to the court royal of Louis XVI ., and son of a P . G . D . of one of the most celebrated Ledges in England , being at the present time in want of an ENGAGEMENT ( literary or otherwise ) , appeals to the charity and benevolence of the MASONIC Bony to assist him in his views , and thus rescue himself and family from the horrors of impending starvation . Apply ( by letter only , bearing name and address ) to A . G . Hatch , care of Mr . Barber , 30 , Cross Street , Hatton Garden .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any of the * - ' * above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , wliich consists of WATCHES of every JDeseription , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold Watches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New ancl Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
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New Edition, 6 Vols, Small Svo. 5s. Each...
New Edition , 6 vols , small Svo . 5 s . each , cloth lettered , rpHE WORKS OF ROBERT HALL . This Edition , printed in a cheap form , to ¦ *¦ accommodate the larger class of publishers , comprises the WHOLE OF THE WORKS already published , under an entirely new arrangement , classified , as nearly as possible , by their subjects ; with copious Indexes , newly prepared . Complete in Six uniform Volumes , price 30 * ., cloth lettered . % * The Svo . Edition may also be had , £ 3 3 * ., cloth and lettered . S . HOLDSWORTH , 69 , Berners Street , Oxford Street .
Now Publishing In Monthly Parts, Price T...
Now publishing in Monthly Parts , price Two Shillings , npHE NEW TABLET OF MEMORY ; or CHRONICLE of REMARKABLE - " - EVENTS ; with the Dates of Inventions and Discoveries in the Arts and Sciences ; and Biographical Notices of the most Distinguished Persons of every Age and Nation ; forming a complete Epitome of Universal History . By THOMAS BARTLETT , Esq .
To be completed in Nine Parts , at 2 s . each , and may be had in Parts at 1 * ., and Numbers at 6 d . each . Embellished with Illustrative Engravings . London ; THOMAS KELLY , Paternoster Row . Sold by Simpkin , Marshall , and Co ., and all Booksellers .
Masonry Is Charity And Good-Will To All ...
MASONRY IS CHARITY AND GOOD-WILL TO ALL MANKIND . " Man , man ! prince , peer , or peasant ! in what canst thou resemble thy God , unless in the exercise of charity ? "
" Si non ignara mali miseris sticcurrere disce . " TO H . R . H . PRINCE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK , DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., K . T . _ G . C . B . The M . W . Grand Master of England ; and to the various other Officers of Masonic Lodges in London and the Provinces .
A GENTLEMAN ( twenty-six years of age , of liberal education , and known literary - ^* - talent , and possessing first-rate testimonials of character and ability ) , grandson of a physician formerly attached to the court royal of Louis XVI ., and son of a P . G . D . of one of the most celebrated Ledges in England , being at the present time in want of an ENGAGEMENT ( literary or otherwise ) , appeals to the charity and benevolence of the MASONIC Bony to assist him in his views , and thus rescue himself and family from the horrors of impending starvation . Apply ( by letter only , bearing name and address ) to A . G . Hatch , care of Mr . Barber , 30 , Cross Street , Hatton Garden .
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. T P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . T P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any of the * - ' * above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , wliich consists of WATCHES of every JDeseription , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold Watch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold Watches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New ancl Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , & c . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .