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RAMSGATE , Jan . 10 . —ROYAL NAVAL LODGE , NO . 625 . —A large meeting of the Brethren took place , when Brother Baker was installed AV . M ., and Brothers Perkin S . AV ., Norman J . W ., Cramp S . D ., Hale J . D ., Dear Sec , Emmerson Treasurer ; after which the W . M . proceeded to introduce several new candidates into the Order The business of the clay being closed in due form , the Brothers retired to a banquet . After the removal of the cloth , the various Masonic toasts were drank with the accustomed honours ; a particularly convivial evening was
spent , and which was greatly enhanced by some excellent songs from Brothers Perkin , Newman , Dear , AA ^ ithe , and others . This proved a highly satisfactory meeting to tiie Brothers—convincing them , by tlie late rapid increase of its members , that Masonry stands upon a sure and solid basis , which is not to be destroyed ( it may for a time be injured ) by those who are only Masons liy name , and do dishonour to the Craft in general . AVe trust soon again to see Masonry flourish in this
island , and that the Margate Lodge will again be restored to its former importance in the Craft . DOVER . —The Festival of St . John was celebrated by the Brethren of the Lodges 235 ancl 700 , who met together on Thursday , at the London Hotel ; the AA'orshipful Master of Lodge 235 being in the chair . About thirty of the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , which reflected great credit upon the new host of the above hotel , Brother Hollyer .
After the cloth was removed , the usual Masonic and loyal toasts were proposed and drank with due honours . The conviviality of the evening was much enhanced by the vocal powers of Brothers Doorne , Hollis , Reuben , Johnson , and others .
CAMBRIDGE , Dec . 29 . —St . John s Day was celebrated with great festivity and hospitality by the Bretliren of the Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) of Cambridge , on which occasion the newly-elected Master , Thos . Robinson , Esq ., of Trinity College , was installed . On this occasion , too , the Provincial Grand Master ( I . H . Hall , Esq-, of King ' s College ) , lately appointed by the Pro-Grand Master of England ( Earl Zetland ) , made his first appearance among the Brethren , anclnotwithstanding his being wholly unknown to themwas receiveci
, , in the most cordial manner . The business of the day was conducted in a manner highly praiseworthy to the late Master of the Lodge ( Bro . Baxter ) and his officers . During the clay it was announced that the Mural Tablet to the memory of the late Acting Provincial Grand Master ( the Rev . G . A . Browne ) , and which had been erected in Chesterton Church at the expense of the Scientific Lodgewas now completedancl had iven great satisfaction
, , g to all who had seen it . After the banquet , a very handsome silver snuff-box , beautifully chased , and adorned with the arms of the Craft , was presented by the late J . W . on retiring from active interference in the Lodge . It contained the following inscription within the lid : —
" I'l-os' -nted to the Scientific Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , No . HI . " ,, Cambridge , byG A F Hentinck , J . W ., St . John's Day , 11143 . " The Provincial Grand Master announced his intention to hold , according to the Constitutions , a Provincial Grand Lodge , which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
RAMSGATE , Jan . 10 . —ROYAL NAVAL LODGE , NO . 625 . —A large meeting of the Brethren took place , when Brother Baker was installed AV . M ., and Brothers Perkin S . AV ., Norman J . W ., Cramp S . D ., Hale J . D ., Dear Sec , Emmerson Treasurer ; after which the W . M . proceeded to introduce several new candidates into the Order The business of the clay being closed in due form , the Brothers retired to a banquet . After the removal of the cloth , the various Masonic toasts were drank with the accustomed honours ; a particularly convivial evening was
spent , and which was greatly enhanced by some excellent songs from Brothers Perkin , Newman , Dear , AA ^ ithe , and others . This proved a highly satisfactory meeting to tiie Brothers—convincing them , by tlie late rapid increase of its members , that Masonry stands upon a sure and solid basis , which is not to be destroyed ( it may for a time be injured ) by those who are only Masons liy name , and do dishonour to the Craft in general . AVe trust soon again to see Masonry flourish in this
island , and that the Margate Lodge will again be restored to its former importance in the Craft . DOVER . —The Festival of St . John was celebrated by the Brethren of the Lodges 235 ancl 700 , who met together on Thursday , at the London Hotel ; the AA'orshipful Master of Lodge 235 being in the chair . About thirty of the Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner , which reflected great credit upon the new host of the above hotel , Brother Hollyer .
After the cloth was removed , the usual Masonic and loyal toasts were proposed and drank with due honours . The conviviality of the evening was much enhanced by the vocal powers of Brothers Doorne , Hollis , Reuben , Johnson , and others .
CAMBRIDGE , Dec . 29 . —St . John s Day was celebrated with great festivity and hospitality by the Bretliren of the Scientific Lodge ( No . 105 ) of Cambridge , on which occasion the newly-elected Master , Thos . Robinson , Esq ., of Trinity College , was installed . On this occasion , too , the Provincial Grand Master ( I . H . Hall , Esq-, of King ' s College ) , lately appointed by the Pro-Grand Master of England ( Earl Zetland ) , made his first appearance among the Brethren , anclnotwithstanding his being wholly unknown to themwas receiveci
, , in the most cordial manner . The business of the day was conducted in a manner highly praiseworthy to the late Master of the Lodge ( Bro . Baxter ) and his officers . During the clay it was announced that the Mural Tablet to the memory of the late Acting Provincial Grand Master ( the Rev . G . A . Browne ) , and which had been erected in Chesterton Church at the expense of the Scientific Lodgewas now completedancl had iven great satisfaction
, , g to all who had seen it . After the banquet , a very handsome silver snuff-box , beautifully chased , and adorned with the arms of the Craft , was presented by the late J . W . on retiring from active interference in the Lodge . It contained the following inscription within the lid : —
" I'l-os' -nted to the Scientific Lodge of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons , No . HI . " ,, Cambridge , byG A F Hentinck , J . W ., St . John's Day , 11143 . " The Provincial Grand Master announced his intention to hold , according to the Constitutions , a Provincial Grand Lodge , which