Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ORDER. Page 1 of 7 →
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To The Editor.
their great " Architect , " and hope to remain firmly , faithfully , and dearly his until this great world sliall cease . ROSENBERG . [ Accident prevented the timeous appearance of the above ; ancl the extremely great difficulty in translating the paper retarded its publication until the present moment , which we ourselves the more regret , as
such delay has too probably been the cause of the long-continued silence of our esteemed correspondent . The reatler will observe , that the translator ' s phraseology is purposely not interfered with . ]
Royal Order.
IN the last number of the Review , in an article on the " Rose Croix , " tlie Royal Order has been pointed out as tlie origin of that degree . A friend in Paris , however , cut out and sent to me some months ago the following- extract from M . Clavel ' s work on Freemasonry , which you have already once or twice noticed : I trust that M . Clavel ' s accuracy on other points is greater than in this passage : — ' - 'Jusqu ' en 1785 la Maconnerie d'Ecosse se composa exclusivement des trois grades
, symboliques . A cette epoque , il s'institua a Edimbourg une autorite Maconnique sous le titre de Grande-Locje do V Ordre Royal de Ilcredom de Kilwinning , quiconferait un haul grade divise en trois points , coiirm sous le nom tie Rose-croix de la tour . On attribuait a cet ordre une origine ancienne ; on pretendait qu ' il avait en Robert Bruce pour fondateur , et , pour grands-maitres , la plupart des vois d'Ecosse ; mais aucun document ostensible n ' etayait cette assertion . L ' ordre royal
forma des etablissements a . l ' etranger et particulierement en France , dans la loge cle t'Ard . nte Amitic , a Rouen , qui en devint la Grande Loge provinciale , et constitua differents chapitres dans les provinces , aux colonies , et clans le royaume dTtalie , du temps de Napoleon : La Grande-Loge tie Saint-Jean d'Etlimbourg fit tons ses efforts pour s ' opposer a la propagation tie cette maconnerie dans l ' enlendue de sa jurisdiction , et elle est parvenue , si non a la detruire entirement , du
moins a la circonscrire dans un petit nombre de chapitres . " From this , one would suppose that the Grand Royal Lodge elects its Grand Masters ; whereas it acknowledges the King of Scotland , now of Great Britain , as de jure its Grand Master . Thory , in his " Acta Latomorum , " I ., p . 277 , has given a catalogue of the Scotch kings ( commencing with Robert Bruce ) as Grand Master of the Order : on this M . Clavel has proceeded ; but for the accuracy of that catalogue the
Grand Lodge of the Royal Order is not responsible ; nor has the Grand Lodge ever emitted an opinion as to how many or how few of the Scotch kings were actually initiated in the Older . As to any quarrel between the two Grand Lodges in Scotland , it was unheard of here ; and many of the Grand Masters and Wardens of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ( of St . John ' s Masonry ) have considered it their duty to apply for admission into the Grand Chapter and Grancl Lod
ge of the Royal Order . The number of Chapters of the Royal Order , and also the number of Members , were always very limited ; and the Order would have been in a more prosperous state at this day
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
their great " Architect , " and hope to remain firmly , faithfully , and dearly his until this great world sliall cease . ROSENBERG . [ Accident prevented the timeous appearance of the above ; ancl the extremely great difficulty in translating the paper retarded its publication until the present moment , which we ourselves the more regret , as
such delay has too probably been the cause of the long-continued silence of our esteemed correspondent . The reatler will observe , that the translator ' s phraseology is purposely not interfered with . ]
Royal Order.
IN the last number of the Review , in an article on the " Rose Croix , " tlie Royal Order has been pointed out as tlie origin of that degree . A friend in Paris , however , cut out and sent to me some months ago the following- extract from M . Clavel ' s work on Freemasonry , which you have already once or twice noticed : I trust that M . Clavel ' s accuracy on other points is greater than in this passage : — ' - 'Jusqu ' en 1785 la Maconnerie d'Ecosse se composa exclusivement des trois grades
, symboliques . A cette epoque , il s'institua a Edimbourg une autorite Maconnique sous le titre de Grande-Locje do V Ordre Royal de Ilcredom de Kilwinning , quiconferait un haul grade divise en trois points , coiirm sous le nom tie Rose-croix de la tour . On attribuait a cet ordre une origine ancienne ; on pretendait qu ' il avait en Robert Bruce pour fondateur , et , pour grands-maitres , la plupart des vois d'Ecosse ; mais aucun document ostensible n ' etayait cette assertion . L ' ordre royal
forma des etablissements a . l ' etranger et particulierement en France , dans la loge cle t'Ard . nte Amitic , a Rouen , qui en devint la Grande Loge provinciale , et constitua differents chapitres dans les provinces , aux colonies , et clans le royaume dTtalie , du temps de Napoleon : La Grande-Loge tie Saint-Jean d'Etlimbourg fit tons ses efforts pour s ' opposer a la propagation tie cette maconnerie dans l ' enlendue de sa jurisdiction , et elle est parvenue , si non a la detruire entirement , du
moins a la circonscrire dans un petit nombre de chapitres . " From this , one would suppose that the Grand Royal Lodge elects its Grand Masters ; whereas it acknowledges the King of Scotland , now of Great Britain , as de jure its Grand Master . Thory , in his " Acta Latomorum , " I ., p . 277 , has given a catalogue of the Scotch kings ( commencing with Robert Bruce ) as Grand Master of the Order : on this M . Clavel has proceeded ; but for the accuracy of that catalogue the
Grand Lodge of the Royal Order is not responsible ; nor has the Grand Lodge ever emitted an opinion as to how many or how few of the Scotch kings were actually initiated in the Older . As to any quarrel between the two Grand Lodges in Scotland , it was unheard of here ; and many of the Grand Masters and Wardens of the Grand Lodge of Scotland ( of St . John ' s Masonry ) have considered it their duty to apply for admission into the Grand Chapter and Grancl Lod
ge of the Royal Order . The number of Chapters of the Royal Order , and also the number of Members , were always very limited ; and the Order would have been in a more prosperous state at this day